Tuesday 13 September 2016

While the cat's away.

The farmer is leading the walking group on Sunday and although he knew roughly where he was taking them he hadn't done a recce.   Two of the regulars A and E, can't go on Sunday so today the three of them went up to the very top of Swaledale and did the walk just to make sure that on Sunday they take the right path.  The walk started in the village of Keld.

It turned out to be a splendid walk and went right along part of the Pennine Way and right through the farmyard of the farm where Amanda, the Shepherdess of TV and book fame, lives.

He took my camera and took some photographs for me.   I feel the ones of the house should not be put on my post because they are a bit intrusive, but this one is the view from the house and shows just what a beautiful setting it is in.   Also you can just see the top of the gypsy caravan which can be hired out and is often used overnight by walkers on the Pennine Way.   What a wonderful view they have too.

I intended to do so many jobs while the farmer was away, but it was a really beautiful day here with wall to wall sunshine and a clear blue sky.   I went down as usual for our Tuesday morning coffee and then friend W and I went the short distance to Wensley and the Wensley Tea Garden for a spot of lunch.

It was very pretty.   Sadly I  couldn't take a photograph for you as the farmer had the camera.  There were two pretty, very well maintained Summer houses, a small open sided marquee and various chairs and tables scattered about on the lawn.   We had toasted cheese baguettes with salad and crisps and a pot of Lady Grey tea.   It was a most civilised way to spend a couple of hours.   Unfortunately a hundred wasps thought so too but once we had eaten our food they went to 'chat' to other folk who had turned up.

I got home an hour before the farmer, just long enough to sort out my freezers. Does anyone have a system for keeping their freezer organised?   I start with good intentions but it always deteriorates into a case of 'stuff it wherever it will go'.   So I have switched on my second freezer and sorted everything out today into separate shelves and drawers.   Now I can see where everything is - for a while at least.


  1. Picture looks like the moors above Darwen which is in Lancashire. Pickup Bank I think the area is called. There's a pub called the Strawberry Duck somewhere out there. If it's still there. Lovely scenery in the pictures two posts below. Do miss it.

  2. Gorgeous scenery in that photo Pat. Don't think you'd of enjoyed sitting in a tea garden down here today with temps. peaking at 32-34 degrees. I never have a problem with my freezer, which is one of those upright tall ones, and I only keep stuff in it that I'm going to eat over the next month or so, so it's never full. I've seen some people's freezers where they become obsessed with freezing stuff and it ends up with stuff in it that's been there for 2-3 years. Perhaps where you live and you still get cold winters that make it hard to get out it's more necessary but here in the soft south there's always a shop not that far away.

  3. Your day sounded more gentle than the farmer's but I love that wonderful expanse of moorland - quite a contrast to the delightful place you and your friend visited.
    Our freezer has drawers which start off being allocated to different types of food so that everything is easy to find. As time goes by that all changes when I come home with various offers, a glut of fruit or veg, or the results of a bulk cooking session. It all gets moved around to be fitted in wherever it will go, rather like a jigsaw puzzle.

  4. I have never owned a freezer so never have experienced your dilemma. I have a fridge with an ice box but rately use that either. I have tinned peas and broad beans and tomatoes and lentils and rice in the cupboard so we never are without rations. I cant imagine using a freezer at all. I havent got a microwave either.

  5. Wonderful photo of the Moor.
    My freezer is very old (but functions well) and is a large chest freezer. I start off with good intentions, but when I have been delving for something which I know is at the bottom, that all changes! I do have several baskets in there, but I just about fall headfirst into it now as I have shrunk so much over the years.

  6. Please thank the Farmer for that beautiful photograph with all the interesting details and deep vista.

    The first time that I heard the word Pennines was way back in the last century while on a trip to London. I was having dinner in a small Italian restaurant on Kensington Church Street, and the restaurant owner began a conversation with a gentleman, also dining alone, at the next table. The gentleman had been a regular diner at the restaurant before moving from London to the Pennines, and wanted to visit his old neighborhood.

    One of the benefits of traveling alone is that you sometimes are able to be included in very interesting conversations. By the time I paid my bill and returned to my hotel, I had learned lots about Yorkshire, and was sure that eventually I would get to see it for myself. And I have!

    I can offer no freezer advice. My tiny kitchen has a very basic fridge with a self-defrosting freezer that I mostly use for some frozen veg, pastas, homemade soups, and Ice. xo

  7. I have walked from Keld to Muker along the Pennine Way and it is a lovely walk. We did it when the heritage meadows were all in flower. Just lovely! Then we walked back along the creek / stream and the Haawthorne Trees ( I think ) were in full flower. A beautiful part of the world.

  8. Sounds as if you both had a good day.

  9. Such a lovely day for you both.
    I have a smallish freezer and it use it for some items like frozen veggies, fruit, chicken pieces, ice pops and coffee.
    It is small.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. That little caravan down by the stream looks just about perfect.

    No, I can't offer any freezer advice. We have two and both are a total mess (but I do know where to find things).

  11. As soon as I saw the picture, before reading your description, I thought "This looks like the caravan at the Owens' farm, where Ade Edmondson was staying when they were filming the 'Dales' programme", and I was pleased to see I had remembered it right.
    How much I'd love to join the group on that walk!

    Your lunch at the Tea Garden sounds lovely, but the wasps would have made me extremely nervous and put me off my food (I am allergic to their poison).

    My freezer is only a tiny compartment of my fridge with usually not much in it. Right now, it is waiting for me to empty it out completely for a much needed defrosting.

  12. By the way, isn't the "caravan" on that shepherdess's farm a reconditioned shepherd's hut. We have three purpose built ones on the nature reserve near me which are let out on a nightly basis and as well as being very comfortable are very popular.

  13. I know the feeling trying to keep the freezer organized. I have drawers for fish, meat, vegetables, etc. but invariably one fills up faster than the others. The only time everything is as it is meant to be is after I empty it to defrost.

  14. I recognised that hut/caravan as soon as I saw the photo - loved watching that programme. We are currently eating the contents of our freezer ready to defrost and switch off next week. I plan it so nothing gets thrown away, I don't like waste.

  15. I had a new freezer earlier this year, a chest freezer for the first time. I just bunged everything from the old one in it so I can't say mine is orderly at all. I need to have a sort out but not today, which will probably be the hottest day this year!

  16. Yes Derek you are correct about the 'caravan' - I believe it is very popular.
    Thanks for the freezer comments. The thing is that I have a weekly delivery from Tesco. We are about two miles from the nearest shop and we have lots of people who drop in - maybe Sunday afternoon. It is therefore handy to have things like bread and cake ready to defrost. Also if I have visitors coming to stay then I cook things like crumbles, pies etc., and freeze them in advance of the visit so that I can relax and enjoy friends' company when they arrive.
    Thanks for visiting - glad you enjoyed that view.

  17. I am hopeless with freezers! Here in France There are three -- one smallish kitchen fridge freezer and a larger three shelf fridge freezer in the garage. If we have a very busy and long summer here there is a huge chest freezer that was left behind by the previous owner! Then at home I have had two freezers -- one fridge freezer in the utility room -- 3 drawers that is very old -- bought in an auction for £3!!! In the kitchen there is an another more modern fridge freezer -- which has just been moved to replace the £3 because I now have a new fridge freezer for the new kitchen that has just been installed and which I have not yet seen! I think as far as freezers are concerned I am out of control...

    I love the photograph and the half hidden caravan -- wonder if it has a freezer ... ;-)

  18. Mine is a small chest freezer and I just chuck things in. I do try to root out items that I know are older than others. The one thing I can always find is frozen zucchini and rhubarb.
    I can understand why walking is so popular in England. You are never far away from beautiful scenery. -Jenn

  19. Love that little green shed tucked in against the slope!
