Sunday 2 October 2016

Just to breathe-

I rather feel that now I have an inkling as to what the Christmas turkey must feel like as it is put into the oven on Christmas morning.

Friend W and I decided that today we would try out what is possibly our best restaurant in the town - certainly in the top few.   So we had Sunday lunch at Tennant's.  (The farmer was out walking with his friend C).   We did not stint ourselves.  We had roast Irish beef and could choose whether we wanted it rare, medium rare or well-done.  It was served with duck-fat-roasted potatoes, yorkshire pudding, (note no capital y in deference to our blogging friend Yorkshire Pudding!), purple cauliflower, chantenay carrots and beautiful gravy.   Then we had a parfait with honey and figs, and finally coffee and petit fours.

We staggered out and home and now I intend to sit in front of the television and watch the news, followed by Country File, followed by the results of the first Strictly Come Dancing 'throw off'  (Ed Balls??) - I don't think I shall need (or feel like) anything else to eat before at least this time tomorrow - if then.   But it was jolly good.


  1. Oh what a gorgeous meal! And I've been watching Countryfile, too, and looking forward to the Results Show ... I don't think it will be Ed Balls, somehow ... but I am prepared to be proved wrong!
    Margaret P

  2. I haven't stuffed myself since a wonderful restaurant lunch two or three weeks ago. It was wonderful, and I look forward to a repeat soon.

  3. I'm glad I've just eaten or I would be drooling at the sound of that splendid meal. You have said before how good their food is there. Haven't watched last night's Strictly yet but will do so tomorrow - mustn't miss Antiques Roadshow tonight!

  4. It sounded wonderful, but it must of been spread out over a long time. When traveling to Europe, I found they ate late and long. Those long, drawn out meals were a problem for me. I didn't want to go out after a few days because of it. I've heard that Europeans think we eat too large of portions and it is true, also we eat faster. For some reason, the older I've gotten, the less it takes to fill me up. That said, wouldn't you think I'd lose weight? Well, no such luck. Guess I need to go walking with the Farmer.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day !
    Like Donna I should go walking with The Farmer !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. How strange to see almost the name of my blog on the title for your post I did a double take lol That meal sounds divine!!! Hugs! deb

  7. Oh that does sound very good. I think you have a very rich and diverse social life, Weaver. Mine by comparison is very dull. -Jenn

  8. I shouldn't have read your blog today Pat, I'm living in a vegan household for the next couple of months. I'm drooling.

  9. Irish beef? What's wrong with Yorkshire beef? Yorkshire beef is much more tasty. Most women prefer Yorkshire beef - Michael Parkinson, Geoff Boycott, Yorkshire Pudding. Mmmm - tasty!

  10. In training for Christmas already. After such a meal you must have dozed off in front of the box.

    Tributes to Neville Marriner on radio this morning. Must have been very sudden. He was 92 and even had a concert arranged for today!

  11. I am in wonderment at the fancy names for carrots and cauliflower. A carrot is a carrot.

  12. Glad to know that you ate Irish Beef Pat and very tasty it is too, I can vouch for that.

  13. It sounds perfectly delicious and all the better for being cooked by someone else for a change. I would need to be carted home on a wheelbarrow after all that!

  14. Are you still trying to convince us that you are watching your weight. A perfectly wonderful meal, that I would of enjoyed, but then I don't worry about the ups and downs of weight, at 69 I can't be arsed with such things.

  15. Envied the veg, but not too keen on meat, glad you enjoyed it though. Our neighbours Jim and Irene on the other side of the church, visits Tennants quite a lot for the painting auctions.
    At the moment LS and Jim are readjusting the heavy gates so that they do not drag through the pebbles, all peaceful except for the dratted drill!
