Monday 11 September 2017


I think Autumn really has arrived today - it is windy, there are showers and sunny intervals, and it is cold.   On the rare occasion that the sun comes out there is still power in the sun but that has not been often today.

Without a list (well, let's be honest, I did make one  I left it on the kitchen table) I did a lot of good jobs in town.   My daughter in law has had a new hip and I bought, and sent, cards from me and from Tess (who adores her) to hospital in West Yorkshire.   I spoke to her later in the afternoon and she has had a walk round her room which is a start.

I went to the Bank and then to the Solicitor who told me that things should really move  by next week-end when according to him 'they will move faster than you can keep up with them.'  I will believe that when it happens.

Then it was home for lunch and an afternoon spent chatting to a friend.   Sometimes a complete afternoon off does a lot of good.

Now it is seven thirty and well towards dark, so I shall sign off and go and draw all the curtains to shut out the dark night.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Oh I so wished I could hibernate for six months, I so hate the cold and darkness of autumn and winter, it's not a good time for me.

  2. It is disappointingly cold and wet here in the south-west, but I'm cheered by the sight of your header with the view of Castle Bolton. We held our wedding reception and dance there fifty years ago!

  3. I work in a Solicitors - believe me they never move fast!

  4. It is a good feeling drawing the curtains and shutting out the dark. I hope your solicitor is right and you begin to see some progress very soon. First day at school went well. Thank you for your kind words. X

  5. Sounds like you could be heading for a Michaelmas completion.

  6. I live in a place where we get very high temperatures and 300 days of sunshine a year. That sounds so good, but it drives me completely bonkers. I dream of colder temperatures, wearing cozy woolly sweaters and cuddling in under a blanket with a good book. Let's trade locations for just a while!

  7. I hate aumtumn and winter, but will endeavour to make the most of these shorter days.

  8. My experience is that Solicitors are excellent liars...

  9. So good to hear your daughter in law is well Pat... I have run a few errands in town myself today and when i got home it was so nice out... cooler and no humidity i simply could not stay in the the afternoon has been about yard work .. which i enjoy when the weather is nice.. (cool) A buzzard sat on a dead tree and watched me do all the mowing.. the hummingbirds are still here flitting about the feedr... other birds are taking a bath.. A few deer... last years fawns i think.. a brother and a sister stopped by to see if i put food out early.. lol Now i have a few dishes to do and a load or two of laundry... THEN i might sneak into my craftroom before supper... and have a play... Take care.. stay warm... I hope you come over for a visit. Hugs! deb

  10. I'm not sure about solicitors moving fast.
    But I really hope things shift along soon so you can get sorted before the weather really turns nasty.

  11. Like everyone else I hope things get moving for you soon. And no I dont trust conveyancing solicitors either. Altho have to say the one we have had for the last 15 years has come up trumps,on 3 occasions, but that is the Scottish system. Far better than darn sarth. Weather here is foul, strong winds and torrential rain.

  12. "Faster than you can keep up!" I need a bit of that; they'd see how fast this old lady could move.

  13. Fingers crossed that things do speed up for you.

  14. Nice day and
    Good Night !

    cheers, parsnip

  15. We have to make the best of the fine days that come our way, don't we? I am sure your afternoon off was good for you. I have a feeling that your Solicitor is right. I am so pleased to be in my flat but will be even more pleased when everything settles down and there are not so many things waiting for my attention!

  16. Do hope that things speed up for you - but not faster than you can keep up with!

  17. Best wishes to your daughter-in-law on her new hip. My husband did it a few years ago. Rehab. Rehab! I wish he had listened better to that mantra. Mine has ached of late. Painful. I'm wishing it away while I do the exercises on my husband's lists. Sincerely, hopes for a speedy recovery for you DIL.

  18. I am so pleased to be in my flat but will be even more pleased when everything settles down and there are not so many things waiting for my attention!

    แตกใน xxx
