Sunday 25 February 2018


This week my calendar is full- every day has something pleasant to do.   But the weather forecast promises doom and gloom from tomorrow onwards.   Yesterday - and particularly today - have been beautiful.   There has been unbroken sunshine, a chill wind but temperature of around three degrees.

It is suggested that from tomorrow it is all downhill - Polar winds, icy cold temperatures, possiblity of electricity cuts, heavy snow.   Hard to believe looking out of my window, but we shall see.    Tomorrow morning is my Book Club.   We meet in one another's houses and as this month's house is just round the corner from where I live that should be easy.  And I suppose it would also be sensible to nip into town and stock up on essential supplies.   Then, if all else fails, I can retire to bed and live on Kelloggs Fruit and Fibre - and maybe the odd slice of ham on good bread.

We shall all keep soldiering on.




  1. Lovely. I am hoping to be cut off from the outside world.

  2. Cold and sunny, Monday, Tuesday. Rain the rest of the week. And so it goes.

  3. Oh Pat! i saw my first blooming daffodil this morning.. !! After days of rain i guess they just couldn't help themselves and bloomed.. :) Stay warm .. i hope the weather is not as bad as predicted.. Hugs! deb

  4. Different forecasts are saying different things. Being prepared is no bad thing. Keep warm. X

  5. I was just getting used to the idea that Spring was on its way. Pity.

  6. After all the dire warnings I'm expecting an anti-climax!

  7. Not looking forward to what's coming, if it comes, but again it will bring a chance to just be still and read a good book or do a bit of crochet by a warm fire...lovely.

  8. We too have the Amber weather warning and threatened power cuts. So checked the candles and torches. Kettle near the stove. Load of logs delivered this morning. It is bloody cold tho. But we still do not have snow over our wellie boots that I remember from childhood. We have all gone soft.

  9. Well I hope it is not as bad as Weather People think and the electric stays on. A quick stock up might be good.
    Stay safe and warm.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. "We shall all keep soldiering on."

    That's the spirit.

  11. What are you currently reading at the Book Club? Tell us about it, Weaver Pat. Please.


  12. Do they make those ice grippers that slip on your shoes over there? I do worry about you out and about in that weather.

  13. Good health, water, food and a warm house is so important. Keep warm and safe.
    Greetings Maria x

  14. It was -9C here this morning, and around freezing point all weekend. But it was sunny and beautiful, so that O.K. and I wrapped up warmly and went walking for about 2 hours both on Saturday and Sunday.
    I wish the cold temperatures would give me an excuse to stay in, working from home! But I'm afraid my clients wish to see me at their offices. Not easy to dress business-like and still be warm enough for those times spent on icy, windswept platforms waiting for trains...!

  15. Although it felt cold on Sunday there was warmth in the sun reminding us that it is nearly spring rather than winter.Just glad the awful weather we are forecast this week did not hit us in January.

  16. Indeed we shall Pat. I am off to stock up on everything this morning - just in case. Even down here we are warned of conditions deteriorating especially towards the end of the week. It has been glorious for the past few days, beautiful clear skies and lots of sunshine, but bitterly cold. I always like to remember the line: 'If winter comes, can spring be far behind'?
    Enjoy your outings and keep snug and warm.

  17. Snowing here this morning which is unusual, but only lightly. I'm stocking up too, just in case! I expect you're more likely to get it than us, we're sheltered by the isle of wight and the solent. Stay warm, Weave, and Tess too.

  18. Heavy snow showers here in North Kent this morning, no doubt there'll be little food left in the shops by tomorrow night as panic sets in. Just made a lovely broth in the slow cooker that will last me 2-3 days.

  19. The Beast from the East makes it sound worse than it will probably turn out to be - the weather was better before we gave it names! Keep warm and hopefully spring will rear its lovely blossomy head soon.

  20. Our weather here has been quite warm (80F) and then cold (29F this morning) and now I have begun sniffling and coughing. Sigh. It looks like your week has been busy, mine too, it keeps me from boredom and ennui! I hope your coming week is great, and the weather settled and soft. Cheers!

  21. One of my very favorite books is "Wildwood" by Roger Deakin, found at a discount store. I bought an extra copy for a nephew in the Forestry Service. I couldn't live without my books, always have at least three on the go at once, mostly really old books by forgotten authors (as well as famous ones, too.) I don't have any favorite type of book. When I find a hundred year old book with a beautiful cover (no dust jackets back then) I am in heaven. I've never found one that didn't have a great story, with absolutely no four-letter words! But then, I can't give them up once I've adopted them. There are books everywhere I look. That soon becomes a burdensome problem. I don't know anyone with the same interest, so it's time to start donating them, hard as it is to do.
