Friday 30 September 2016


Last week-end I had a cold - only a slight one but it left me with a bit of a throat.   Wednesday, as you know, was Poetry Day - the day when we choose our three poems and read them out to our friends.   This of course entails a bit of voice projection (I always practise mine so that they at least make sense to me before I read them.)

When I came home on Wednesday I had a bit of a sore throat but thought nothing of it until I got up yesterday morning completely voiceless.

This afternoon the Accountant has been to finalise our books for the last year (April to April) and as I do the book-keeping most of her questions were directed at me .   Luckily, unlike me, she is not hard of hearing - but even so she had a struggle with my answers to her questions.   This evening there is a slight improvement, so I think I am on the mend.

So after our monthly coffee morning tomorrow I shall endeavour to clean out another kitchen cupboard or two.   'Onward and Upward' is my motto!


  1. Onward and upward may be your motto but if I were you Weave I would be taking it easy with a Lemsip and my feet up and a book.

  2. And I was about to remark the opposite of Rachel, nothing will keep you in or down.

  3. What is a Lemsip??
    I feel sorry for you, Weaver, loosing ones voice is quite bad. Poetry never was my cup of tea but I do like to listen. I had a very good friend that passed on last august, leaving such a void in us all. She was 84 and very good both in quoting the bible and finding good poems for every occasion. I really miss her and I envy the life you lead. Please do take the opportunity to rest and lie down, there will be plenty of time for the cupboards anyway!!! Blessings and a good weekend to you all!! Onward and upward is the thing!!!

  4. Hope you are soon back in full voice. I lost mine once and found that as I was virtually whispering, everyone else spoke very loud in response! You are obviously feeling well with your plans for more cupboard clearing. I had planned to garden today but it poured with rain all morning and I had to go out in the afternoon. Maybe tomorrow?

  5. Pat, I am not sure what Lemsip is, but the idea of giving your voice, and the rest of you, a rest seems like a wise suggestion.

    The cabinets will wait for you. xo

  6. I think a few day of quiet, we help out your immune system.
    I know you like to keep busy but if you had to turn on the heater
    You need to becareful of a chill.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Pat, "onwards and upwards" may be your way of saying old age and illness won't beat me and it's never nice giving in and just sitting around but it might be more sensible to take Rachel's advice.

  8. I think Paul would quite like it if I lost my voice for a while. Hope you get better soon and listen to the wise advice above - take it easy.

  9. Saturday. I now feel like a boring old fart for suggesting you take it easy Weave!

  10. Almost back to normal this morning, thank goodness. Church coffee morning and then nothing else all day apart from sewing sweet little buttons on the second cardigan I have knitted for my forthcoming great-grandchild (due December). Never got round to cleaning out that cupboard yesterday as the Accountant came - but always a relief to get all that paper work done for another year. Thanks for your advice - unfortunately I am not a 'sit back and relax' kind of person.

    For anyone who doesn't know - 'Lemsip' is a tradename for a concoction which you mix with hot water - a mixture of paracetamol and other drugs - we both find it is the most effective help with colds.

  11. Here we are blaming ragweed for all our ailments. That's official, almost.

  12. Would it be sexist to wish similar voice loss upon the female sector of our populace? Mind you there are many blokes out there who would make a better impression if they could just shut up. Silence is golden.


  13. well, Pat, under the circumstances I would be inclined to find a good book and you could always say you were improving your mind instead of cleaning cupboards if you insist on feeling guilty about a little rest and recovery time.

  14. Glad you are feeling better, and have got the horrible numbers over with the accountant. Giving one's voice a rest must be relaxing, sinking back in your chair and ordering the Farmer round with an imperious finger ;)

  15. I am prone to laryngitis and get it at least once a year. Hope you're feeling better soon.
