Wednesday 4 April 2018

Yet another pouring wet day.

For the second time this week it has rained all day.   At one point it looked on the verge of clearing up, but no such luck.   Pouring rain set in yet again.

Imagine the scene. We are in our local Market Place.   It is Friday morning.   It is wet.   Very wet.

Although it is market day most of the traders have taken one look out of the bedroom window and gone back to bed.   There are a couple of fruit and vegetable stalls, a fish stall, the cheese lady, the biscuit and bits and bobs man and - don't let's forget the garden man - standing shivering in the rain amongst his Summer bedding.

Otherwise the Market Place  is full of traffic cones, most of them strategically pushed to one side by locals, who know from experience that no more traders will be coming today in this weather, so they can park their cars there.

Customers?   Well, we need our five a day and the produce on the fruit and veg stalls is excellent and super fresh.   The fish is newly caught.   The selection of cheeses is second to none and mouth-wateringly tempting.   So there is no doubt the customers will be there.   And this is where my plea comes in.

 If you were to stand on top of the Town Hall and look down on the scene it would seem as dull and monochrome as a Black ahnd White Photograph.   Brollies would be black or a dark colour, macintoshes would be of the black, brown, fawn, navy sort of colour that everybody wears in wet weather. 

So here is my suggestion.  Please local clothing shops - fill your windows with yellow sou'westers, bright blue wellies, red macintoshes, green anoraks, polka dot umbrellas.   Because would it not be joyous on a pouring wet Friday morning to walk into town and see a plethora of cheery colours brightening up the wet day?   Oh, and a jolly music group playing on the Town Hall steps wouldn't come amiss either.

Then we could all start out with a spring in our steps saying, 'Bother the rain.   Who cares if we get wet.   At least we look cheerful.'



  1. I'm with you, make it as cheerful as possible!

    "...the cheese lady..."

    A magnificent title.

  2. Excellent idea push it for all its worth.

  3. I am a bit puzzled about the post revolving around Friday, when it is Wednesday today (at least here in this country!).
    Other than that, I can so well imagine the dismal and dull picture - you really manage to set the inner film reel spinning.
    I love my little red brollie, not only because it fits in my handbag! I have a slightly bigger one in yellow, but for stormy days, I need something more stable and that one is, I'm afraid, a sturdy black one.
    Oh, and I have a pink rain blouson :-)

  4. I was also puzzled about references to Friday when it is Wednesday, and the first comment I also found confusing "the cheese lady" all went above my head. Rain days are bad for market stallholders, miserable days for them, but good if you can park if they are not there. Our nearest town has a market and even if the traders don't turn up in bad weather the local council still prevent parking. Nice idea but if people don't like rain, I regret to say they don't like rain.

  5. I treated myself to a red raincoat with hood for really wet weather, in order to brighten things up. I usually wear navy. Very wet this morning but sunshine and showers this afternoon though there are plenty of large dark clouds about.

  6. I love your descriptions. You have such a talent with words and some brilliant ideas!

  7. I love your idea and am so envious of your having a local market.
    We would have to cross the sea to find one.
    On holiday in London recently I was stunned by the cheapness
    and quality of fruit in the local market.
    We will be coming in your direction this summer so will have
    to try to visit Leyburn on a Friday.

  8. do I qualify? brolly brought back from Darwin Aus multi coloured yellow/ purple/ green and white...(took pictures but cannot find how to post) Coat bought from Asda,Bright yellow,.... went to Cologne last week and my friends could always find me lol

  9. Great idea. I miss English cheese. Canada has many wonderful qualities but cheese is not one of them.

  10. Friday?? - are you trying to confuse us.
    The "cheese lady" I assume, is simply someone who sells cheeses at the market.

  11. I wrote the piece today for our writers' group. Friday is our market day. It is pouring with rain today - it poured with rain last Friday. So whatever the day - if it rains our market place is dismal.
    Our cheese lady has an open sided caravan and sells cheese from around the world - absolutely brilliant cheese - her farmhouse Lancashire on toast has to be tasted to be believed. (she sells the cheese and i make the toast when I arrive home and eat it for my lunch - just so that I don't confuse you further!)

  12. Oh weave! If they’re confused by your cheese lady I hardly dare mention my fish woman!

  13. It's no wonder the weather is such a high level on our list of topics. It varies so much from day to day and from place to place. Apart from one short lived tropical style shower it has been warmish and sunny here. I even changed from wearing my Winter coat to a slightly less padded, and heavy, one. For wet, dark mornings I have a bright yellow padded coat with reflective strips - as worn by the motorcyclists who deliver blood around London hospitals. Penny wears a bright orange harness with a central reflective band.

  14. I envy you your cheese lady - reminded me of the wonderful market at Oswestry.

  15. What a glorious idea - hope it catches on!

  16. I usually don't know what day it is, so if you say it's Friday, I think it must be!!! But now all your friends have got me back on the right day, thank goodness.

    Your idea is a great one - we all need more color in our lives, especially on rainy days. Great essay, Pat!

  17. That is such a great idea ! Color is GUD !

    cheers, parsnip

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  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. What a wonderful idea for everyone to wear bright rain clothing! I can see our local farmers market now, with all the colorful raincoats, boots and umbrellas. I will have to go out and buy myself something bright to wear.

  21. I like it. Colourful in all weathers. Go to your local newspaper, and tell them of your schere!

  22. Lovely thought, reminded me of that colourful photograph of dozens of coloured umbrellas hung above the streets of Bath.

  23. Love Wanda's answer!!
    Thanks for your comments everyone. Glorious day today.

  24. That would certainly brighten up a wet day - perhaps we ought to have those lovely 'animal' wellies that children wear too !

  25. Thank you for explaining about the "Friday" reference, Pat!
    By the way, I have often heard terms such as cheese lady or fish woman - they aptly describe what the person in question does, so it was interesting to see that some were confused by you using that term.
    When my late husband was talking about an elderly neighbour whose name he didn't know, he always called her "Mrs. Woman", and I always knew who he meant.
