Sunday 17 September 2017

Sunday friends

Friends have been across from the Lakes for lunch today and took this up to date photograph of Tess.  I thought you might all like to see her as she has not featured photographically for quite a while.   You will see that she is still going strong.   She is always so pleased to see visitors, particularly like those today who love her.

My yesterday's Guardian news paper sits untidily under the chair in the kitchen.   I am trying to finish the Quick Crossword which is not living up to its name today and has become the Slow crossword as there are one or two I just can't finish. 

The temperature is decidedly  cold and it keeps raining then sunshining - altogether a rather stormy day.   The friends have come over here today rather than meet us in Kirby Lonsdale, but we do intend to try and get one more meeting there before the Winter.   We never attempt to go once we get to mid October; going across the high Pennines at that time of year (and then until April next year) is always a bit foolhardy. 

No more information as yet on the moving front but I am hoping it happens in the not too distant future - this time lag is beginning to sap my will to live quite frankly.   Thank goodness for friends and family.

Tomorrow the lady who cleans for me is coming back.   She has not been for a month as she has not been well.   I am very pleased to see her return - it is only when she is away that I realise how lucky I am to have her.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tess looks so bright and alert what a lovely friend. I was very envious of your treacle tart - I have not had one for ages. I'm sure this long protracted waiting to move is not helpful - it must be very stressing. It is hard to get rid of treasured furniture. I've never tried the Guardian crossword -although I do read the online version of the paper I'll have to have a go --all good wishes. Keep writing, I always look forward to your posts. Jean in Winnipeg

  3. What a gorgeous girl she is. X

  4. Whilst it is lovely to hear your news it is lovely to see Tess :)

  5. Will you run around with the hoover before she comes

  6. What a sweetie she looks. You're lucky to have a cleaning lady. I p priced one and it was going to be $145 for 3 hours to sweep, vacuum dust and do the dishes. I can do all that, I need someone door mopping, cleaning baseboards, dusting blinds, washing Windows. So no luck

  7. Tess is lovely. No Sunday lunch today? We have gardeners but never get to grips with cleaners. Glad she is back for you. I too John always cleaned before cleaners arrived. Daft.

  8. I think Tess is ageing gracefully. Good job.

  9. My Samatha was a Border, such a wonderful breed. I miss her so much she was a lovely gud dug.
    She was my Flower Girl at my wedding. She was beautiful I made the flowers for her and they cascaded down her left side tied with a bow at her neck.
    I lost all the photos in the wildfire.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. Tess is a pretty girl and nice you can get in a few meetings or two with friends before weather makes the drive too daunting.

  11. Tess is a bright little button and sure doesn't look her age. Will the lady that cleans for you be able to continue when you move? Back when we were both going hard at it with our careers, we had a company called Merry Maids clean for us. They came every Friday and it was wonderful to come home to a clean house to enjoy over the weekend.

  12. What a sweet girl! When you have a dog you are never alone.

  13. What good company your Tess must be; an alert, interested in whatever the doings of the day dog. What a clumsy sentence, I excell at those, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
    Hope the move gets moving sooner, rather than later. It's exasperating living in limbo land.


  14. Tess has that look of a dog who won't tolerate rats or rabbits. What a beautiful face!

  15. She is lovely, makes my Rick look a real scruff.

  16. Always great to see your lovely Tess.

    My godmother had a dog just like it. She was called Sheila (the dog I mean, not my aunt). My natural mother would always rebuked me for letting her lick my face. I liked the feel of her rough tongue on my skin.

  17. Your darling little dog, Tess - she is adorable!!!
    I've not looked at your blog for a couple of weeks, how could I forget to look? Anyway, I do like your new header photo, it's beautiful!
    I am totally useless at crossword puzzles or codewords (which husband enjoys doing in the Telegraph) ... you'd think, as a writer, I'd be good at such things, but it doesn't follow that someone who can write can also do puzzles! As I say, totally useless at cryptic clues, but I can manage general knowledge ones, but really I'd rather read a book, ha ha! Similarly, because numbers aren't my bag (apart from totting up bills and checking bank statements, in which sphere I'm proficient) I can't play cards, either; I can never remember the suits and even muddle spades with clubs as they're both black!
    Margaret P

  18. Comprehension was part of 'O' level English when I was at school.

  19. Tess looks lovely. At least you have a house to eventually go to, I have no idea where we will be. Very stressful.

  20. Tess looks beautifully alert. Can't do crosswords, but we also have the Guardian and the Times over the weekend. I missed the Guardian journalists when we swopped over to the Times and couldn't find any friendly faces there, so we we have both papers now ;)

  21. Dear little Tess - she is so sweet. How I would love a cuddle with her. I could have done with your cleaning lady when vacating my house to leave it in good order for the new people. I know just how frustrated you must be feeling - the waiting is soul destroying - I do hope it won't be much longer before you get a moving date and that you get a bit more notice than I did. Everything was well in hand so it didn't matter too much, but it is nice to know a little in advance.

  22. Thanks everyone. Tess is obsessed with rabbits - chases them and lets them go - my kind of dog.
    She is nine and a half years old and very active for her age - I find it hard to walk
    her but her company means that I am never alone.
    And no John. I did not clean before she came - I have had her for twenty years and know her too well for that.

  23. I love the photo of Tess. The look on her face makes me wonder, did someone just say the word "Rabbit" ? She looks ready for anything.

  24. Beautiful photo of Tess. What a truly gorgeous companion you have.
