Wednesday 5 October 2016


Have you noticed how, if you do the same things at the same time every week, it makes the weeks just fly by.   In my case it seems to me that Tuesdays - coffee with the gang -come round in less than seven days; Wednesdays - exercise class - it always seems to be Wednesday.   And so on.

So today was exercise day.  Many of the group were away - one or two ill, one or two on holiday.
There were only four of us but we had a fine old time.   We ended up (very healthily) with a cup of tea and a slice of chocolate cake (I didn't have any but brought my slice home for the farmer's tea).

One of the group, who was there in spite of being quite a busy lady today, is going off to Florida first thing in the morning.   Did I mention that she is ninety five and fitter than the rest of us put together?  She puts us all to shame.   I hope she arrives after Hurricane Matthew has passed through and moved on.

Now I am home.   This morning I tried to order something  on line.   My skills on the computer are not brilliant and eventually broke down as I was unable to understand exactly what it was they wanted to know.   I do wish these sites could be made just a little bit easier to follow, although I do understand that security is paramount.

Friend G has had to have her beloved dog put to sleep.   How I feel for her.   Having to make a decision about such things is so hard, particularly when it is about a dog like Millie, who was almost human and such a good and faithful friend.   She deserves to be in some friendly, peaceful doggy heaven where the sun always shines.



  1. Sounds like a good day to me. I hope your friend isn't visiting the east coast of Florida. Poor Millie. It is the reason I hope there is a heaven. To see all my pets again one day.

  2. Computers are a mystery to me too. I don't know what "the cloud" is?

    Your 95 year young lady is truly a warrior of the old school. There are healthy young men lazing about on every street corner holding out caps and paper cups and expecting money. They can't even be bothered to stand up to do it. My grandad always said a man had to pull himself up by his own bootstraps.

  3. Mathew is not supposed to hit Florida until tomorrow or the next day so your friend could have a bumpy trip.
    I agree with Gwil in respect of both computers and young people. While I use my laptop to the best of my limited ability they frustrate me badly. As for youngsters, even your own children sometimes, if you want help to do something, more likely it comes from a pensioner friend than them.

  4. I don't really have a weekly schedule now that I have retired; my days can be the same or as different as I want them to be. I do have particular chores that I try to do on a schedule, but most aren't weekly and I would hate for my days to become named after chores. Kitchen floor day - ugh! I like the way you have your days labeled; coffee day, exercise day, poetry day. I like the idea of yoga day, sewing day, photography day, writing day for my schedule, but I find that some rebellious streak seems to surface and the days never stay the same!

    The final good and loving effort of a pet owner is to know when the time has come and help the pet go easily out of its pain. Also the most difficult and heartbreaking.

  5. My life is a weekly schedule. In four years I will retire. Ha!
    My BFF of over forty years left the snow belt of NE Ohio in July, and moved to the outer banks of South Carolina. The last I heard, they had evacuated.

  6. We usually do our weekly shop on a Thursday and I'm sure they slip an extra Thursday in to some weeks!
    I do admire your friend who is off to Florida tomorrow. What a wonderful lady.
    Feeling for the friend who has had to say goodbye to her dog - I have had to do that several times and it is so hard.

  7. I don't do schedules, well that is other than the weekly shop each Friday in Birr, a visit which we both enjoy and ends in the Woodland Cafe which is set in a small garden centre and is a whole food vegetarian establishment that serves the most delicious meals imaginable and their victorian sponges are simply to die for.

  8. I am sorry that you "broke down" when involved in an online transaction. You are such a sensitive soul Mrs Weaver - you shouldn't let such things upset you.

  9. For me, there is something very appealing to the rhythm such weekly activities give one's life. I am not always as regular, but my (working) weeks follow a general pattern with little variation: working from home on Mondays, with lunch at my parents' and going to the gym with a friend after work; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at our biggest customer's office with usually either Wednesday or Thursday nights going for a run with another friend; Fridays at my boss' (home) office with roast chicken and salad for lunch.
    Time flies by indeed, and before we know it, it's meeing my friend for the run again, or boarding the train for the 2-hour-ride to where O.K. lives.

    I take it you are feeling better, as you've been to exercise class today. That's good news!

  10. Oh, poor G! It may be the kindest action a loving owner can do for her dog, but that doesn't make it a whit easier.

    Weaver, I am in Cornwall at present, and I have a snatch of a poem going around in my head, and I an't remember how it goes, or who wrote it, so I can'y make the internet help me find it. Can you help please. It's that one about smugglers, and has a line about 'turn your head to the wall my darling, when the gentlemen ride by' ... or something like that. We've heard so much about smuggling routes, and the evasion of duty it's on the tip of my tongue and driving me nuts! We had to learn poetry every week at school (mid1960s, in a very traditional catholic school) and most of it has stood the test of time, but I just can't get this one to come back to me! I hope you can help.

  11. well done on the exercise and resisting eating the cake :o) Sad about your friend's dog. I'm sending her a whispered prayer on the wind x

  12. Isn't your friend going at exactly the wrong time? I wouldn't even be surprised if her flight is cancelled, or re-routed.

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  14. The internet was made to worry us, but we can beat it eventually! I order a lot on line M & S yesterday, felt quite relieved that I didn't have to go on a shopping trip.
    It is sad to have to take a loved pet to the vet for a final end but it is so painless for them and the heartache of worrying over many days finally comes to an end.

  15. By the way, that poem Virginia mentions is Kipling, The Smugglers.

  16. As Rachel says above, Virginia, it is indeed 'The Smugglers' - I remember learning it at school too. 'Four and twenty ponies, trotting through the dark, brandy for the parson, whisky for the clerk.' These poems were so good at painting pictures weren't they?

    Actually Thelma, in Millie's case it was not painless as the vet did not give her a sedative first and when the anaesthetic went in she screamed. I sometimes have a cortisone injection into my ankle if my arthritis is particularly bad and I have it done at the hospital because cortisone goes in so slowly and is so painful. At the hospital they give me anaesthetic first - that is just as painful but only lasts about ten seconds, whereas the cortisone takes ages to go in. How do you explain things like that to a little sick dog?

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