Tuesday 1 May 2018

A fright.

The first present the farmer ever bought me (long before we married) was a pretty bracelet.   Not particularly valuable but I value it greatly now of course and wear it all the time.

Yesterday morning I went to Book Group and definitely noticed my bracelet during the morning.
At around six o'clock last evening I suddenly noticed that it had gone from my wrist.  Horror - had I lost it?

This morning I retraced my steps, calling in to places I had been yesterday and asking if anyone had found it.   At lunch time I typed a letter to drop in at the Police Station telling them to let me know if any kind and honest person handed it in there.

I was sad.   I came home after lunch out with friends, came in and collected Tess to walk round the estate.   As I locked my door I saw my bracelet.   It was lying on my front drive.   Luckily I had not driven over it.   I had missed it when I went out this morning - it must have laid there since yesterday.


  1. It must have been such a relief for you to see it there. Had it snapped or just fallen off? X

  2. Well done Pat, what a relief that must of been.

  3. That sounds stressful. Glad it hadn't fallen off far from home.

  4. Phew! That's a relief. Glad you spotted it.

  5. So glad you found your bracelet, Pat. Would it be a good idea to have a safety chain fitted
    as it's so precious?
    I was glad when you started blogging again last week. Thought the visit might have worn you out!

  6. Oh, I know that awful feeling when you suddenly realize something is missing like that! I am so glad you found it.

  7. You must have felt so sad when you thought it was lost. So pleased you found it.

  8. The relief when that happens is like a huge warm wave!

  9. I wish I could say the same. I lost a sweet little beaded bracelet my daughter made for me. It had a small silver heart engraved "Mom". I still miss it.

  10. You've had quite the week, so far...hope you have a wonderful May!

  11. Phew. That awful pit of the stomach feeling. Sorted.x

  12. A happy ending to find your bracelet with great sentimental value.

  13. Relief. I lost a ring last week, and have not found it.

  14. Whenever Mrs G loses something such as a bracelet or a ring she asks St Anthony to find it, and 9 times out of 10 it turns up, sometimes in the strangest circumstances. She always thanks him with a few coins in a church charity box.

  15. Always wonderful to find something that was lost.

  16. There was a safety chain on it - I think it has worn a bit loose. I shall not wear it again until I have taken it to a jeweller to give it the once over.
    Thanks for the good wishes one and all.

  17. I'm happy that you found it right in your own driveway.

  18. Some time back, my wife lost her watch whilst out walking the dogs. Later she retraced her route and found it on the road; it HAD been run over. I managed to knock it back into shape, and it continued to work for a few more years.

  19. Good news that it was at home on the driveway and not in the big bad world!

  20. What a relief to find your bracelet safe on your own driveway.
