Monday 30 January 2017


Early yesterday I sat up in bed drinking my early morning cup of tea and watching the sun come up.  The sky was a picture as the sun tinted the underside of the clouds first a deep red and then, gradually, turned to orange as the sun rose.   At that point the rooks flew past - thousands of them - chatting away as they went, quite close to my window.   So I had my fill  of joy before I even got out of bed.

By the time we had had breakfast the sun was really up and lit up the paddock so beautifully that I had to go out and take a photograph or two for you.
Add to that the fact that my snowdrops and aconites are out and you know that Spring is on its way whatever the weather throws at us.
Today friend W and I are off to M and S at Teesside Park (about an hour away) to have a look round - the first time we have been for about six months - let's hope we get some inspiration for our Spring wardrobes.


  1. Beautiful photos. You have such lovely views from your house.

  2. It has been raining here today, for the first time in what feels like months and is certainly weeks. The snow is melting away, and it should be only a matter of days before I'll be spotting the first aconites and snowdrops here in people's front gardens as I walk past them on my way to the train station.

    To start the day like you did, with such a wonderful sunrise to observe, is certainly the best beginning of a new week (and almost new month)!

  3. What a beautiful light the early morning sun gives to your lovely view. I love your aconites and regret that they don't seem to like our soil, but I have hundreds of snowdrops just about to bloom. Hope you and your friend find some goodies at M and S.

  4. I'm always so shocked at how early your first spring flowers start to show. That is a beautiful scene and the sky looks so pretty! -Jenn

  5. Wow, that's certainly a stunning image to have outside the house, as are the Spring flowers that many of us are still waiting for. Apparently another cold snap is forecast for the end of Feb. so best not to throw the winter woollies off too soon.

  6. Oh what a beautiful morning you paint Pat. That alone, would have made my day.

  7. What a beautiful sky. Our spring currently resides under six inches of snow, but I have unbounded hope.

  8. I'm aching for weather like that. Fog, ice, ice rain, old snow, frost, bitter cold. OK. Will appreciate it all the more when it arrives.

  9. So beautiful. We live in a farming area. Lots of barley fields. The odd rape seed one. Cows and sheep. There are quite a few people round about who have rare breed sheep. First to lamb down the road are the Suffolk.

  10. Beautiful !
    Thank You for the wonderful photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. That looks like a very watery sunrise to me.

  12. Pat, thank you for sharing that morning view of the paddock with us. In future, if I come across the word paddock in my reading, I will think of this view.

    Hope that your shopping adventure was fun. xo

  13. Yay your aconite is out as well...the crocuses here are well behind last year however

  14. I photographed those in mid-April here last year!

  15. M & S for me has become synonymous with food. It must be a male thing!

  16. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful day..

  17. Yes Rachel, watery sun indeed - and it didn't last all day I am sad to say.

  18. Lovely photo of the paddock. Of course on February 1st it is Imbolc Day the first day of spring in the Christian/pagan calendar. Already the birds as the day gets lighter are adding their song of 'its just around the corner'! though we know it is not....

  19. That first picture is very beautiful and if I had taken it I would have been as pleased as punch with it. I wonder if Zebedee from "The Magic Roundabout" went to Teesside Park to get his new spring wardrobe! Geddit?

  20. Great photos Weave. No sign of spring flowers here yet.

  21. YP - No - I am very dim where jokes are concerned. Explain please.

    Thanks for sll your comments.

  22. Instead of legs, Zebedee had a coiled spring.
