Saturday 16 December 2017

Christmas Present.

My son and his wife took me into Richmond this morning to choose my Christmas present from them.   The last thing I needed to complete the move into my new bungalow was some curtains for the dining room patio doors.   The room faces due North so they needed to be thick, warm curtains.

We managed to find a pair to our joint liking.   Then we had lunch in a fine old pub in Finkle Street, just off the Market Square.   We all had sandwiches - me prawn sandwiches with chips and a nice salad, my daughter in law hot pork sandwiches with chips and salad and my son cheese and pickle with chips and a salad. 

On arrival home I made the coffee while my son took Tess into the fields (not out of the goodness of his heart to Tess but because he is rather averse to picking up dog poo.)  After the coffee son insisted upon fixing up the curtain pole and the curtains himself with no interference from us!  Now they are up and hanging in the hopes that all the creases will fall out by morning.  Then he also removed one of the light bulbs in my hall - they are recessed bulbs and not easy to remove and in any case I dare not climb up on anything to do this operation.

I took my camera so that I could take some photographs of Richmond to show you.   It is a beautiful old market town with a wealth of history.   But I am sorry to say that once there I completely forgot that I had my camera with me.   Another day perhaps.   Today there was a mass of Christmas shoppers so perhaps it was the wrong time anyway.

I am now going to sit down and watch the final of Strictly Come Dancing  - a good way to pass a Saturday evening.   Enjoy yours.


  1. Those look lovely Pat. Are they thermal lined? I have some thermal-lined Laura Ashley ones (probably 30 years old - I got them from a car boot sale) in the kitchen and they really keep the cold out.

    Your lunch sounded lovely. Prawns are my favourites for sandwiches (in mayonnaise).

    We'll be watching Strictly too. I know who I want to win!!

  2. Getting curtains sorted before "the cold strengthens" sound like a good idea.
    Keep warm and dry.

  3. Your son sounds like a grand and loving son! Your curtains are lovely. I have a rough collie (really my son's) to whom I am devoted. My hip and leg are troubling me this week, so I have asked my son to walk her. She does so love being out and about. Pets and family can be such a comfort. God Bless!

  4. The curtains are a perfect match to the table and chairs. A choice of great taste! Enjoy!

  5. Lovely curtains. Hang the wrinkles. Ha ha. I like your chairs, too.

  6. I've only visited Richmond once but I still remember what a pleasant place it was (and I hope still is). The curtains look good.

  7. Good looking curtains - no one would guess they are practical, too.
    Have a lovely Saturday evening.

  8. Useful presents are always a bonus! Sounds like you had a lovely time with your family.

  9. I don't blame your son - I am averse to picking up dog poo as well. In the morning, you can just sweep up all the creases which have fallen out of your curtains, Weave. Saves on ironing - I do it all the time.

  10. Lovely curtains. And by the sound of it a lovely day.

  11. Lovely day off and terrific gift. Plus how nice to have son put them up for you. Much needed warm curtains to help keep the cold out.
    We keep our roll down shades open in winter to let the sun/warmth in. In the summer I drop the shades to help keep the sun out and house cool.

    cheers, parsnip and manadibles

  12. Good looking curtains, keeping drafts out is so important. I like winter, but I don't like being cold.

  13. That's a lovely and practical gift which will give you pleasure for years to come. They look very smart and cosy.
    It would seem that I am not the only one who takes her camera out and forgets to use it!

  14. They look really good.We have just put up a curtain to cover the front door and cut out draughts.Fingers crossed.

  15. Lovely curtains - I always find it hard to choose new curtains - takes me months and months, glad yours are up and keeping the chill out. Happy holidays!

  16. A result in Strictly that suited me fine, I liked the couple that won. As good as Debbie was I was dreading her winning simply because she was considered good for her age.

  17. What an excellent son, poo picking up never does seem to appeal to the males in the household. But a lovely idea curtains for a Xmas present and they look good...

  18. I think that if the creases don't come out by can hold a steam iron up to them ( not touching) and that might help.
    Yes, Richmond is very pretty. A few years ago we went to a wedding in the church , followed by the reception in an hotel in the square. We stayed in a B & B down by the river so spent a lot of time toiling up and down the hill!

  19. I once shared a house in Newcastle with a girl from Richmond, She grew up in the 1940s in the pub her parents ran and during the 1947 winter they were snowed in for so long they started to burn the pub's tables and chairs to keep warm.

  20. Nice curtains! And good idea of your son to put them up immediately; now your move is truly complete - congratulations!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. How lovely to get something you really want for Christmas - and get them hung too.
    I remember England before double-glazing and how important good curtains are!

  23. Similar to Rachel's friend, here in North Kent we had a similar experience in the bad winter of 1962-3 when we were under snow from Boxing Day to March and even the sea froze over. No CH and no double glazing and life was quite an ordeal.

  24. The curtains look perfect - sometimes practical gifts are the best! It's not fair to keep teasing us with the talk of those photos :)

  25. I love Rachel's story, backed up by Derek's - let's hope we are not in for that kind of winter again.

    Thanks and I do apologise about the photographs.
