Friday 22 September 2017


Warm and damp conditions best describes today here in Wensleydale - weather which I would describe as 'muggy',    It is, I suppose, also good growing weather although I don't think anyone wishes things to grow now - and that especially applies to lawns.   When I got home after my lunch out (!!) it was to find that my gardener had been and had cut the grass - hopefully for the last time this season now that the equinox has passed.

Listening to the weatherman this morning on Breakfast Television he said that although the Equinox was yesterday (the 21st) it is on Sunday
(24th) that light and darkness will be of equal length.   These days meteorology has become so complicated.   When I was young seasons began on the 21st of the month - there was none of this other information.   I really think you can suffer from too much information. There are some lines along which my brain just refuses to operate.

Nothing much to say today - just a bit tired and dis spirited so perhaps an early night will restore my equilibrium.



  1. Sometimes the change of season can affect you. Shorter days darker nights.
    This morning it was so lovely. Beautiful sunrise and cooler air. A treat for us desert dwellers.
    Only 90 today ! whoo hoo.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Night night and sleep well. Better tomorrow hopefully

  3. Apparently we are all supposed to feel a burst of energy with the Autumn Equinox. Wonder if it will appear on Sunday as it hasnt done so far.

  4. Lovely day before the rain came, made it 10 miles!

  5. They keep changing everything, I mean Pluto isn't even a planet any more. Don't get discouraged, things will work out.

  6. So sorry to hear you're feeling "dis-spirited". I hope tomorrow will bring something good your way!
    We're having warm, humid weather here in the states, too. It seems everyone is cutting corn and/or hay. Not quite time to end the growing season here. (but, secretly I am SO ready!)

  7. I agree that sometimes there can be information overload... But i for one am a lover of trivia... of all things.. I file away little bits of information in my brain.. for no good reason.. some will be forgotten and others dug out when the obscure question arises... Things like ... what is the first line of the book 'Moby Dick'??? answer.. 'Call me Ishmael'... Did you know that a white cat with blue eyes will be deaf in both ears?? But a white cat with one blue eye and one eye of another color will be deaf on the side of the blue eye... why do i know these things... lol I hope you feel better soon Pat... Hugs! deb

  8. Aw, I forgot about all the extra hours of darkness, and now I am dispirited. I think my brain is full and that's why it isn't working very good anymore. Guess we better enjoy the beauty of fall before those dark days descend upon us. I need sunshine - always.

  9. I hope you are able to move soon, and have a footstool to prop your feet up on.

  10. I've just checked our forecast, and it looks as if our good weather will return. September is usually one of our better months; not this year!

  11. Your comments re. too much information are dead right, when we you used to have four seasons each year, we didn't need that info., the countryside and wildlife alerted us to what season we were entering. Nowadays things grow on into the winter, roses stay in bloom, lawns keep growing, some summer birds don't bother to go south. Here in Kent it's quite normal to be mowing lawns in mid winter now due to the mildness.

  12. Trouble with me I love information, but it never sticks sadly! Hope your mood takes an optimistic turn upwards today, the weather is supposed to be good over the weekend and there are the newspapers to look forward to - perhaps not.

  13. Thanks for the encouraging comments - they always help.

  14. Thinking of you Pat, knowing how frustrating those last few weeks/days can be. I have just about enough energy to climb into my son-in-law's car on Monday morning! I feel as if I could sleep for a fortnight but don't want to miss anything as we are going to Guernsey.
    Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Guess we better enjoy the beauty of fall before those dark days descend upon us. I need sunshine - always.

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