Saturday 14 October 2017


Is anyone out there having the lovely promised weather today?   It began raining here before I let Tess out for her final wee last evening and it is still raining now at four in the afternoon on Saturday; not pouring rain you understand, just that damp, all-enveloping wet stuff.

I am continuing with my packing.   Starting upstairs and working down I now feel that everywhere is in an easy state for the removal men.   The kitchen is certainly not but they will no doubt be used to dealing with kitchens. 

Flu jab morning.   We put off going last time our surgery had a flu jab morning as my friend was not well.   But this morning, both  fighting fit, we joined the queue which was moving rapidly as the centre staff have it worked out to perfection.
We were there for half past eight and well home again for nine having bought a Guardian on the way home.

Out to lunch again tomorrow, so the only question tonight is whether to watch 'Strictly' or not.  Getting a bit fed up with it this year - I think it has maybe gone on a bit too long.


  1. 22 degrees C here all day and still is. Sunshine and the all the best things that go with it. Sorry it is not the same up North.

  2. Here,in NE Wales,it has been a very pleasant day.18degrees and the sun in and out.

  3. Pat, I wonder if it rains every day there. I know the sun comes out too, I have just never heard of so much rain. It must just run off like water off a duck's back or however that saying goes. I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine.

  4. No rain as yet, no sunshine either tho. Enjoy tomorrow.x

  5. It is a nice day here but too warm. We had a few days of Fall but back up to 95 today.
    We need some of your weather.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. As the young people say "Well, yeah...well, no...well, yeah!" It started our gloriously then clouded over and almost rained and finally brightened up again. You need to make sure you're fit before you go to the doctor's!

  7. A gorgeous day here. Spent most of the day in Newark. Quite a few boats on the canal and people having cream teas from the canal side cafe. You'd never think it was October.

  8. Warm here today too up 20deg C and a bit of west wind to moderate the heat, no matter that they reckon that Sunday to Monday will see the tail end of a recent hurricane licking the western coastlines just to freshen us up for winter. I don't agree with the winter flu jabs have seen too many people getting ill from having them done. So instead I use echinacea drops in October to boost my immune system and a couple of tots of homemade cherry liqueur - just to help out you know :-)

  9. A grey day here all day, but not cold.
    I had my flu jab a couple of days ago having registered with a surgery barely 5 minutes walk from my flat - it is so convenient for just about everything.
    I shall indulge myself with Strictly now that I find myself in sole charge of the TV remote control.

  10. We had our flu jabs this week too. As a chronic asthmatic I have had them for many years, although I have heard that this year's jab has reacted badly with some folk.

    It was warmer here today, but grey and overcast all day long and I had to have lights on all day otherwise you can't see across the room (the house faces East). Monday is meant to be warm (but somewhat windy!!)

  11. Sorry you missed out on the good weather. We had plenty of Sunshine and the temperature was up to 21.6C by tea time.
    It was my 'flu jab day last Thursday. There was a long queue even at starting time but with three pairs of nurses on the go it didn't take much of a wait to get seen. My medical centre / practice is just 1/4 mile away so a reasonable walk and a quick shop on the way back as the Co-op have just taken over and enlarged the village shop.

  12. Hi Pat, - have been catching up on your posts and glad to see that your moving date draws nearer, - and also that you have been out and about at coffee and lunch-time....friends are so precious. You may not have got your promised lovely weather, but for a while here this morning it snowed!!!!! Melted as it hit the ground, but nevertheless....

  13. Like summer here today. I nearly got the baggy shorts out again but then it clouded up a bit. Still warm though and set for 22 or 23 on Monday!

  14. So typical here. Cold this morning, nicely warm this afternoon. Laura spent her day passing out water to runners in a half, full and 5 K race. Out of their minds.

  15. Dull and muggy in Durham today.Glad your move is finally within sight!Hope to see you taking Tess for a walk on the Shawl before long.

  16. It's been beautiful today, sorry! Lots of red admirals and honeybees busy, the odd common carder bumble.

  17. I'm at my partner's house in Surrey today (Sat), overcast and muggy and 20 degrees, no sunshine.
    Surprised about the queues for flu jabs, down here on Sheppey you just walk into a chemist shop, ask for a free flu jab and they give you one.

  18. 25 degrees here today. A bit too warm for me and for October.

  19. 27 C here yesterday, and 26 C forecast for today. I should have left our pool open!

  20. Unseasonal weather says the voice of gloom, like you it was warm but cloudy here. Weird that Ophelia is tracking near the same date as the 'Great Storm' of 1987. There is a story, perhaps I will blog it, in the 18th century a great flood of water rushed over the flat lands of Somerset from the Bristol Channel drowning people and animals as it covered the land several miles inland....

  21. According to the news, more than 50% of the doctors and nurses in my country, refuse to have the flu jab. The Ministry of Health cannot force them against their will, though they might endanger the patients.

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