Thursday 19 January 2017

Giving to Charity.

A few weeks ago Elizabeth (About New York on my side bar) knitted me two very pretty hats for my new great grand-daughter Ula.   All she asked for in payment was that I should give a donation to a charity which worked with children.

I put a post on about this and since then have really done some research into which charity to make a Direct Debit to.    I finally chose Medicins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders).
I have today received a letter from them thanking me and including a paragraph about one of their projects.   I thought you might like to read it:
"I would like to take this opportunity to send a message from my colleague, Dr Emily Wise, who has been working in our tuberculosis programme in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.   ""As a British Doctor working for MSF in the field, I have first hand experience of how your money helps to bring quality medical care to those afflicted by a humanitarian disaster and give back health and dignity to people who would otherwise be completely neglected or forgotten.   I have worked as a  medic in many different and challenging circumstances, at home and abroad, but I have never before felt so fulfilled by my work or seen how a small number of well-trained staff can have such a dramatic impact.   Without donations from people I and other doctors and nurses would not be here.   Our drugs would not be here.   Many of our patients would no longer be here.""

It is worth looking at their site if you feel like helping a worthwhile project as a New Year Resolution.


  1. Your little great-granddaughter looks so sweet in all of her "hand knitteds". Good for you finding a worthy charity. Anymore it is tricky making sure most moneys don't go toward administration fees. Was it a personal letter you received? -Jenn

  2. Ive often been amazed at what and where MSF get to when watching news about good Pat.
    And the baby looks gorgeous.

  3. Thank you. And, what a pretty babe.

  4. Your beautiful great granddaughter is quite the fashion plate!

    Isn't Elizabeth's hat knitting project grand? Doctors Without Borders do wonderful work.


  5. A wonderful group; I hear about them all the time. My own son will graduate in a year with his doctorate and will owe $70,000 in student loans. I wonder how those doctors do it? Special people is all I can say. The baby and hat are adorable.

  6. You picked a very worthy charity Mrs W and also Little Ula looks very cool in her American bobble hat.

  7. Yyou are a credit pat..when you say you will do always do it x

  8. What a beautiful little girl ... takes after her grandmother, methinks.... Great choice of charity. Interesting to read about an actual project they are involved with.

  9. I have always thought that they were a most worthwhile charity. Lovely baby, lovely hat.

  10. Yes Jenn it was a personal letter I received.

  11. Here they are known as Arzt ohne Grenzen. We like them.

  12. Oh, the german language isn't very smooth, is it? That was a great choice, Pat!! I like their work and I like the thought of no borders when it comes to make people safe and well. It's great we all can make a contribution to this. Good thinking!!
    Lovely baby, that little sweetheart!! The hat is looking fine!

  13. What a very sweet little one.
    I still have one of Elizabeths hats.

    cheers, parsnip

  14. We support MSF over here, they are wonderful people; often putting themselves in danger to help others.

  15. It is actually "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" (just wanting to make sure you get the correct spelling, since Gwil's "Arzt ohne Grenzen" would mean just one single doctor).

    Friends of mine who are rather well off always set up a donation box for this charity at their birthday parties and explicitly ask their guests not to bring any presents but put money in the box instead. I must admit I rather like receiving presents, and I have never set up a donation box at any of my own parties.
    All the more have I respect for everyone who supports a charity one way or another, like you with donating, or Yorkshire Pudding by working at an Oxfam shop every week, and my Dad working at a charity shop regularly.

  16. What a pretty little great grand-daughter, she looks beautiful in her cardigan and hat. It is the charity to support they do such wonderful work.

  17. Our fourth day of hard frosts and unbroken sunshine and blue skies here Pat.

  18. Thank you Librarian - I tend to agree with you that I love presents, but when I think about it I really don't need any more 'stuff' and I think your friends have a marvellous idea.
    Thanks to everyone who has contributed.

  19. MSF is one of my favorite charities. We also have sponsored a child through Save the Children since the early 90's.
