Friday 29 December 2017

A present for New Year.

A friend, who is also a widow, told me the other day that she always buys herself a present at Christmas from her deceased husband.  Well I think this is a rather good idea and have been thinking about what I should buy.    Several friends have suggested that my life would be enhanced by purchasing an i pad.  I am not so sure, so today's post is to ask what you think.

I have a great nephew who works for a computer company and I chatted to him last evening on the phone and he listed the fors and againsts as far as I  was concerned and they more or less match what my friends say.

So can I ask a question of you all.   Do any of you use an i pad to write your posts?  (I know you do John as you say so sometimes ) and if so in what way do you think it is better than a laptop?  I sometimes write quite a long post - would I find it
a chore using my finger to touch the screen rather than using a keyboard (I am a touch typist)?

I really would appreciate any help and advice you can give me before I make my final decision.


  1. One thing to consider is if you are familiar and comfortable with Apple products. Like do you have an iPhone or Mac computer? If not an iPad may be confusing and instead you should consider a tablet.

  2. I bought an ipad. I did not get on with at all for several reasons. Apart from everything else it is not good for fast typists.

  3. You might consider how easy or difficult it might be to add photos to your posts.... I do not have an ipad and have no desire to have one.. I'am happy using my laptop and if need be we have a desk top.. What are you wanting out of an Ipad? What is it an ipad can do for you that your current computer cannot?? Hugs! deb

  4. I only have an I-pad, no computer or mobile phone and find it easy to use for everything I need. I shop online, do a lot of research and read blogs of course. I understand you can print from them with a special printer but I have never bothered, I would not be without it, I understand with a computer you have to have a desk or even a room set aside, ad I live in a very small home, an iPad is ideal, I am so enamoured I am considering buying an iPhone, I was also trained As a touch typist, and no, the keyboard is not the same as an old Remington or Olivetti, as with anything new you have to get used to it, I like something that taxes my brain a little. Good luck. Another widow, nearly 13 years now, you get used to it.

  5. I am a very fast typer on a normal keyboard and therefore will never use an ipad (or my iphone or any other device without a "proper" keyboard) for writing more than, say, one or two sentences in a comment.
    Although I have both an ipad and an iphone, they are just not the same when it comes to fast typing.

    It is an interesting idea to give yourself a present in lieu of your husband. What would be a present from him? Was he the kind of man to surprise you with something completely out of the blue, or would he have asked you for some hints?

  6. I don't have any experience of using an ipad so can't be of any assistance, and leave it to your other blog friends to advise you. Whatever you decide to buy I hope it gives you much pleasure.

  7. I use a tablet as I can play about with photographs that is I magnify to get the eyes and other details, to then draw/paint. Typing is tortuous. If you wanted to communicate with the world on the move then fine, otherwise I would not be without my laptop, which I use for emails, blogging, etc. etc. The tablet is just for my art work.

  8. While I have an iPad, iMac and an iPhone, I only blog on my iMac. I did buy an attachable keyboard for the iPad, but never really liked it and gave it to a friend. She doesn't blog and i don't know if she uses it but ... For you, I'd ask myself if you want to read on the iPad, watch Netflix etc.

    I do think that a gift your husband would have bought you might be a better idea. Even a short trip in the cold months? Reminding you that you can travel on your own. Maybe a cruise? where all you have to do is enjoy the water and eat!

  9. I don't think I could be bothered to learn to use another piece of gadgetry, still having trouble with my new phone! I prefer the big keyboard on my laptop.
    Whatever you choose have fun.

  10. I'm fascinated by the various pieces of equipment that some people own, what's wrong with a basic mobile and a laptop, why double up on things.

  11. An iPad is useless if you want to blog with photos - cannot add them to posts UNLESS you get some special program which never worked for me. Plus, typing is much harder than on a proper, standard-sized keyboard. It is beautiful for viewing your photos, especially the upgraded models. I've had two, the original Apple which I traded in for a newer one a few years ago. I never ever used it and sold it last year. I LOVE my Apple MacBook Air (I have all Apple products) and do everything on it. It has traveled with me to all 7 continents and I've never had a problem with it. Of course it's getting old (2011 model) and Apple is discontinuing it and going to all regular MacBooks. . . . . . . . .meanwhile I pray my old one keeps going, kinda like me!

    Hope you do get yourself nice present - just check out everything before making a purchase because computers, like everything to do with technology, have become so complicated for we non-techies!
    Happy New Year Pat -

  12. I like my iPad for checking my blog, not writing it. Like you, I'm a touch typist and I find one-finger typing absolutely maddening.
    The iPad is good for armchair internet cruising: checking the weather, reading other people's blogs, checking on my email, reading news, even an occasional game of solitaire.

  13. I have a n iPad and full size computer. The only thing we really use the iPad for is to read newspapers,blogs etc. and to look stuff up and I like it for that. Banking, shopping etc. we use our big computer. I just feel it's more secure. One thing about the iPad I have trouble with is its touchscreen. I'm in my 70s and my hands shake a little and when I type or have to touch the iPad the shaking can be problematic.

  14. I am interested in one for photos, movies, and to read books but only if I can hold it comfortably in my arthritic hands. I have been thinking about this for about 5 years and still haven't bought one.
    Not sure if I will ever get one I really do not like Apple and the exorbitant prices.

    Good luck with your search. I am interested in what you decide.
    cheers, parsnip

  15. I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet (not crazy about Apple products) and a desktop computer. I dearly love my tablet for reading blogs, emails, electronic books or surfing the net when I'm relaxing in a comfy chair or while watching TV. It is portable, light and very handy to have by my favorite chair. I use it to comment on blogs and write short emails but mainly use it for reading and surfing the net.

    I like to use my desktop for writing longer emails, etc., paying bills, organizing my photos and such. I could certainly get by with the desktop but love the convenience of the tablet. I like to sit in my comfortable chair when reading blogs and browsing rather than at the desk. It might be easier for you to write your blog from a laptop or desktop but I think you would love a tablet for relaxing and reading.

  16. I use an iPad and a MacBook. For writing, though not a touch typist, I prefer a real keyboard. The iPad is more convenient to sit back in a comfy chair for reading books, playing word and number 'games' to keep the brain active and as a way of taking some of my photos and videos to show friends when we meet for a meal.

  17. Buy youself a Tablet. Altough I have a laptop (HP) I use mainly a desktop for the 'bigger' things, and a 7 inch screen tablet when I'm away from home or want to do things while relaxing on a couch.

  18. A couple of the comments point out that an iPad is not good for fast typists or for creating blog posts. I don't have an iPad but their comments make sense; I have a new laptop and a desktop too. I like the idea of picking out a gift for yourself from your husband. I visited my husband's memorial bench today and talked to him.

  19. Try one out first. I prefer my small laptop ((MacBook Air). It has a bona fide keyboard that is sized just right for my small hands. When closed it is about the size of a tablet of writing paper and so easily fits away into a drawer or into a satchel when I am traveling. You can plug a printer into it directly. I am a decent touch typist (well, used to be!) and get frustrated with an iPad or any tablet, but you will never know unless you try one first - it might suit you perfectly.

  20. I have a small Mac laptop.....and I think that's the best choice, for comfort and ease of typing.

  21. I am not a blogger just a reader, but I have been using a keyboard since 1966 and whilst I have a Lenovo tablet for surfing the web, reading blogs and looking up recipes and stuff I am lost without my laptop, I just cannot get on with tapping on a touch screen. Even making a comment on a blog etc I find very tedious and rarely use it for e-mail etc.

  22. I don't have a ipad - I do everything on my laptop and main Apple Mac desk computer but I think the main reason people have an ipad or tablet is they are handy to take out with them and have around the house as they are quick and useful as they say for reading blogs etc and looking up information or recipes and the screen size is bigger than a mobile. I am not sure if you would use it in place of your laptop for blog posts.
    Perhaps you could borrow one to try it out for a day or two.

  23. I have a Kindle and a Mac desktop computer. Don't write much on my Kindle but have written some posts.

  24. As another fast typist, I get quite frustrated with our iPad, so only use it for very short blog comments even though we bought a small keyboard which can be used as an alternative to the screen. I find both the screen and the keyboard too small. I do like it for watching BBC programmes I have missed on iPlayer. Our iPad is in a stand/case, which props it up, so I can watch comfortably while having my lunch. I don't think I'd miss it if I didn't have it though.
    I think the idea of a present is an excellent one. My late father-in-law used to give us money, with instructions to spend it on what we wanted, not what we needed. Isn't there something that you would like, as opposed to need? A beautiful orchid, or something else that's lovely to look at. Do you have much of a garden? You haven't told us that!

  25. I use both PC and my iPad to write means I can take your posts other words to the summerhouse...or to bed for a last look at the blogger friends. I love my iPad but also like to sit on the office chair with the large screen in front of me.....also like my Samsung phone too.....far too fond of techie stuff.....lots of love for whatever you do. G.

  26. My suggestion is to buy a Kindle. (Cheaper than an iPad). I buy nearly all the fiction books I read as ebooks - they arrive instantly, and you can get a free sample first. Non fiction - I reserve at the library and only buy if I want to keep it. A Kindle is brilliant for reading outside in sunny conditions (maybe not often possible where you are!!!) It's also good for taking on car trips or on holiday. All my bookshelves are full now and I don't want to buy any more shelves in this small apartment.

  27. I do all my blog reading (including yours, which I really enjoy), on my ipad. I find it really comfortable. But I do find it awkward for writing posts. If you're a touch typist (I am), an ipad keyboard just isn't the same.

  28. I think a lot of your decision rests on whether you are comfortable using Apple products. We've always been Apple people (the Law Faculty started off with Macs so we had little choice).

    I have a MacBook Air Pro, which has a great screen and I use at home all the time. I have an iPhone 6 which is reliable and I won't change for a while yet, and I have an iPad which is my constant companion when I go out, and it links to the phone, so reading emails, looking at photos sent by the family etc is SO much easier with the larger screen and ability to ZOOM in and enlarge.

    All the computers are linked so they update each other (Calendar, photos, email (deletions and replies) which keeps things tidy. BUT, we have (employ as needed) a great Mac specialist, who comes to the house and sorts our problems out ($$, but sanity is priceless!!)

    Incidentally, for Christmas we bought our two year, 8 month grandson his own iPad, and he's happily flicking around the screens and choosing what to watch (all carefully Parent Controlled of course!). Its amazing how quickly the little ones work out how to use these devices!

    We will be interested in your decision. It's not a simple one!

  29. Interesting comments - is your laptop an Apple? If not, I would recommend an Android tablet if you get one. I used to use my tablet for surfing the net, especially looking up recipes as you can carry the tablet easily to where you need it. Now that my sight is so poor I don't use my tablet nearly so much. I have a scribe which I find easier to type with on a tablet, but I much prefer to touch type on my special desk computer.

    I think it is a lovely idea to buy yourself a present from your husband so good luck.

    happy new Year to you.

  30. My wife has an iPad, whilst I have a Laptop. One thing I can assure you; there is more frustrated shouting from my wife, than from me!

  31. Touch typist? Stay with a laptop.

  32. I have had an iPad from the first year it was offered, and have used it for everything, including blog posts. Nowadays I find I use it less because I have an iPhone and that serves the same purpose, but I still find it useful

  33. Goodness lots of advice. Both my sister and brother use an iPad with ease but they cannot get to grips with a computer. I use both.

  34. I am not an apple person but love my Galaxy tablet. I use both it and my laptop. I was a touch typist but find I have changed quite happily to one hand typing. I do think if you haven't used apple products it is a different thing to think about. As someone said, I sit in my comfortable chair and blog and browse. Good luck.

  35. I'm not adding to debate other than to say it's a lovely idea to buy yourself a gift !

  36. Which ever form of tablet you get, it's possible to buy a keyboard to go with it. My ipad keyboard can be used as a front cover to the ipad when not in use. The keyboard is linked by bluetooth to the ipad (no wires needed). Works a treat!

  37. Thank you for the wealth of advice. Lots to think about here.

  38. One more comment, perhaps? I’m also a touch typist, but LOVE my iPad also. If I have lengthy or complicated emails or documents to produce, I’ll use my desktop computer. For everything else, though, I use the iPad. Isnt not too hard to get used to being a one-finger iPad typist, and the newest software versions have updated the virtual keyboard to be more like a conventional one. I love the portability of the iPad, the ability to copy and paste a URL or photo into a bunch of text. I’d be very sad to be without my iPad - or my desktop,

  39. I'm not a blogger, but I own an iPad as well as a laptop, and I never liked the iPad. Now, my sister and brother-in-law and some friends love theirs, and that's all they use, but I prefer my laptop by light years. It finally got to the point where the ONLY time I ever used the iPad was to read books through the Kindle app when I was traveling; however, I've been taking my laptop and actual books with me when traveling for the last few years, and the iPad has't left the drawer where it's stored. My 13 inch Macbook Air isn't that big or heavy, so why not just use the larger screen and keyboard? So much easier to just prop it on my lap and be able to read something hands-free rather then hold the iPad (and yes, I had purchased a keyboard, stand, etc for the iPad - what a hassle). Also, I hate trying to navigate from one window to another on the iPad, it just seemed a pain to me. Overall, the iPad just presented too many frustrations and required too many wasted motions, IMO. I no longer need a desktop either, just my laptop and a phone. I also hook my laptop up to my TV with a cord and watch any program I start on my laptop on my large TV with the mirroring feature...
