Thursday 25 May 2017


It is good for me to be busy but you can have too much of a good thing and really, when it comes to bed-time I drop asleep the moment my head touches the pillow.

I am surrounded by boxes - my hairdresser dropped off around fifty this morning - and I try to fill at least a couple a day.   I also try to go to either the tip or the charity shop each day.   This is my one opportunity to seriously thin out my possessions.   When I pop my clogs somebody else will have to do it, so it is best for me to do it now.  Today it was the turn of the charity shop to receive three bags full of things to sell.

Today was my first ukulele concert - and it went off alright.   The one piece which I felt was too difficult for me - I was able to air strum large parts of it, only actually strumming the C and G chords - and hopefully nobody noticed.   The concert was at the Annual General Meeting of the University of the Third Age, which is very popular up here and has a good following.   There is a whole range of activities on offer - I enrolled in the book group, which meets once a month on a Monday (a good day for me) and the lady who runs it is going to e mail this month's book title to me.

Nothing is settled yet - I am in limbo - but I am keeping busy; there is such a lot to do.


  1. Am very pleased that you are keeping healthily busy and taking time to enjoy yourself too for that is also most important.

  2. To "pop one's clogs" is an odd expression isn't it Mrs W? I doubt that you even possess any clogs but in my opinion they should be worn by all ukulele players. Well done for completing your first concert - even though it contained some chord miming! Naughty girl!

  3. Wish I could fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, I've slept really badly for years. Nothing wrong with a bit of chord miming, they did it on Top of the Pops for years.

  4. Moving is hell. We moved out of London after 27 years, 20 of them in the same house. It was me stopping work and us getting out of town. It took 2 months to just unpack the boxes and now after 18 months we are nicely settled in Somerset. Do not panic if after you have moved you suddenly feel you are in the wrong place, it always takes time to settle in.

  5. We moved out of our house of 38 years last September and yes, it's no picnic! The weeks before moving were stressful and it did take some time to get settled. Still working on it.
    You seem to be doing well and how wonderful that you can sleep well! That's something I envy.
    Thanks for taking the time to post when you are so busy,

  6. You have more energy tahn most of us put together x

  7. I keep telling myself that I need a good sort-out of cupboards, bookshelves and so on, but never seem to get around to it. You will be really glad you've done it when you unpack in your new home, though.

  8. I hope your book club chooses interesting books to read. It is so much fun to share, discuss and dispute or argue over different aspects of a book.

  9. "Pop my clogs" is new to me, and quite tickled my ribs. I must use it on my hoarder friends whose heirs and assigns won't even bother between the tip and the charity shop. There is a good deal of praise due them who sort it out while wearing clogs.

  10. to your blog! I saw you post at Susan's blog and mention 'a gentle breeze', and well, given that THAT is the name of my blog, I had to come visit yours. :)

  11. You enjoy your poetry club, so I hope your book club will be as enjoyable.
    cheers, parsnip

  12. I feel for you and am in a similar situation. Rooms are beginning to empty and be furnished with boxes of 'stuff'. Arms are aching and my recliner chair beckons for regular breaks and relaxation. But I'm getting there, and letters from the solicitor begin to sound as if things are reaching a satisfactory conclusion. I must clean the mower - the wretched grass needs cutting again! Best of luck and don't work too hard. It's all go, isn't it?
    Congratulations on your concert - that must have been quite daunting.

  13. Things relating to selling and/or buying property take longer than estimates given at the start of proceedings.

  14. Glad the ukulele concert went well!
    It must be very tiring indeed getting everything organized for the move.
    I’m not the least surprised you are tired.
    I think you are having better weather than us - it has been a very cool spring with lots of rain.
    Sending much love.

  15. It is hard living around boxes and I don't envy you. Except for getting rid of things. That is fulfilling.

  16. I just came across your blog. My husband passed away 4 1/2 months ago. Reading your blog this morning has been soothing. "Getting on with life" is both necessary and challenging. Keeping busy and getting out with friends and family is the key. I just wanted to let you know that someone from Southern California found comfort here in your blog. Thank you.
