Thursday 11 May 2017

Manifesto and other things.

I have no idea what the plural of manifesto is and I am too lazy at this time of the day to get up from my chair in the hall and go into the kitchen to find the dictionary and look it up.

But as far as I am concerned, I am totally and completely disillusioned with Politics everywhere.   I read through - or hear on the News - details of a Manifesto.  It never seems to me to bear any relation to reality.

I know there is so much wrong with our country - the NHS is in crisis and needs so much more money spending on it.   Schools are in crisis and need more teachers.   Potholes in the roads (round here at any rate) are horrendous.   I could go on, but I won't.   We all know the score.

People get hot under the collar about immigration - and in many cases justifiably.    But then I go into the National Health System, as I have done so regularly over the last six months with my darling farmer,  and I see that if this country banned all immigration then there would be an enormous shortage of trained and brilliant staff in hospitals - and that goes for everyone from nurses, through doctors and on to consultants.   Many of them were no doubt born here, but often their parents were not.

The whole situation is so complex.   We are told that there is a huge shortfall in money available for anything -  from the NHS, through the transport system, the education system.   Yet if a sudden war comes up somewhere in the world then billions are immediately found to  pay for weapons (and kill innocent people in the process of using them.)

I want to opt out of voting.   I am totally and thoroughly disillusioned with them all.   But women fought and died for the right to vote, so I would never do that.

Any suggestions?  


  1. You are right, the whole situation is very complex. The problem nowadays are those politicians who offer simple solutions to complex problems. The reality is that policy responses often need to be equally complex, tentative and gradual and formulated in a way that most people will find acceptable. Please do vote, for the reasons you cite.

  2. Your last line hit home for me.
    I was just thinking yesterday I really can not vote anymore for the liars of BOTH parties here in America.
    But then I thought I have to vote !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I understand your dilemma. I feel as though I can't vote as they all seem to be as bad as each other, promising this and that and not coming up with the goods. But on the other hand it seems wrong to not vote. I shall have to wait util nearer the time.

  4. Vote for local issues and candidates, ignore that which you have no control over. I did my protesting in t h e 60s and 70s, now I just want to live in peace.

  5. Each country gets the politicians it deserves. You could have been a politician Mrs Weaver. I don't like this tendency to say "Oh they're all the same" or "They never keep their promises". Usually such remarks emerge from the mouths of the ignorant and ill-informed, not from intelligent, world-wise people like you. In my opinion it is our duty to vote, to participate, to be in the game and not carping from the shadows.

  6. Like you, I always vote because women fought for that right but things here in New Zealand are much the same as you describe over there. I dread to think what the world is coming to.

  7. I feel exactly the same, I don't have much faith in anyone anymore. X

  8. I think that you speak for a large part of the county's voters at the moment Pat, many of us feel as confused and let down as you do. The best that you can do is to follow your own personal convictions and not be led by other bloggers.

  9. Well, You know I can't comment about your country's leaders. Dirty Don is taking us in a downward spiral on a daily basis. Half of us get the leader we deserve. I still think someone is going to come along and say its all been a mistake. Unbelievable.

  10. Horrible people and horrible circumstances have always been around, we just know about it more. Somehow, the world is still here. I can't remember a time in my life when I have been more frightened or dismayed with my country, but I look around me and see ordinary people doing extraordinary things and I have hope. We must all keep voting because they can take much away from us, but not our voice.

  11. Like you, I am utterly sick of politics. I wish they would all go away (or f off...)

  12. I am a socialist. Always have been. Jeremy Corbyn is the most decent politician we have ever had. The capitalist press have mocked his every statement even though it is all backed up on sound financial footing. Off the soap box now.

  13. Dear Weaver, I have treated myself this evening as I eat my pasta supper, to reading your recent posts. I can definitely identify with what you have written here about manifesto statements, and their aftermath. Our country seems to have down way, way through the looking glass. I admit to being just a bit addicted to news (and at my age a pretty good judge of what is fake and what is not.)

    Naps! In the past weeks I have begun waking up earlier than has been my habit. Perhaps it is down to earlier sunrise. I wake by 6 and than...turn on the cable tv news programs to catch up on what has developed while I soundly slept. Again, perhaps because of the sunshine, I have been able to resist the lure of afternoon naps.

    Earlier this week after a visit with a friend to an exhibit, we had a lunch on the terrace of a cafe in Central Park and then walked a bit around the Park (as I sneezed and my eyes wept.) I mention this this because my friend is younger than I, but was widowed over a year ago. I treasure days that she enjoys meeting up with me and sharing her thoughts.

    I think that there was something else I meant to write...but I cannot remember it now. xo

  14. Well believe it is not just your country Pat... And i have no idea of a solution... You know you kinda saw it coming... didn't you.. i think i did... but it was off in the hazy distance and then suddenly it was right there... And.. i think its going to get worse before it gets better.. But we can't give up... we can't stop voting..etc... In my opinion.. Its when its darkest that we must keep trying.. My country is so divided... I've never seen it so divided.. And honestly it scares me a little..... divide and conquer you know... Hang in there Pat... Hugs! deb

  15. I began Trump's term with a vision of chasing him away. Won't happen. I was sad to find what a boor he is, and had a vision of him crushing the china to dust, and then working on through the pottery. To dust, mind you. Then I think I woke up.

  16. Hold on tight with the rest of us. We need every sane person we can muster to get us through.

  17. I would only suggest that you vote for a responsible government, and not an irresponsible one. I'll leave you to decide. A manifesto can promise just about anything, especially if you know you have no hope of being elected.

  18. Make a cup of tea, sit down and drink it and maybe listen to music, if that takes your fancy, or spend time on a jigsaw puzzle.

    It does not fix the apparent woes of your country but it might just improve your day?


  19. Good morning, I agree with you but as you said women died so that we can vote, so I will always cast a vote even though I have become disillusioned like you with all of the political parties. They all seem to lie through their back teeth, making empty promises that they never keep. I will vote Green now for this General Election, just because where I live is a staunch Conservative area and I can never, ever see any other party getting in, so though it may seem a "wasted" vote I have made a stance plus used my vote. In local elections I tend to vote for the Independent candidate who does the most for the local area. I voted to remain, not BREXIT but as the country decided to leave I have shut up on that one. I hope you find an answer to your dilemma, it is not an easy one to come to a solution. Regards Sue H.

  20. I have lost faith in this country after Brexit.In a Democracy a country gets the government it deserves.I will vote,for the reasons you outlined ,but it is with no enthusiasm for any party.

  21. Well I shall vote Green Party and rejoined. Of course they will not get another MP in, but voting is about what you believe in and it is the Environment for me. Our local conservative seat has been held by them since 1902 - goodness sake, and don't let them allow fox hunting through again, though I think it still goes on!

  22. Fox hunting has never ceased here in North Kent where I live Thelma, so having the ban repealed won't make any difference to us, although I'd rather we did have a proper ban.

  23. I've never known the country so polarised. I may well spoil my vote this time. No vote is a wasted vote, whatever you do, so long as you go to the polling station.

  24. Pat can I just ask why there is always a dustbin after my comment,I know I talk rubbish most of the time,but its a bit hurtful.

  25. and they HAVE to interfere with Education AGAIN!


  26. You must always vote. There should be a "Re-open nominations" box to tick.

  27. I feel exactly as you do with regard to politics, but am determined to use my hard won entitlement to vote. Lord knows what the future holds, no matter which Party gets elected. I am glad I am old and that in 10, or maybe more years, I won't have to worry about it any more.

  28. Isn't it hard to keep our spirits up about the world at the moment. I saw a book titled "Hope Without Optimism" that might be the best I can reach. Michael Leunig the cartoonist suggests the following Trump Proof Walls: "The wall of herbs, The dome of the sky. The wall of chickens. The beautiful embrace of the departed. The wall of one happy dog. The magic wall of children's drawings on the footpath."
    Looking at politics I try to find moves to help us save our future generations and otherspecies by keeping an environment they can survive in and adapt to. And moves to address the social exclusion and inequality and to limit greed and exploitation. If only politicians (here in Australia too) would focus on these challenges and not play party politics and pursue personal advantage. Jean

  29. I think when the result is such a foregone conclusion it's worth voting for a strong opposition, but then I tend to the left anyway and veer between the Greens and Labour. I guess vote for the local candidate who appeals most to you rather than on party lines.
