Thursday 14 September 2017


Tonight, walking up to shut the farm gate, it could have been December - it is a very cold night although it has been a lovely sunny day and in the sun and out of the wind it has been pleasant.

I am feeling very stressed today.   My daughter in law comes out of hospital after her hip operation and is still not walking well and is in a lot of pain.  I wish I could help more than I am doing but there are so many appointments booked this coming week - somebody coming to give the Aga a professional clean and then the engineer coming to service it; the Hospice coming to collect furniture I no longer want, a Physio appointment - I am so very busy doing jobs.    I know that in the end all will be settled down again and will be well but in the meantime it is all so frustrating.

Going up the road with Tess this morning there was a tortoiseshell she-cat dead in  the lane.   She had been hit by a car I presume, she was cold and curled up as though asleep in the grass; there was not a mark on her.  She only looked to be a young cat which made it doubly sad.

Tess was lucky today because friend G called and seeing that I was very stressed she suggested she take Tess for her afternoon walk.   So lucky Tess went across the barn field, chasing rabbits right left and centre and had a glorious time.   So thank you friend G - that lightened my load for the day considerably.   Now it is rest and relax time with a cup of tea.


  1. I did 10 miles of walking today so feeling pretty pleased! Cold wind but nie with sun out, I did end up walking in just my T-Shirt (well and trousers and boots obviously)

  2. How awful re the cat. But lightened mood re the friend walking Tess. Funny day you have had there. Hope daughter in law is ok. We cant do everything for everyone

  3. Horribly cold and dreary here today. Hope you get through all your busy things

  4. We can't be doing with stress Weave. Do 100 lines.

  5. There are times when we want to help our families, but we live so far away. We end up feeling guilty. Sometimes all we c an give is emotional support. Which we could send you some heat, it was 88 here today.

  6. Well, it takes 2-3 weeks after surgery to get free of pain. I'm sure your DIL gets all the help she needs from your son and her side of the family. The key word for everyone involved is Patience.

  7. The days and weeks leading up to a moving event are always fraught with stress, and your situation has given you a lot of extra concerns to deal with. Hopefully you can be settled before cold weather is there to stay.
    Animals killed in the road grieve me dreadfully--a separate and immediate sadness, in spite of all the human woe in the world.

  8. I don't know how you keep up with all you do!

  9. Message to your daughter-in-law re hip replacement (from one who has been there!)
    Keep taking all the pain killers prescribed for the first few weeks. Don't try and soldier on without them. Get groceries delivered: this is an enormous help, as men cannot be trusted to shop! Go to a warm swimming pool to walk up and down, backwards and sideways (as soon as the surgeon says you can). This was the best thing I did, several times a week. Now, six months on, I am about to go to Spain to walk more of the Camino.

  10. Good comment advice has been offered for your d-i-l, being in pain is no fun. Finding dead animals is a nasty experience. Friends who help out - walking Tess - are invaluable.


  11. I hate seeing dead cats on the road, but have to accept that it isn't always the motorist's fault. Yesterday I very nearly ran over a Red Squirrel; how it escaped I really don't know, but we saw it again on our return (alive and well). It was gathering Chestnuts.

  12. Early morning and late evening have turned cold down here in Kent as well Pat. Walking across the marsh at first light yesterday morning I could of done with warmer clothes on. Dead cats on the road are the inevitable result of a domestic pet being allowed to roam freely at their will.

  13. I hope that tea soothed you. Hope also warmer weather comes your way as you proceed with all these changes. Thinking of you.

  14. Having had several stressful days lately I keep wondering why I get worked up about things over which I have absolutely no control. You'd have thought I could have learned that lesson by now. After reading your words at least I know I'm not alone!

  15. I hope you have a better day today (Friday) and are feeling less stressed.

  16. It is so annoying when so many things need to be done in such a short time. Why can't they be spread out a bit! At least you had a little respite when your friend took Tess for her walk.
    Poor cat - hopefully she didn't know much about anything.
    Hope you can have a more peaceful day today and maybe find time to relax a little.

  17. Do hope that you've had a less stressful day today and that your DIL gets better soon. I'm so hoping that The consultant doesn't tell me I need a hip replacement as it all sound very drastic!!

  18. Hope you have a better weekend and are not so stressed. Things will sort themselves out and settle down soon I am sure. I know that at times things can get on top of you and you feel stressed - sure happens to me - and I am a worrier and worry about anything and everything. Think this gets worse with age. Anyhow, hopefully we will have some better weather this weekend and that should cheer us all up.

  19. You could do worse than put your feet up and watch some Thomas the Tank Engine cartoons. The soothing voice of Ringo Starr.

  20. Your answer made me laugh Rachel and relieved the stress no end. I think it is just how I am made and i have to put up with it. Sadly my son is the same (I recogise the symptoms) and the two of us together just make things twice as stressful.

    Thanks every one for the sympathy.

  21. After reading your words at least I know I'm not alone!

    แตกใน xxx
