Monday 9 April 2018


Tess and I went on a Garden Crawl after lunch today - to several garden centres looking for more herbaceous plants to put into my new border.

The sun was trying hard to break through the heavy mist - the mist had that sharp 'frosty' edge and you couldn't see very far ahead.   The hills were invisible for most of our journey. 

Tess sat in the front passenger seat - her favourite spot.   She would very much have liked to wander round the garden centres with me but for various reasons she was better left in the car.   

I bought another seven herbaceous plants and have just left a message on my gardener's answer phone giving him the news and asking him 'when he has a minute' to pop round and put them in.   The height and the spread is clearly marked on the tag of each plant so his distribution will be as good as mine and I am not comfortable going up the steps to the top of the garden.

On our return journey we turned down the lane towards the farm and our old home.   There is a lane which Tess loves and where she can be off the lead and in no danger, so we walked there.  If it can be said that dogs 'enjoy' anything, then she certainly enjoyed that just as much as I enjoyed watching her.   And I got a sure sign that although the mist was quite Autumnal, it was Spring.   The edges of the lane were peppered with celandines, all wide open 'suns' turning their faces towards the sun above them.   And one cowslip too.   No orchids yet but the lane is full of them in another month or so - so we shall go back.


  1. How wonderful that you can still go back for a stroll and enjoy the beauty of your former home.

  2. A lovely way to spend the afternoon Pat. It has definitely been Spring here today. We've been doing some planting in the garden and it's been sunny and warm. X

  3. I really wish Rick could sit at the front of the car like that and enjoy a drive. Sadly he goes a bit manic so is forced to stay in his crate.

  4. I love the wild flowers that you write about on your walks with Tess.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Nothing can beat walks with one's dog in nice weather — or, for that matter, in any kind of weather. Glad to know your spring is finally arriving.

  6. Mac went plant shopping today while I did chemo, can't wait till I can be out in the garden. Misty and cloudy here, but spring is near.

  7. Sounds like a nice day Pat. Been anything but, here on Sheppey - thick mist at times, murky and damp and chilly - nothing like Spring, and now this evening we have drizzle. So what were the names of the plants that you bought. I planted out six more heathers at the weekend.

  8. I did a bit in the garden today. I planted one plant I'm afraid I can't tell you what it is as it was a present from somebody and they didn't say what it was or if they did I have sadly forgotten. Anyway, of the half a dozen daffs I put in last year three have flowered plus a fourth, the one I can't remember setting, which is a real specimen. Must have been a wrong bulb in the package, but I'm not complaining. I don't have a dog but a neighbour so cat came around to inspect what I was doing. Today it was 25 C which is a summer day :-)

  9. I love that you and Tess had such an enjoyable walk! Moments like that are blessings for our hearts. I will look forward to seeing the new plants!

  10. Yeah for your weather! Still cold and snowing here, and the weather man doesn't know I intend to work in the garden this weekend!

  11. Lovely with the sun up today. But that lasted 5 minutes

  12. Spring brings with it such hope and life, and the sun just turns the world on, what a lovely day.........

  13. It is good that you and Tess are still able to walk that favourite lane of yours.
    Our spring has almost turned into summer last weekend - 25 Celsius on O.K.'s balcony in the sun...! We had the bikes out for the first time this year and enjoyed that very much.
    The magnolia trees in my street are in bloom now, for a short time they give the entire street a great look that it lacks for the rest of the year.

  14. What a lovely jaunt for a nearly Spring day. Celandines grew in abundance in our garden and drove my husband mad as they grew into the lawn. However, I was more lenient and allowed them to flower in the borders as they brightened up the garden, and they did disappear tidily afterwards. I don't think I could have ever eradicated them as they are very tenacious.
    Looking forward to seeing your garden grow.

  15. Did you see "Springtime on the Farm" last night Pat, it was very good. It's on every night this week on Channel 5 at 8.00.

  16. A garden crawl sounds a great idea and it's good you ended up with more lovely plants! We've had two grey, rainy days but I think it should brighten up tomorrow. I saw a whole bank of primroses on the way to the supermarket - very cheering.

  17. My favourite type of shopping :o). Looking forward to seeing the new plants in situ and flowering in due course.

  18. Buying new plants is a sure sign of spring and summer to come, whatever the current dismal weather.
    Lovely that you and Tess were able to return to your favourite walk near the farm. Celandines and primroses are out here and it won`t be long before the bluebells flower.
