Thursday 8 June 2017

Another day passes

I am not feeling myself at present and am beginning to feel the strain of it all.  The trouble with packing (only two boxes a day remember) is in deciding what to take and what to give away.  At the moment I live in a large farmhouse - I am moving to a smaller sized bungalow which just will not take the same amount of 'stuff' as my decorator friend called the things I have around.

In addition I have not felt well for the last couple of days but as my son has felt the same we have decided it must be a bug (election bug).

It has rained almost all the week here and rained heavily at that.  Yesterday was sunny but very windy and then today it has rained again until a short time ago.   Rain is forecast for tomorrow too - pity the poor folk who are up here on holiday (we live in a great holiday area).

Tonight friends are taking me out for a Chinese; I am sitting writing this waiting for them to arrive. Perhaps I shall feel more myself after that.


  1. Moving is exhausting, and you are still coming to terms with your loss and the changes to your life. Be kind to yourself - it will be a while before you feel 'right' again, so make sure you are not overdoing it.

  2. Sorting things out for moving is decision after decision so tiring mentally. Thinking of you.

  3. What you are feeling is normal.We moved two years ago.In our previous house we had a loft you could walk in so you can imagine how much "stuff" we had up there.We found it very tiring sorting things out but also cathartic.Very little of the "stuff" we miss.The odd book or two but you will feel sooooo good when you go your bungalow.Life will be easier I a smaller property.Think about the cleaning!A very different life but good in so many ways.Thinking about you and hope you feel a bit better tomorrow and enjoy your Chinese

  4. Who is this Chinese fellow you are meeting up with?

    Regarding all your stuff - you could consider putting the "maybe" items into storage for a while and then you could access it later. In Sheffield I would use Big Yellow but in Richmond North Yorkshire there's Dowse of Richmond.

  5. I am sure you will feel much better after a good meal, Weave. You know the most stressful thing we can ever do to ourselves? Move house.

  6. I am sorry you don't feel well. A Chinese cheer-up may help a lot!

  7. You mhm need some time off, maybe a short break somewhere.

  8. Oh Pat, it does sound as if you've caught something. I do hope you're feeling better very soon and that the company of friends and a good time out help lift you.

  9. Greetings. I have no advice because you know what you are doing.

  10. Preparing to move is HARD WORK.

    I do like Rachel's comment above, made me smile, hope it made you smile too.
    And hope you enjoyed that Chinese. Mushroom Chow Mein for me please.

  11. It is grieving. Also I feel so down at what may happen today. I think of my children and their children having to face what I fear so much. We will all get through this. Enjoy your friends, enjoy the meal. Hang on to the positives.

  12. One day at a time. Sending love and thoughts from over the water.

  13. Both moving and the stress of losing a life long partner are very high on the stress scale no wonder you are not feeling yourself. Just take things a day at a time - you have some good friends to carry you through. Hope your evening was enjoyable.

  14. I hope that you are not in a time crunch to move. If all else fails, you could just take the whole lot with you, pack it into your new surroundings and continue with the decluttering there. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  15. Moving is extremely stressful. You've had much upheaval of late, and as others have said, try to be kind to yourself during this time of transition.

    Hopefully, it will be somewhat easy for you to part with the 'stuff' you cannot take to the new place. x

  16. Moving during an Election period must be about the most stressful thing ever. It'll all be over soon and we'll all wonder why we worried. Take the dog for a walk; it always works for me.

  17. I agree with all your other commenters have said. Moving is stressful. Usually I hear one should not move for at least six months after the death of a spouse. Though I think that has to do with making decisions while grieving. But you are a strong woman and have wonderful support from family and friends. Perhaps a day of resting more would help. I know these decisions are very difficult and wish I could help you somehow.

  18. Moving and downsizing is stressful and exhausting Pat, take care of your self.
    I finally finished emptying my house yesterday apart from the garden furniture that someone is collecting on Saturday.

  19. As everybody else here has said, it is hardly surprising you feel the strain of all that has happened in such a short space of time, plus the hard work of moving. I am not usually fond of official lists and stats, but I have read that on a scale of stress, losing one's partner, a divorce and moving house are highest up as causing stress.
    I hope the meal with your friends made you feel better.

  20. Thanks everyone. You are right - I do feel better this morning. The sun is shining and the Chinese meal was delicious (king prawns) as was the company. The election results are 'interesting' and certainly food for thought today.

  21. You have gone through a lot in a very short time, so take it. So glad you enjoyed the company last night and that the sun is shining and has lifted your spirit. Hope you will feel really better soon.
    Margaret P

  22. Glad that you are feeling better today. As someone above said "one day at a time" is good. I am sure we will all feel better if we got a bit of sunshine. Weather here in Cheshire has been horrendous with the wind and rain.

  23. I think the not feeling very well is rather to be expected. Moving is stressful at the best of times - and especially difficult after a death. So just sending love in your direction.
    And of course better weather would help a bit!

  24. Moving is difficult and exhausting under the happiest circumstances. But it is a good time to "declutter" and get rid of stuff that no longer serves us. I'm brand new to your blog, but my good wishes go with you.

  25. I do hope you will soon be feeling better Pat, and that you enjoy your meal out with your friends. It is a very exhausting time so take good care of yourself.

  26. Stress brings us down. It is wonderful that you have friends around to take you out and relive your burdens for a little while.

  27. Look after yourself hun.Moving and bereavement are extremely stressful times xx

  28. It's hard work packing up a home, but I always find it cathartic too. Take only that which you love, use all your best items and carry on with your brilliant donating to charity.

    You're doing a great job by the sound of it, there's no harm in having a day off though and just resting. Even if you just sit outside with a good book and the dog it will be a break from all the sorting and packing. Fingers crossed for some sunny days.

    Take care, thinking of you. xx

  29. Take care of yourself. Listen to your body. If you feel under the weather maybe you should rest a bit more. The packing can wait.

  30. I seem to remember that moving house is rated as a highly stressful 'activity' so it's not surprising you feel tired from time to time. Where possible just ride with it and do what you are able each day. If you are like me, and probably most people, even trying to take a break the brain keeps working out what still needs doing. Sleep is about the only way to shut it out for a while.
