Wednesday 25 January 2017

Lovely day

 Today has been a good day in all kinds of ways.   In the first instance the weather has been glorious providing you could ignore how bitterly cold it was.   The sky was a beautiful blue without a single cloud in it.   Friends over from the US (Boston) came for coffee this morning - two hours of lovely chat as we caught up on all our news.  Then, after lunch, our monthly Poetry afternoon - nine of us today - with lots of really interesting poems by a variety of writers.  Ending with a cup of tea this rounded up a very satisfying day.

It is so important when you get to retirement age that you strive to make life interesting.   It would be so easy to sit back, eat your meals, read the paper and do little else.   I can't exercise much as physically my walking skills are limited.   But that
doesn't mean I don't do a limited amount (I never miss an opportunity to go upstairs with anything that needs to be upstairs) or move around the house as much as I can.

Sitting listening to an afternoon of delightful poetry, carefully chosen to make an interesting selection, exercises my brain - different kind of exercise, but just as important.

Tomorrow's forecast is not so good but as it is my day for a cut, colour and wash and blowdry at the hairdresser's I shalln't mind so much.  (yes - I colour my hair.   I don't choose to have grey hair - my prerogative)

And the aconites and snowdrops in the front garden are out.   Spring is creeping in by the back door just to remind us that it is beginning the fight against Winter - a fight not won yet by any means but it is only a matter of time.


  1. Thick fog, cold, some drizzle and thoroughly awful here in Kent today.

  2. Oh, I hope I didn't get my snowdrops in the ground too late. No sign of them.

  3. I agree that you have to keep moving. And as for coloring our hair, I do it and will keep doing it and expect that a box of Clairol will be packed into my casket when I go.

  4. I was visiting at the old house over the weekend, and this mild, mild weather has brought out all the anemones. You know I am goofy about the little things.

  5. You had great time with friends in a great weather.. very nice. 😊😊😊

  6. No matter how hard Winter resists, Brave Spring will be victorious in the end. It is an old story...

  7. How exciting that the snowdrops and aconites are appearing at your door !
    Lucky You !

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Thoroughly awful here today - fog, cold - but the woodburner is going well and the house is warm.

  9. Measuring one days with happiness is a good thing. ;)

  10. I thoroughly agree with you about making the most of life as we get older - as for the weather, we just have to enjoy those glorious winter days whenever they appear. The snowdrops are just beginning to come into bloom here - I always look forward to them and hope the weather wont be mild so that they will last longer.

  11. I guess that the topic of people dyeing their hair is a whole posting on it's own, just as people having plastic surgery to hide old age is. I must admit that I do wonder what people's dread of grey hair is all about, Tom Jones looks so much better for being his natural grey, rather than the obvious dyed black that it used to be.

  12. It's been pretty bleak down here all week - and today it's just got colder and more grey. Always good to keep active even if it does wear out the stair-carpet.

  13. I would sit around doing nothing but eating occasionally in the Winter if I could. That seems very attractiveto me right now.

  14. I envy your poetry afternoon.
    We have book club this evening - doing Hilary Mantel’s autobiography which was OK.
    Weather mild here - and a few snowdrops up in Central Park where I went with Frances the other day.

  15. I've been writing at work about the emerging spring wildflowers and what to expect to see in the next few months. Glad I can do that sort of thing.
