Wednesday 23 November 2016


Today was our Poetry afternoon and I can't tell you just how much I enjoy it - and I think I speak for all dozen or so of us.

It is certainly one of my favourite afternoons of the month.   It is lovely meeting like-minded folk, it is a treat to all meet together in friend W's warm conservatory, it is a joy to look out the possible poems to read (in my case TS Eliot, George Mackay Brown, and two poems written by Welsh poets after the death of RS Thomas (my favourite poet).)  And finally, of course, comes the joy of sharing the poems with the rest of the group and talking about them.   Some of the group are really knowledgeable about poetry and we always learn something we didn't know.

It has been a much better day here today and ended with a beautiful pink sky as the sun went down.   It has of course become very cold as it got dark, but after all it is November.


  1. What a wonderful day to look forward to. I enjoy reading about what poetry you read.
    I like haiku and I enjoy write this form of poetry.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Aww, sounds like a perfect day. I know very little about poetry, so your gathering sounds very interesting.

  3. I like poetry read out loud and often do so in this house. I think I would like your poetry group and reading out loud to them.

  4. Haven't seen the sun for about 5 days here, Noah would be quite at home

  5. The temperature has dropped here too, but we are so fortunate and seem to miss most of the really bad weather.
    The enjoyment you have in your poetry afternoons come right out in your blog posts. I find a lot of poems quite difficult to understand, but others beautifully demonstrate the skill of the poet by his or her chosen words.

  6. Pat, once again, you've given me the name of another poet whose works I do not know. Thank you. I will have to investigate. xo

  7. Does anyone else enjoy poetry more when it read aloud (preferably by Simon Russell Beale) ?
    I really am sometimes surprised by people's choices when asked which are their favourite poems.....very rarely do they chime with my choices.

    What are your favourites, Weaver ?

  8. Didn't you comment on Yorkshire Pudding's blog the other day, saying that you would like to use one of his poems for your poetry group?
    I really like the idea of a gathering of friends in a warm conservatory, enjoying each other's company just as much as the poems everyone has chosen and reads to the others. Wonderful!

  9. Thanks everyone. The next meeting is in Christmas week - we thought we would like a break from all the preparations.

  10. What a fantastic thing to be involved with.
