Saturday 5 November 2016


Today was the monthly local church coffee morning in our village hall and as usual I went along.   It is nice to catch up with friends and also to meet villagers I only see once a month.   Lots of nice chats.

But the highlight of the morning - and sadly I did not have my camera with me - was the arrival, wrapped in her 'mum's' coat and snuggled up tight, of Tilly, an eight week old Border Collie pup.   She was absolutely adorable, looking round with her intelligent eyes and not missing a thing.

Just when we thought things couldn't get any better Chloe, a nine week old miniature dachshund, arrived, wrapped in a blanket and carried by her 'mum'.

Puppies are adorable - clean, unsullied, bright-eyed, smooth coated - and so innocent and untainted.  

Of course, as with us all, babies grow up into adults. This morning as I ate my breakfast banana, I looked out of the window into the paddock.   The sheep and their this year's lambs (now almost as big as their mums) are in there at the moment.   There is plenty of good, luscious grass for them to eat.   Were they eating it?   No - instead they were all eating holly leaves from the hedges.   Holly - I ask you - prickly stuff, can't be easy to eat.   But there they all were - sheep and their lambs - eating away as though it was their favourite meal.

Animals !!   There is no accounting for them once they become adult (rather like humans then) - I will stick with those two puppies any day.  They were utterly charming.


  1. The short-haired Dachshund is a lovely dog and ideal type for winter . . . it seems they are always so warm. Make a good hot water bottle.

  2. Puppy breath, a horse and saddle and Viktor and Rolf's Flowerbomb perfume are my favorite smells in the world.

  3. Thank you so much for this lovely post. In all its innocence, I was reminded there are good people on this earth and surely they will prevail next Tuesday here in the US. It makes me physically ill to think otherwise.

  4. What a wonderful treat for you and everyone.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I love hearing about your gatherings in the village hall. I wish there was more tradition and gathering in our society. It seems now everyone is so busy with their lives and weekends are for doing all the chores you never had time or energy to do during the work week. My uncle had a few border collies as farm dogs. Very intelligent. -Jenn

  6. I can't even begin to envisage how small a mini daschund puppy must be. Size of my palm I would guess!

  7. I sometimes think it would be wonderful to have a border collie.

  8. Border Collies are wonderful dogs. We think that Bok is half Border Collie, and half Black Lab'; but we're not sure. If that's what he is, you couldn't have a better cross.

  9. Puppies are wonderful, whatever breed they are, it's is as you say, what they grow in to when problems can arise. My five year old Jack Russell is short-legged and has the face of a dachshund and I feel sure is part dachshund. Whatever she is she has the most adorable temperament and I've always felt that, like humans, if you give them the right love and attention from the first day, they turn out pretty much as you want them too.

  10. Who can resist a cute puppy?

  11. Puppies are gorgeous, but their 'teenager' years can be a bit fraught till they calm down ;)

  12. We met a 10 week old retriever pup yesterday and she was called Tilly!

  13. Gwil - I could have done with a good hot water bottle last night - it was very cold here and I slept badly. But I don't think the farmer would have appreciated a Dachshund in bed! Incidentally, I just can't get on to your site to leave a reply - it just says I am not a member. How do I become one (in easy language please)?

  14. Puppies are so delightful and perfect for a cuddle. We have had both those breeds at one time or another and found them so gentle and loving, though never saw either as puppies - they were both rescue dogs.
    I wonder what it is in holly leaves that the sheep found so desirable. Perhaps holly is the sheepy equivalent of spinach!

  15. Dear Pat!
    I really love to hear about those churchcoffee mornings and wish I could join in. We've had one of the largest churchweekends, All Saints day. Those days we open up in church to serve coffee and homebaked. The weather has been, just as in your area, ghastly, ghastly and disgusting. Wet, windy and more wet. Since I suffer from pain I fear the cold days, everything gets worse.
    However, today we had a glorious and sunny day. I took my oldest to a doctor in a seaside village some miles away. She is applying for drivers lessons and need a health certificate. We hardly had the time to close the door behind us before we were attacked by a creamy white bundle of a dog, called Knut. He was an officedog whose only responsibility was to be cuddled by the patients. Puppies are nice, yes, only at their best when you are past the puddles and small heaps on the floors and carpets....

    What, may I ask, is it you do when you make crumble?? I would guess some kind of pie, with crumbly cover????
