Saturday 7 October 2017


The weather is very chilly today; winter seems to have crept up on us and suddenly presented itself, demanding that we get out our heavy coats and scarves.   Maybe it is just me and old age.   Whatever the reason I was pleased to get in in the warm this evening.

Nothing like as nice a day as yesterday when our trip out to Kirby Lonsdale gave us such wonderful views, today has been cloudy and there is a sharp wind blowing. At least now that the sun is setting the sky is clearing and that should present a good view of the promised meteor shower for tonight.

Not being able to drive is proving such a handicap as I live so far from the main road.   Friend W is, as usual, being stalwart but there will still be some difficulties.   Thursday is a day when there are problems as I have to have an ECG quite early in the morning and then a hairdressing appointment later.   And the distance between the two venues is quite a long way for my arthritis too.   I am trying to arrange taxis but so far can't seem to raise a reply from the taxi company.   But I'm sure something will work out.

This morning was our local church coffee morning
and lunch was a delicious beef lasagne bought at the church hall and made by A - she always saves us two each.   Then this afternoon was ukulele practice - not so many of us today but we had a play together.   Now it is in, light tea after the lasagne and I shall now repair to the kitchen by the Aga to watch Strictly Come Dancing and try to do The Guardian crossword.   Enjoy your Saturday evening - and if you are in the UK I hope you manage to see the meteors.



  1. Not so chilly here today, yesterday was bitterly cold and very windy. Now we have rain, but Strictly is on so that's good. Hope you can get out for your Sunday lunch

    1. A bit like my evening by the sound of it. I heard them say don't hold your breath about the meteors. A bit rainy here so I'll be staying indoors.

  2. Today the weather has been a sharp contrast to yesterday which was glorious. We managed to enjoy a walk in the woods before the rain came. Would the local RVS be able to assist you with transport? X

  3. Apropos heavenly messengers there's a rock "the size of a house" going to pass "within 40,000 kms". I hope it doesn't decide to veer off course. We have quite enough disasters as it is.

  4. Strictly tonight has been highly enjoyable. My sister is here so all happy with the world today.

  5. The sun is so bright and warm today!
    Perhaps you remember all the trouble I had with pain. My new pain medicine has so eliminated pain I think I may get one of those step meter things all the young people wear, just to see what I'm up to these days.
    Have a lovely week ahead. It will be better than you think.

  6. They said on the news that a cold front was coming this week. The low temperature around 65 degrees. Sounds perfect to me though I guess cold to others. I've seen many meteor showers and comets and it is always a wonder.

  7. No winter for us or even fall. We started to have our Fall like weather but then a few days of back to 100.
    No sweaters yet for us.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. OOh, favourite. It's quite a laborious process to make so I don't have it very often. Lucky you!

  9. Warm day today here Pat.. In the 80'sF ... uuughhh... I'm ready for some cooler weather.. Some is promised next week... at least tonight promises to be cool.. in the 50'sF good sleeping weather in my opinion.. We spent all day to day at the Sister in Laws working on her plumbing ...again... Sooner or later we will weed out all the variables and get it fixed... She did buy us lunch out at Olive Garden... potato and sausage soup called Zuppa Toscano i think .. so so good and salad and breadsticks...yum... Well dearie.. i hope you are having a nice evening... Hugs! deb

  10. It was 2 C here yesterday morning; some even claimed to have frost. We weren't expecting THAT.

  11. Yesterday, I was out and about with my Mum nearly all day, and it was the kind of weather that makes you believe it is warm enough to take your coat off and the next moment you have to slip it back on when the wind picks up.
    Today I am going to switch parts of my wardrobe from summer to winter, mainly the dresses which I know I won't be able to wear for the next 6 or 7 months. Instead, the knit dresses and other warm things I never need during summer will come forward.
    I hope your trips to the doctor's and hairdresser's will work out - the taxi people should be happy to take you!

  12. I am still in Guernsey where we have been spoiled by very mild conditions and mostly good days with a few really grey wet ones. Home tomorrow and back to earth. I love it here but am looking forward to getting back to my little flat. Hope you get your lifts/taxis sorted out for your appointments and that you will soon be telling us that you have a moving date. Keep warm.x

  13. It is getting chilly here today too - in NW Washington State. It always seems to creep up on me - though I know it is coming. I agree, nice be in indoors and warm - and a good cup of tea and a molasses cookie is the perfect thing.

  14. I've thought these past few years that Autumn seems to have become a very short season. We seem to jump from end of Summer to beginning of Winter in no time at all.
