Monday 24 October 2016

Home again

We have just returned after taking our dear friends back to Durham Tees Valley airport for their flight back to Amsterdam.   Their plane left at 17.10, so they should be home and almost through Schipol by now.  (it is an hour's flight).

And what a lovely weekend we have had with them.   The days have been too short to go anywhere but nevertheless, we have managed to enjoy life.   Saturday we took it easy - they had had a very early rise and by the time we had eaten lunch the daylight was almost over.   But yesterday the farmer took us for a lovely drive through the most beautiful part of Wensleydale, stopping for a short walk for them to look at West Burton Falls (painted several times by Turner).   Our friend, F, remarked that we really do live in a very beautiful country - and I must say I agree with him.   Then we went for Sunday lunch in a pleasant venue where we all four had a lovely lunch.  Each evening we have played Rummikub - a game which they first taught us many years ago - and luckily we all managed to  win some games, so no-one was disappointed.

There really is nothing like spending time   with old friends who are such friends that one can relax and not have to 'stand on ceremony' as they say.

Earlier in the year, when we went on our cruise, we met them for the tour round Kukenhof Gardens and they kindly bought me a lovely book explaining the origins of the gardens and the thinking behind the planting.
I look forward to reading it and may well share some of it with you later.

In the meantime, the washing machine is singing away merrily, as is the tumble drier with the first washed load.  The farmer and I have just had toasted cheese for tea, and once I have written this I shall look at what you have all written while I have been absent. 


  1. Oh i do hope you will share that book as my daughter and i have been to those gardens many many moons ago........ Hugs! deb

  2. I hope that Rummikub did not involve the removal or swapping of garments. After all, we all know about those saucy "calendar girls" who similarly dwell in The Yorkshire Dales.

  3. I remember my friends family were always rummikub-ing, I never wanted to play it as it was far too numbers based for me! I do love boardgames though

  4. It sounds as if you all had an idyllic weekend. Looking forward to hearing about the book when you have had time to read it.

  5. It sounds like a good time was had by all.

  6. Wonderful to be able to relax with your visitors.

  7. Getting together with friends whom you've known for a long time really is a priceless joy. Thank you for sharing some of this joy with the rest of us. xo

  8. Toasted cheese sounds lovely. What sorts do you toast? I asked Laura what sort of cheese had been in the meal she served tonight. Swiss? "Swiss doesn't melt," she informed me. So much for my experience.

  9. The visit sounds lovely. I'm going to try to find an image of the falls you mentioned so I can imagine what your visitors saw. -Jenn

  10. Spending time with friends of the kind you instantly feel comfortable and relaxed with, no matter how long you have not seen each other, is the best!

  11. A lovely weekend with your friends and outing to the falls. Just love cheese whether melted on toast or as a fondue.

  12. Such a lovely account of your weekend with good friends.
    I did like your concluding sentence about all the appliances doing their bit to make our life easier.
    Modern conveniences are very wonderful.
    Warmest wishes from New York.

  13. Thanks for your comments. I will certainly share things from the book when I have read a little more of it.

  14. Toasted I KNOW it's Autumn

  15. I have never tried Edam toasted Gwil, but I didn't buy any - as our friends are Dutch I tried to avoid Dutch cheeses.
