Saturday 5 May 2018

What a day

The warmest Bank Holiday since the 1970's - absolutely lovely here - not too hot but wall-to-wall sunshine.   As I pottered in my garden (the most I can manage) I couldn't help but notice the number of bees (not honey bees) who seemed to be looking for a 'home' in my stone wall.   Perhaps somebody can throw light on what they are doing.

It was the day when the Tour de Yorkshire came through our little town and also through the village where my son and his wife live.   It started in Catterick Garrison, about ten miles from here, and finished in Scarborough something like 170kms later.   I watched a lot of it on Channel 24 (it will be on there again tomorrow).   Although it actually came across the end of my road I can't stand for long enough to wait for its arrival. But, by golly, the end was very exciting.

I have planted a few more plants today - a Berberis, an Iberis, a Pyrethrum and an Artemesia.  So when my garden calls he will just have the evergreen shrubs to plant for me plus a couple of rock plants.

My handyman called to check that the cement was drying well in the handrails he has put up (it was) so all in all a successful day.   And to complete it a lovely long e mail from my Grandson who works in China - a surprise and a very pleasant one too.


  1. Yes, it's been gloriously sunny here, too, and everyone was out in town celebrating Liberation Day. Lots of music, ice cream and tee-shirts ... not to mention far too many pairs of shorts!
    Have a good Bank Holiday!

  2. They could be masonry bees, they nest in walls I think.

  3. It's been a glorious day, or in Lily's words a 'perfect outside day.' Wouldn't it be wonderful if every weekend was like this? X

  4. Probably a bumblebee looking for a home, they look anywhere to make a nest. Bank Holiday Monday looks to being nice here too.

  5. Sounds like your garden is really coming along. Beautiful weather here too, looking forward to being strong enough to go out in the garden.

  6. If it's carpenter bees (don't know how to tell), you can fill a small brown paper bag with plastic bags, secure the top with string and hang it near the area where the bees are. They'll think it's a wasp nest and leave, no poison necessary! I have a friend who swears by this method. Your garden is really coming along. Rainy here in the swamp. We'll have sunshine tomorrow, I hope.

  7. I love cycle racing, I'm glad you got to enjoy it on TV. I've been cricketing today in the heat.

  8. Not sure why Marion wants to get rid of bees! Bees need all the encouragement we can offer. It was actually too hot in the NE of Scotland, not often I can say that!

  9. I thought the same thing Pat.. masonry bees...They don't make honey or even have a hive but look for holes like that to lay their eggs and they will stuff it full of things for the young . A very interesting read if you look them up.. I have been enjoying watching the Baltimore Orioles... they do not pass thru this area frequently but they are here in droves this year... They like sugar water but a little weaker mix than the humming birds and we have one feeder we have drilled the holes a little larger so they can fit their larger beak in.. they also like oranges and grape jelly.. lol They are so colorful and i have taken lots of photos i will post on my T party post this week... Have you ever seen them? Hugs! deb

  10. How nice to see the industrious bees and to enjoy your hot weather. I welcome bees in my garden, they are having a tough time on planet earth these days. The weather is warm here too.

  11. Good to hear the weather has, at last, improved in your part of the world. The handrails in your garden will make it easier to get around and check on everything. All you need now is a comfy, strategically placed seat where you can sit and survey your garden's splendour.....

  12. Encourage the bumble bee they need all the help they can get. We have quite a few round at the moment looking for somewhere to nest, they like mouse nests.

  13. That sounds like a most satisfactory day all round. Good to have your handrail fixed already and to know that you had your share of warmth and sunshine too. It was glorious here - windows open all day long.
    You will be doing your gardener out of a job with all that planting. How lovely to have all those bees, which ever type they are. I think they like the warmth of a stone wall.

  14. Like some others have said here, I woukd not try to get rid of the bees - wild bees (and other insects) are so important for our environment and far too often under threat through loss of habitat and use of pesticides.
    Your day sounds good, full of sun and a pleasant surprise!

  15. Masonry bees will be just that and tunnel into masonry, more likely, as Rachel said, that they were a variety of bumblebee looking for a nest site, they will nest anywhere. I ha a nest in my garage a couple of years ago, under the concrete floor, where the floor had moved away from the wall slightly. When I went out in the morning to open the garage the bees would be circling waiting and then fly in and go under the floor.
    Only one day before somebody said it was too hot.

  16. Sunday and Another lovely day here. Hope it is good for you too.
    And the bees are probably masonary bees - a solitary bee that likes walls. Yo might see them taking in bits of leaf once they have decided on a nest.

  17. Glorious day here too - or at least in Ely which is where I spent much of the day. 170 Km? That sounds like a car journey rather than a bike ride. And a long car trip at that.

  18. Fear not. I have no intention of trying to get rid of the bees. The more wild life I can encourage to my garden the better I shall like it.

  19. Your post is a lovely tribute to May.

  20. Seems as if all is going well in the garden! You are fortunate you are in a position to organize everything that will make it safer and more 'user-friendly'. So glad the weather is good!
