Friday 27 January 2017


Today is mind (and everything else) numbingly cold.    There is a thick all-enveloping mist and the sky is uniformly grey.

The farmer went off to the Auction Mart as he always does on a Friday morning and I went for coffee with the 'girls',   I am sure it was warmer in the cafe than at the Mart.

This afternoon the long-burner is lit, the house is warm and we are forgetting that there is an outside to go to.  Parsnip and apple soup, followed by beef casserole warmed us up when we came in and we have just about warmed through.

This week-end sees the end of the pheasant shooting season, so the last shoot is tomorrow and of course the farmer will be going.   So friend W and I will go out for lunch somewhere and so another day will pass, another day to say goodbye to January and get ready to welcome in February in the middle of next week.   It is a long time since we had such a prolonged cold spell - and I do hope it is soon over.


  1. The official end of the game shooting season is next Wednesday 1st Feb and so I'm pretty sure that the farm shoot here will have at least another couple of shoots up till then for their paying guests. After that we will see the fox hunt visit and also the beagles to chase and kill hares, both acting illegally. Then there will be pigeon shooting, followed by crow shooting - it doesn't really stop here till early summer. Today dawned sunny but turned overcast and slightly warmer and the forecast is for a couple of weeks of milder weather.

  2. Pat, I think you all might have received some of that really, really cold weather that we had recently. It has been followed up by some strangely warm weather. It's so odd to have 50 degree F weather in late hat or gloves required.

    No shooting season over here to mark the time. Last night, I did hear fireworks booming away for about 30 minutes...and realized that they were signaling the Lunar New Year! xo

  3. Yesterday - Thursday - was our coldest day, the washing froze on the line and I can't remember the last time that happened. Today is not quite so chilly but I'm just glad to see the back of the horrible fog we had for several days.

  4. The weather is bitter, creeping into your bones, just an hour of sun would make me happy.

  5. Parsnip and apple soup, that sounds interesting.

  6. It has been cold, even down here, but today is grey, not quite so cold and drizzly. I can cope with cold weather as long as it is dry, but cold plus wet just creeps into one's bones. Enjoy your time spent with friends and I hope the farmer enjoys the shoot.

  7. Here the last three days of January are called "i tre giorni della merla" (the three blackbird days) and are the coldest days of the year. Also, if the last three days of January are extremely cold then the winter will be shorter and spring arrives earlier. The other way round if the three days are warm.
    Greetings Maria x

  8. Every day is one less day! It's too cold here, too.

  9. Our long burner has been fired up all day x

  10. It is cold here too. but not as cold as you are.
    Some clouds, blue sky but only up to 56 today.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. I like the cold. It feels how it should feel at this time of the year in England.

  12. Ah log burners John. What would we do without them.

  13. log burners........apparently being blamed for a lot of pollution in London at the moment.

  14. I have just received a recipe for parsnip and apple soup and looking forward to trying it out!
