Saturday 10 June 2017


This is the third post I have written and in spite of pressing 'save' I have lost the previous two.   Very frustrating - so I try again.

Saturday - another wet day all day.   It is now half past six in the evening and although the sun has just appeared it is still pouring with rain.  Very depressing.

Weekends are always the hardest I think, but friend W and I treated ourselves to a pleasant lunch today (a rare occasion!!!) - Caesar salad followed by Raspberry cheesecake and two cups of coffee.   Sheer indulgence as we are going out to lunch tomorrow too (five of us), but much needed at present.

Only one box packed today as I have run out of boxes, so I must begin to search for more.   It is going to be some weeks yet before I move so there really is no hurry now that I have got so much packed and my dear niece has said she will come and help me on moving day.

After our lunch I went into town to buy a Guardian newspaper but so much of it is taken up by election news - and I don't want to read any more about it thank you.



  1. Sunny here, and windy, like the seaside. I have just read the Review and the Magazine, I will give the main paper a miss tonight. Like the tv and radio have an off switch, so the newspaper can remain unopened. Glad you have had some company today, and some lined up tomorrow. Not everything is bad.

  2. Unbroken sunshine and very warm here all day but windy, so the ground is drying too quickly.

    My Daily Telegraph was the same today, too much election crap and how the knives have suddenly appeared for Mrs May. On Thursday she was to be England's saviour, today she is it's demise. Like Mr. Clegg said, you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

  3. Grey and overcast all day here, and now we have more rain. So glad I got the back lawn cut yesterday. I did a lot yesterday and am having a lazy day today. I too have had enough election talk. Enjoy your lunches with friends - it's one of the things friends are for.

  4. I'm trying to ignore all the election news. Just want to hear something positive now. It's been a beautiful clear blue sky day here in France.

  5. A blue sky sunny day here in Suffolk.

    I don't know how journalists can write/say so much when no one really knows how things will pan out.

    Your lunches out always sound so delicious, you must know all the best places around your part of the world!

  6. You're lucky to have such caring friends, it shows what a special person you are.

  7. Rainy days are so dreary. I think that too. You certainly are a busy bee with your social life. You need a good, big hug and a foot rub. Love you Pat.

  8. Lunch out - a rare occasion for you? That's like saying hens don't lay eggs or that Theresa May is a part-time pole dancer. By my calculations you have had 185 lunches out in 2017 and this is only the 160th day of the year!

  9. You are not the only one fed up with the weather (and politics). From having a baked-hard garden a few weeks ago, it now feels as though we are sinking. Not heard anything about a hosepipe ban for a few weeks, though. Enjoy your lunch out!!!

  10. I find weekends very difficult---even after four years without my husband---weekends and evenings. When I go through a rough patch, I ask people to dinner. Seems to help. Once you've moved into your new little place, you might find you crave the company of others and it doesn't have to be fancy. I've had dear friends over to share a pot of homemade beans and cornbread muffins. I know this might sound strange but if I ask a couple or two, I ask them to bring a widow because I know what they're going through. She fills his empty chair.

  11. Downsizing is such a hard slog, and you are doing it in such sad circumstances, you deserve a treat.
    Take care

  12. Cold wind but the sun is shining through here. We are giving The Times a go on Saturday, it is what I call a 'dryasdust' paper, but I have been contributed monthly to the online Guardian. Where does TM go now I wonder they are all busy plotting against her, politics is a dirty business.

  13. edit.................contributing monthly to the online Guardian!!

  14. Wall to wall sunshine on the Essex coast giving me a chance to get rid of the weeds that love this wet and warm weather as much as the vegetables!

  15. Going out to lunch is always a good idea!
    Much more digestible and good for you than studying politics.
    Suddenly warm here.
    Went to our 5 year old granddaughter’s dance recital last evening.
    Very charming and she was so thrilled to be given a little bunch of flowers….gives you hope!

  16. Thanks ro you all. YP - you are suggesting I havw had two lunches on some days!!
    We all seem to agree on politics - boring, boring.
    The sun is shining, let's just enjoy it.
