Sunday 4 February 2018

Back to normal.

My friends have gone back home to Windermere, across the very snowy tops of the Pennines.   They had a good journey home and have rung to tell me so.

They have been my first staying guests since I moved into my bungalow and I have enjoyed their company very much.   And I have  cooked two meals - dinner on each evening - and apart from Boxing Day that is the only entertaining I have done.   I really must get back into it because not cooking for people has made me lose my confidence in my ability to do so.

Fish pie served with peas and shredded savoy cabbage and green beans and pie and mushy peas followed by mixed fruit crumble and custard were the meals I cooked.

Back to normal tomorrow - blood test in the morning and ukuleles in the afternoon.   As usual a busy week ahead and snow forecast too.



  1. It's good to see you back Pat and I'm glad you enjoyed hosting your visitors. With meals like that on offer they will be back soon, I'm sure. X

  2. Great when you feel you have pleased guests and enjoyed them too. Sounds like a good day tomorrow, apart from the vampire.

  3. Nice to have staying guests. Dracula and George Formby! Normal!

  4. My schedule for tomorrow is the same as yours - including the snow! Glad you enjoyed your guests.

  5. Always good to have company, gets us out of any ruts we've gotten ourselves into. Fun to cook for others.

  6. Nice to have friends stay over.
    Your dinners sound so lovely to me. Wish I was there.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  7. Guests are nice, but usually nicer when they've gone home again. There are of course exceptions.

  8. I love hosting meals or other gatherings at my home or O.K.'s, and of course I love having him staying at my place which is less frequent than the other way round.
    Cooking for more than just two people is not something I routinely do, but whenever I do cook for guests, I stick to "safe" things I know I can do well.
    Good to know your guests arrived home safely in spite of the snow. We've had sleety rain first and then snow most of yesterday afternoon, evening and night, but so far, the roads are clear in my area.

  9. Stay warm in the cold weather this week. Glad you had a nice weekend.

  10. That sounds like a very enjoyable weekend. My husband didn't like entertaining so we didn't, and my confidence in cooking for other people is very low. I enjoy cooking for myself but some of the meals are not in the cookery books!
    I hope the weather isn't too harsh up there so that your outings can still go on. Keep warm and enjoy ukulele practice.

  11. Normal is comforting and good!
    I have nothing planned today so I can do some writing....
    How I moss fish pie!

  12. Oh Pat, for the sake of encouragement, entirely altruist you understand, you can cook for me! One day I will get out over the pond and visit your beautiful region.... along with Wales and Scotland and Cornwall and Man and Dartmoor and, and........

  13. I tend to be of the same frame of mind as both Cro and Heather's husband, friends are OK as long as they don't come visiting.

  14. I am curious about the "fish pie." Do share a recipe for it.

  15. It has been a treat to have a look through your New Year's posts and get caught up a bit on all that I've missed during my "extended leave." Your relocation to the cosy bungalow seems to be allowing you many new experiences and observations, while also allowing you to continue some of your favorite interests and activities.

    Your mentioning of various pies has encouraged me to think of making something similar. it might be soup. The wind is howling outside.

    Promising to to visit here again soon, Pat. xo

  16. The drive over the snow covered tops sounds exhilarating. I wonder if they took some photos.


  17. You remind me that I once won a prize from North West gas for my fish pie recipe. I had to go to a presentation evening where somebody actually cooked the thing on stage. I believe it was published in a North West Gas cook book. It was easy to make and involved mashed potatoes, baked beans in tomato sauce and fish but unfortunately I can't remember what kind of fish as it was all many decades ago.

  18. I've always enjoyed cooking for others. I don't like to cook just for myself and I'm so impressed by people I meet in Blogland who actually plan and execute meals for one.

  19. Thanks everyone for your comments. I always think two nightsis about the optimum for guests to stay - time to enjoy their company and then the pleasure of having the house to oneself again.

  20. I was worrying about you when you didn't post for a few days, then remembered that you had weekend guests. It sounds like a really nice time for all. We are so far off the beaten path here that we seldom have visitors, more's the pity because I do enjoy it when people come. Ah well, the price we pay for space and quiet.
