Wednesday 31 May 2017

Normal Service

Sorry I have been off line since Saturday but we had an awful thunderstorm which blew my hub and completely destroyed it.   BT were very good but of course it was Bank Holiday so my new hub didn't come until this morning.

I have now caught up on my e mails, but have a busy few days ahead - so it might be next week before I really get back into my stride.


  1. You are sometimes down but never out weave xxxx

  2. We had terrible thunder and lightening here in West Wales at 4am. Woke me, but not my husband. Mind you, he slept through the great storm in London years ago too.

  3. Take care of your hub, Weave. For a lot of us, you are the hub. I for one have often thought about leaving blogworld, then wondered what I would do without you.

  4. Can we imagine life without a hub now, I know I couldn't, it's scary! Glad it's all being sorted.

  5. Good to hear from you, Weave. Thanks for the update.

  6. Pat, I am not at all sure what a hub is except for some wheel connection or airport link. However, it's grand to know that you are now reconnected around these blogland parts.

    When I lose internet connection here, it's generally because some tenant has moved out of the building and the tech follow-up maneuvers in the basement have crossed some wires.


  7. Happy to know all that was damage was the hub.
    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  8. Wow, that must have been some storm! Good to see you're back in the fold.

  9. Sorry to hear that your hub has been blown. Sounds painful.

  10. Good to know that was the reason for your "silence"!
    Something similar happened at my house years ago during a thunderstorm. The telecommunications provider acted quickly, and the fried hub (hit by lightning) was replaced the very next day.

  11. I wondered where you were.

  12. We've lost internet a few times. They it's the ants. In winter they build their nests in electric boxes. We're still on the old copper wire. They had to turn the internet speed down because it was too fast for us. Last time it off in thunderstorm we lost TV and phone as well.

  13. I think quite a few of us had bad thunderstorms but not as dramatic as yours. The lightning here was quite scary and so vivid but no damage done. Glad you are back with us, and don't work too hard during the next week.

  14. Glad you are back, take work lightly. We didn't have any bad storms, but as the weather tracks west to east I suppose you would get the worst of it.

  15. Just glad to hear everything is alright with you !! :) Hugs! deb

  16. Welcome back... I figured you were just very busy preparing for your move. You were missed!

  17. Glad to hear you're ok. Even the best of surge protectors can be useless against a serious lightning zap!

  18. Most of the really bad weather seemed to just miss me and my cricket matches. Strange.

  19. That happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. Since then I tend to unplug anything electronic from the phone line when I know there is a storm nearby.

  20. As many others have said I'm glad to see this post. I was concerned that you might not be well.

  21. I still find it odd that you feel that you have to apologise for not writing a post every day, take your time Pat.

  22. John - I shall unplug in future.
    Thanks for all the nice flattering things you say about me. Were you to meet me face
    to face maybe you would feel differently. But your comments boost me tremendously through this difficult time. xx
