Wednesday 2 November 2016


Another glorious day here with Autumn sunshine, but it is getting a little bit colder each day and tonight there is a feeling of frost in the air.   I drove the mile or so into the village this afternoon to visit friend M and on the way passed a stand of Horse Chestnut trees all of them the most beautiful golden brown.   Autumn is well and truly on its way now.

M and I had a lovely chatty afternoon.   We were neighbours for a few years (my son now lives in my house and is her neighbour) and so have always got plenty to chat about.

I took my crocheting.  Last winter, really for something to do on cold, wet days, I crocheted around fifty squares in Wensleydale wool.   Now that I have a great grandchild almost due I am joining them together to make a blanket for the pram - it is cold up in Scotland where they live, so will help to keep the baby warm.

For lunch I made individual fish pies.   Reminder to self - don't do it again.   The whole house smells of fish pie.   The farmer insists he can't smell it, but I definitely can and to make matters worse I had done a load of washing and ironing and put it up on the airer above the Aga.   Now I ask myself - will all the clean clothes smell of fish pie too?    Any suggestions for getting rid of the smell?   I defrosted the fish in the microwave and got rid of the smell in there by microwaving a small pot of lemon juice for a couple of minutes.


  1. I think you are right. From now on, order fish pie at a restaurant. Boil some orange peels and cinnamon sticks on the stove?

  2. I boil cinnamon sticks, an orange peel, three bay leaves and a drop or so of vanilla. Makes the house smell yummy.


  3. We had home made fish pie for supper tonight. I cook up a large batch of mixed fish and then freeze it in plastic boxes which hold enough for two servings. There is no smell from the pies when they are cooking and not much from the original cooking.
    We have had a lovely day here too and I have planted lots of mini iris, anemone blanda and caen anemone. Looking forward to Spring!

  4. Cook fish that doesn't smell. Tuna steaks, shark, sword fish etc.. Or go to the chippy. Or order a salami pizza delivered by a youth on a moped. Cheers, Pat. Your blogs often make me smile or chuckle. Unintentionally maybe. But that's fine. Gwil not a robot.

  5. We had our first frost last night and today, though lovely and Sunny, the temperature didn't reach double figures.

  6. That sounds like a lot of work to make a fish pie. Boil some cinnamon sticks and see if that gets rid of the odor.

  7. Gwil's comment made me laugh. Order a salami pizza - ha-ha!

  8. Open up all the windows for a little while if its a little breezy it will help blow it all out....If its not too cold to do that now... Hugs! deb

  9. Pat, I was smiling when I read about your pleasant morning with your friend M, chatting and crocheting those square together. How nice and cosy that baby will be up in Scotland.

    I was still smiling when I learned about the delicious fish pie lunch...and then. Oh, no.

    Although I certainly don't have an AGA, I also can confess that I've never made a fish pie. And yet, I would offer suggestions, similar to those already given, about encouraging the aftermath scent to disperse or disappear. Lemon and cinnamon and an open window might be the charm.

    What's for lunch tomorrow, by the way? xo

  10. To get rid of the smell of fish you will need to burn all of the washing. It is amazing how fish smells can linger but I find that salmon is okay.

  11. Linda offered the very same thing I would have suggested to rid your kitchen of fish smells. These days I know people who use the burner on the side of their barbeque and fry or boil their fish outside thereby avoiding the smell in the house. But anyway, it will eventually go. Sounds like you had a nice birthday...84 is a very good age and you seem to be enjoying life wonderfully.

  12. I so rarely make fish in my kitchen that I am really in no position to give advice. When I cook anything (not just fish) that involves strong scents, I usually keep the kitchen door shut and the kitchen windows open while cooking. But when I bake (which is even rarer), I want the scent to be all over the flat and leave the door open.

    We're close to frosty temperatures at night here now, too, and I've already dreamed of the first snow a few nights ago!

  13. I never boil fish just use a tin of salmon, which works fine for two...... Though it is the time for christmassy smells, so out with the cloves and oranges and making a 'hedgehog' orange!

  14. Don't they always smear a little Vick on their nostrils when attending autopsies or crime sites on the TV?

  15. We keep a dish of white vinegar in the kitchen - helps to get rid of those cooking smells.

  16. Lots of suggestions - all made me smile. We definitely would have frozen had I opened the kitchen window! It was a sunny day but very cold.
    I am sitting here imagining Heather's garden in the Spring. Can't wait.
