Friday 17 November 2017

No Joke.

This is the third time I have tried to post this and each time, as I got the the end the whole thing disappeared into thin air, never to be seen again.   It has been most frustrating and does make me realise that old age/lack of real computer knowledge is a great handicap to blogging.   As it is indeed to everything else.

Yesterday, what started out as a perfectly ordinary day with not a lot on the agenda, ended up as a frantically hectic day which ended with my feeling like a wrung-out rag.   This was mostly due to old age.   Everything takes twice or three times as long to do - nothing is really easy any more. End of moan.

I would like to repeat yesterday's post so that you can read just what a hectic day I had but really the effort of remembering it in detail is just not worth the bother. 

Today has been less so, largely because it is our Coffee day and following on this friend W and I, as usual, went out for lunch.   We had a prawn and crayfish salad with trimmings and a bowl of chips each.   It was delicious.

My Insurance Broker came and we spent the afternoon (after the whole thing was sorted out) chatting.   He has just come back after a trip with his wife to Macchu Pichu and then a week going up a tributary of the Amazon.   One of the holidays I would have loved to have done when younger but just listening to the itinerary now was enough to make me want a lie down.

The weather here is bitterly cold today with a sharp wind blowing.   Even Tess seems reluctant to go out although if J, who often walks her in the early evening, rings the door bell I am sure she will change her mind.

Back to old age.   At our ukulele meeting for the Alzheimers and their carers the other day, one friend forgot her ukulele, another forgot his music and a third (who actually called for me) forgot to close his boot, so that the car kept pinging for the first half mile!  In today's Times I read of a man who lost his car twenty years ago (a VW Passat) when he just couldn't remember where he had left it.   It has just  been found by builders about to
clear a site for building!!   Traced back to the man the car is now quite undriveable of course but he acknowledges that it is still in the place he parked it all those years ago.



  1. This blogging isn't as easy as some people think so you're doing really well. Nice to see you're in your new home and well done getting those boxes sorted, we moved May and we're still unpacking but we have had a new kitchen. Yes weather is colder, time to get toasty warm in the house late afternoons. Blessings Chrisx

  2. I'm definitely getting more absent minded as I get older. I walk into a room and then forget what it was I went to fetch. Sometimes it's funny, other times it's a very scary feeling. Getting old is no joke.

  3. Well I can definitely identify with Sue and her absent mindfulness, I do that all the time and end up walking round in circles.

  4. You're right, everything takes twice a song as it should now the we're older, so frustrating. That was too funny about the lost car.

  5. I am sure computers have a mind of their own at times - you shouldn't always blame yourself when thing don't go according to plan. I had to laugh at the poor man who lost his car because he couldn't remember where he had left it. You certainly need a sense of humour to cope with old age. Hope your next few days will be more peaceful.

  6. I test myself every day whilst walking to my car, by trying to accurately remember where I parked it. Surprisingly, I am more right these days than I was 20 years ago, but I have stopped taking recreational drugs and stopped staying out until 5 in the morning.

  7. Our dogs didn't want to go out this afternoon either. They were okay with the morning romp as they have a sneaky nibble at the sheep nuts then.
    The frost gets to the joints doesn't it?

  8. I have the same problem with the the thin air full of disappeared text. It'll be somewhere in the inverse universe no doubt. Face it Pat, we know nothing, as Manuel used to say in Fawlty Towers.

  9. Everything you have said is me. ! Not fun at all.
    I am so glad you are settled in before your winter comes.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. A year or so ago a man in New York took his computer into a side alley and shot it! Police investigated because he had fired a gun, but I don't remember hearing what happened next. I don't think there's a computer owner who wouldn't sympathise - mine is very near a window, and has been threatened with eviction several times!

  11. I say out loud where I park the car when I leave it so I know where it is when I get back. The memory needs daily exercise and games.

  12. Re blogging: after many incidents like yours, I always prepare my post in "Notes", then copy and paste into the blog. Then, if that fails, there is always the original text on hand to try again.

  13. I am not convinced YOU are at fault Pat, I've had Comments just disappear on occasions - I think the system fails every so often. Perhaps the solution is, as Margaret suggested, to copy from another document - Notes is easy, but a Word document would work I guess.

    As to the "Lost-My-Car" problem, if I'm anywhere unfamiliar I now use my iPhone to take a photo of the street signposts, or a large shop. That only leaves the problem of leaving my phone in a coffee shop... which I've done on more than one occasion. Getting old is not for sissies!

  14. I was thinking the same thing as Margaret Butterworth. It must be so frustrating to have to type things over and over just to watch them disappear down a deep dark hole. I would also type everything first somewhere else, save it, then copy and paste. I suppose you could do it on a word document.

  15. The car park outside my supermarket is quite big; I've lost my car several times.

  16. I love the story about the lost car - I have heard of people going round the carpark pressing their electronic door opener hoping to find the car by the flashing lights!
    I have to mention your ukelele day when I think of the clanger I posted in the comments about that - I am sure I put Y at the beginning of it, how stupid of me.
    I have lots of problems with the Magic software I have on my computer which enlarges everything to allow me to see the text, but it also bounces all over the place and makes everything disappear occasionally. Very frustrating!
    Glad you had a better day on Friday.

  17. Not sure why your written blog disappears, hitting 'save' always helps ;). Funny story about the man who lost his car, have you ever tried fitting your key into an identical model to the one you own? Did that once, and the furious owner came belting over to stop my car thieving - as if!

  18. As to blogging, if you go to your list of posts you will find them all there saved and the unpublished ones you thought you lost labelled 'draft' because Blogger saves as you go. However if you don't know how to find the list this is of no help of course.

  19. Love the veg artist's story and also like the idea of Virginia's. As for suggestions as to how to retrieve lost posts - tried that - didn't work. But thanks anyway.

  20. Sometimes blogger acts up on us, no matter whether we have saved our drafts or not, so don't let this make you think it's your age or lack of computer knowledge!
    I am not yet 50, but I forget things, too; there is always so much to keep in mind, keeping several balls in the air at the same time like a juggler. If it weren't for my old-fashioned diary where I write down what needs doing when, things would be so much more difficult!
    Glad you had a good coffee and lunch. The cold and wet weather we've been having here is enough to make you appreciate a cosy flat with central heating, and get my knit dresses out :-)

  21. Hitting the Ctrl key by accident in combination with a very dangerous letter can of course delete.

  22. I know it's not really funny...but I love your ukulele friends and their antics....stay's going to get colder.

  23. Old age isn't for sissies!! "Golden Years?" Thank goodness we can laugh about it later. You're not alone. Interesting that insurance agents can travel to exotic places, leaving the rest of us here to live on what's left after we've paid them!

    Thank goodness you're safely moved and day by day getting settled in. Stay safe and warm!!

  24. When I was driving my previous vehicle which looked so much like many others of its kind, I would depend on how the headlights flashed and it beeped once after pressing my key fob in order to find it in a large parking lot! In terms of remembering in general, I am a maker of lists. It helps a lot. -Jenn

  25. Thank you Rachel. The obvious answer. I am always shaky and that is a real possibility. Shall be more careful in future.

  26. My hubby has Essential Tremor as well and been told it is benign however a nuisance. We got a chuckle from the lost car story. I have to concentrate to remember where I park.

  27. Oh, my goodness. I'm reading back on your posts as I've been immersed in my own writing which may never see the light of day. But how I'm enjoying your posts.
