Tuesday 13 February 2018

Snow and Pancakes

Well, it is February after all.   When I ventured out with Tess at half past eight it was looking like rain but by the time I returned the idea of rain had turned to snow and now, at lunch time there is about an inch of the stuff - wet and sloshy and gradually transforming into rain thank goodness.   But it is still slippery underfoot.   The photographs are taken from my back and front windows
But, intrepid as our gang is, it didn't stop our little special jaunt.   It is after all Pancake Day - Shrove Tuesday, the day when traditionally one eats up all the 'goodies' left from Christmas and goes on to a simple semi-fasting diet for Lent which starts tomorrow with Ash Wednesday. 

So almost a dozen of us met in the cafe at Tennants of Leyburn at a quarter to ten - most of us for pancakes, streaky bacon and maple syrup.
Two hours of lovely laughs and conversation with friends - what could be better on such a dismal day?


  1. Haven't had a pancake for years, lucky you.

    Been windy and wet here today. Yesterday was sunshine all day but cold. Had my first Bumblebees in the garden yesterday on my heather flowers, snowdrops and aconites are just finishing and catkins on the willows are just beginning to split open their buds, oh, and hazel flowers have been around for a couple of weeks already. Just need a nice mild and sunny day now to speed up Spring.

  2. How lovely. I think you should always make the effort to meet friends even when you feel like staying indoors. It is such a tonic to meet and chat, the pancakes would have been great too.

  3. My favourite pancake is one with apricot jam filling. Pancakes are on the menu all year round. The other gourmet speciality is dumplings. There are many different kinds of dumplings and I can almost guarantee if you go in a restaurant you'll somebody eating a dumpling. I think it's today the locals like to have pickled herrings. The snow is falling but I have to go out and find a new printer. I've just wasted 5 or 6 hours and a ton of ink and reams of paper trying to fix the old one which is 7 or 8 years old and temperamental or maybe just mental ;.). I don't suppose they build them to last forever.

  4. I must say I prefer pancakes to snow these days, though I've always been rather fond of pancakes if I'm honest. When I was little my grandmother used to cook pancakes for us at lunchtime if she was looking after us; we used to fall asleep for the afternoon allowing her to get on with her knitting!

  5. I eat pancakes all through the year. The only way to have them is with lemon and caster sugar and made in a frying pan with hot, smoking lard.

  6. You have lovely views from your new house - snow looks lovely too to those of us that haven't had any. Good for you and the gang to not let it stop your trip out!

  7. Sounds like my kind of snow day, Pat.

  8. Several people have mentioned pancakes, maple syrup and bacon which is a combination I've never heard of. Is this a tradition in another country that has arrived here.
    I'm glad the snow didn't stop you getting out and about. No snow in Suffolk - just cold winds and rain

  9. That get together sounds cozy and fun.

  10. Have you ever had Buckwheat pancakes they are now my favourite when we eat out, although like yourself pancakes accompanied with rashers, a sliced banana and all drizzled with maple syrup are also very delicious.

  11. Sounds lovely, Newark has a fantastic pancake place that does stuff like that. No snow here, just rain which hopefully has now stopped.

  12. I remember being in a big hotel in Israel one year, a hotel full of Americans and Canadians, and breakfast always started with pancakes and lashings of mapel syrup - boy was it nice. But I've never heard of or seen them served with bacon.

  13. In Germany, Shrove Tuesday is not traditional fpr pancakes. People here eat Berliners on this day, a kind of deep fried dumpling filled with jam, and one filled with mustard for fun - the one who gets it at a party is "lucky'm

  14. I've only just found out that the French Mardi Gras is a shrove Tuesday celebration!

  15. It’s rained all day here. No snow in sight. X

  16. In your photo the sky looks very threatening. Glad you could still get out and enjoy those delicious sounding pancakes. I finished up my goodies very soon after Christmas and have been trying not to think about such delights as pancakes ever since!
    Your garden will look so pretty in spring. I am enjoying watching all the bulbs poking through the soil in our communal garden, and working out what they will become.
    Keep warm, and dry.

  17. Here, we like pancakes served with crispy bacon (strips of bacon, not what people call "Canadian bacon", which no one in Canada refers to by that name), syrup, perhaps eggs, and some coffee or orange juice. Our pancakes are large and on the thick side, so they can soak up lots of syrup! I like seeing what it looks like out your windows. -Jenn

  18. That's quite a lot of the white stuff!

  19. What horrid weather!
    But of course it is still February. Happy Valentine's Day ...and Ash Wednesday too!

  20. Please do try pancakes, maple syrup and crisp streaky smoked bacon - delicious.

  21. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Ash Wednesday to you over there! Your back garden is going to be wonderful in a few short weeks - can't wait to see what comes up. You've made me so hungry for pancakes...

  22. Very nice garden. Keep it simple so you and Tess can enjoy it.
    With some spring bulbs.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles
