Wednesday 30 November 2016


I have been to my exercise class this afternoon, so am now staggering about and very stiff in muscles I forgot that I had.   But also feel better for it.

Whilst I was there the Aga engineer came and the Aga is now getting hot again.   It takes quite a while to reach its normal heat but I hope it will be there by morning so that I can make the first of the four Christmas cakes I make at Christmas.  Then I can tick that off my list.

It has been a lovely day here today but because of a breeze it has felt quite  cold, in spite of the temperature on the dashboard registering eight degrees whereas yesterday it was only three.   But the sunset was absolutely spectacular - all shades of blue, golden and orange.   Nature at its very best.

I am busy compiling a Quiz for Christmas for the local Nature Reserve I support, so I shall go now and try to compose a few more cryptic clues.


  1. I'm glad the temperature has risen, bitter cycle in brought severe pain to my hands. This weekend, will hopefully be able to go sketching and enjoy things a little more.

  2. Thanks Weave. People can be normal and I appreciate hearing about your life.

  3. Glad to hear the Aga is working again. It has been below freezing all day today with new frost on top of yesterday's, but it has been very still and sunny - a glorious winter day. No gardening as everywhere is rock solid.

  4. I think it would be nice to have an Aga. Stay warm Weaver.

  5. I love the scents of Christmas, and fruit cake baking in the oven is one of them. I bet it's lovely and cosy in your kitchen now.

  6. How great to go exercising and come home to find the Aga working again!

  7. It must be such a relief that the Aga is working again!
    Good of you to have gone to exercise class. A photo of the beautiful sunset would have been wonderful, I love sunsets and sunrises - never tire of looking at the sky.

  8. I'm SO glad that your Aga is mended and heading back up to temperature again. I don't know why they have to choose the most inconvenient time to break down! Our central heating boiler went on Christmas Morning 2010, when we had a foot of snow on the ground, and believe me, this big old house is NOT good without heating! The Hergom in the kitchen still worked though and we survived huddled around the wood burning stove in the sitting room. I have vowed ALWAYS to have one in any house we live in as you can't rely on just one source of heating.
