Sunday 18 February 2018

Sunday morning.

Just a quick post before I go off to collect friend W and then on to our usual Sunday lunch.

It is a lovely day here.   It is warmer, the sun is shining, there is little or no wind and - more importantly - the birds are going mad.   As I walked round with Tess I saw a dozen blackbirds, all scratching about in the undergrowth for food; a tree full of great and blue tits at the feeders and some making such a racket - 'tee-cher', 'tee-cher'.
Everyone seemed more cheerful , calling across the road to one another - all the same thing -
'Spring seems to be coming this morning'.   Oh my goodness, are we ready for it this year. 

It is now half past four and I am back from lunch out with my friends (cod loin in Hollandaise sauce
with mashed and roast potatoes, broccoli, carrots and diced swede in a very nice sauce , followed by a very light chocolate pudding and custard.    we sat in the bar for an hour with a cup of tea - lovely).   I came in and took Tess for a walk, turned the central heating up and am now just updating my post before settling down with a cup of tea.

How different the day has turned out to be.   From that lovely sunny start it has developed into a foggy day (and very cold fog at that) and there is nothing spring-like about it.   Going out just now I was struck by the silence - not a bird singing and I can't say I blame them.

Back tomorrow.


  1. Oh Pat, so glad that you are getting some of this lovely weather that we've been getting here in the south for a few days now.
    All change back to bitter cold next weekend apparently, so let's enjoy it while we can.

  2. Let's hope the birds are right and spring is on it's way!

  3. Spring can never come too early.

  4. This morning's snow is fading in the sunshine.

  5. How I agree with that - Spring - bring it on!! The birds have been busy here and I have a pond full of frogspawn and sounding like the African Savannah at night, with them all croaking!

  6. Still needing the windproof, waterproof outer clothing here. Although the birds are now appearing in pairs. Will have to hurry up with the hacking back of overgrown bushes and trees before nesting commences.

  7. When I read your earlier comments I wondered if you had moved to another country;foggy, cold and dull here all day, and only about 20 miles from you.I have to say though when we went out for a walk there was a wonderful sound of birdsong in the hedgerows.

  8. Winter is definitely not over yet in our parts, even though the birds seem to think otherwise. This morning, we woke up in winter wonderland - more snow than what we have had this season so far.
    The lunch sounds delicious!

  9. We had some lovely weather over the weekend, I even heard a lawn mower in action a few doors away. Today is grey and wet again.

  10. Glad you enjoyed the lovely day while it lasted. It is similar down here - the occasional lovely springlike day followed by the next one of wintry rain and cold blustery wind. Today is very dismal, damp but milder I think. Last week I even opened all the windows for a couple of hours and the birds were all singing. Oh well, at least we are moving in the right direction.

  11. The birds emptied our feeders this weekend. Spring is in the air.

  12. There’s a lot of nest checking out activity going on here and lots of singing too. All good stuff. Your lunch sounded lovely.

  13. It's been bloody awful here today in North Kent. Non-stop light rain or drizzle and misty, murky conditions. Very uncomfortable getting slowly soaked as I walked round the marsh carrying out a monthly bird census.
