Wednesday 30 May 2018


There is something very relaxing about Poetry - especially when it is read aloud.    For me it is not something to read quietly to oneself - it is for reading aloud.   Not so many of us at our monthly Poetry today, but it is quality not quantity which matters and we had a lovely afternoon. 

My morning, which started out quite relaxed and pleasant did rather gather  momentum as the morning went on.   The bank, the Post Office, the Solicitor, all went swimmingly until I arrived home to find that my gardener had put all the grass cuttings and weeds into my grey (i.e. rubbish) bin - being on the farm we had no need for a green (garden rubbish) bin.   So I went on line to order a green bin (22 pounds per annum) - this took me such a long time because my computer seems to have mixed up all the signs.  Each time the council form told me to put in my e mail address, instead of putting in @ when I pressed that key it printed "
- later at Poetry I found another person who had had the same problem this mor ning with the same two keys.   Just now, trying to print the pound sign for the top of this paragraph, when I pressed the pound sign all I got was #.   Can anyone please explain to me exactly what has happened?   As it seems to have happened to someone else I am assuming that it is not necessarily my computer.   Any ideas?


  1. Computers! CAn't live with them, can't live without them. Wretched keyboard on my Chromebook won't work

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You need to go to the Control Panel and change the language so that it is English United Kingdom. It sounds like the key board has changed itself to think it is in the US perhaps. Maybe since a Windows 10 automatic upgrade or you accidentally hit ctrl alt shift and caps lock all at once with your wizardry and changed it yourself!

  4. @"££ - No, everything seems to be in order here.
    The Romantic poets, especially Wordsworth and Coleridge, would have agreed with you; they used to "write" much of their poetry by reciting it aloud as they walked about the countryside which must have contributed to the widely held opinion that they were both completely mad!

  5. It's good to have a place where quality matters more than quantity (poetry club).
    In a democracy, it's quantity that matters - the number of voters and votes at the elections. And then, the elected politician makes laws to please his voters (he knows who they are). For example, a law which allows the deletion of someone's past offences or crimes from state records.
    Sadly, reality belongs to quantity not to quality.

  6. I have no idea whether this will work for you Pat. But, every time something goes wrong with my phone, the smart TV, modems and computers, she has me unplug it and wait for a minute then plug it back in. It really works. Everyone must know this trick but me.

  7. I always think that it is my fault when the computer does something peculiar, then I think perhaps they have a mind of their own, even though they are inanimate objects. I hope someone will be able to find a solution to your problem, and am pleased that you have poetry to soothe the mind!

  8. I love all types of poetry but it seems to not be as popular these days. Even our Barnes & Noble bookstore here has relegated poetry to just one small section moved to the back of the store. Everything today is so fast and instant - does that mean people can't take the time to think and enjoy something like poetry? Well, I for one will always enjoy it and I'm glad you and your poetry group do too Pat!

  9. I often lose my question mark. It comes out as "E" with a French slanty thing so I am guessing it has something to do with the language selected.

  10. In the USA, # is the pound sign, (as in weight).

  11. Why not a compost heap in the corner of your garden?

  12. Have you tried to turn off your computer and let it reboot. It will clear/clean the virtual memory.

    "Rebooting usually helps to clear things up but you might need to power cycle instead, which is turn off, shut down, the computer and let it rest for a minute or two before powering it on again." -Twoson

    My second son "Twoson" helped me with the correct terms.

    I do not like to pull the plug as Donna said because I think it hurts the computer but that is just me.

    good luck
    cheers, parsnip

  13. It happened to me as well, is there some sinister plot around? ;)

  14. As has been suggested by another reader here, your keyboard layout may have changed itself through a WIN10 update. It shouldn't, but sometimes these things happen. Setting the language back to UK English should solve the problem.

    Poetry has never really be "my" literary genre, but I do love the idea of your monthly poetry meetings; every time you talk about them I want to be there, sit back, listen and enjoy.

  15. Hi Weaver,

    First time comment but you have changed the keyboard to the US setting - to change it back press Alt and Shift at the same time. Hope this helps :)


  16. On the left lower hand side of your keyboard press ctrl key and up arrow both at the same time. That should change it back for you. Hope it works.
