Wednesday 28 September 2016


Poetry afternoon again today and all eleven of us were there.   With all the trouble in the world I cannot tell you of a more relaxing and soothing afternoon than ours - sitting around in W's conservatory reading out our specially chosen poems - three each.   Today many of them had a humorous flavour, which made for a lot of laughter.   We are a group who know one another well and there is nobody who doesn't fit in - and that makes all the difference.

It is actually two afternoons because the day before I think we all spend a lot of time searching for what we are going to read out and getting just as much enjoyment from that.

I got home to find that the farmer had actually put on the central heating for the first time (as we have an Aga in the kitchen it is always warm in there, but the rest of the house was cold so he decided it was time to switch on.)
Delightful and so cosy.   Come along Autumn - do your worst.


  1. It was 21 degrees celsius when I drove home from the station at 5pm. The maize harvest is in full swing. I dodged several maize trailers and eventually the maize cutter before reaching home. I narrowly avoided being sliced in half. I had the roof open on the car. No central heating needed here tonight.

  2. I do envy your Aga, there is nothing so comforting !

  3. We had 20 degrees plus here today, very warm for late September, but rain tomorrow. I shall so miss our rayburn and woodburner this winter - how will we keep warm with only a radiator to look at!!

  4. What a good time you had. You must share one with us sometime. Too hot here for the heater.

  5. Goodness, we are just starting fall, lovely weather days in the high 80to low 90's and evenings 75 to 80.
    Just plain nice !
    No heaters here till middle of December.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Your poetry meetings always sound so enjoyable. We tried out our central heating today, just to make sure it is all working properly, though I daresay the next few days will be milder and we can switch it off again!


    She is a weaver of the grass
    She watches seasons as they pass
    Swallows cavorting in the sky
    The rabbit's scut - the curlew's cry
    Taking a well-earned fireside nap
    Is the farmer in his famed flat cap.
    He wakes and bellows "What's for tea?
    None of that foreign muck for me!"
    Her smile is reflected in the window's glass
    She is still that same old Lincolnshire lass
    Watching grey clouds as they pass
    Gathering sunbeams and weaving grass.

  8. And there you have a lovely poem for your next group. Wow.

  9. I have a friend who has an AGA going all Summer, so it is next to impossible to sit in the kitchen in the 120 degree heat without going mad. I love AGAs in the Winter, but I bloody hate the ones you cannot turn off in the Summer.

  10. While you were poeting I was trying to write a cycling newsletter and not doing a terribly good job of it

  11. YP's poem is great!!!
    I like to imagine your poetry afternoon, you describe it so well.

    Although it gets to around 24 Celsius here during the day, evenings, nights and mornings are cold enough for me to wear a coat and scarf on the way to work. When I'm home in the evening, I put on the heating - on a very low level, but it does get a little too chilly for my liking without it.

  12. What type of poetry are you talking about Pat, give us a few titles/authors.

  13. Did anybody read Boris Johnson's prize winning poem about a goat I wonder ;/)

  14. YP - Thank you for the poem!!!
    Tom - Believe me, up here in the Dales it has never yet been so warm that we have turned off our Aga in the summer. It is my only means of cooking apart from an electric hob inany case.
    Lovely and warm this morning with the C H on.

    Thanks for popping in.

  15. Derek - yesterday we had poems by TS Eliot, Wordsworth, Stevie Smith, John Betjamen,
    John Keats, Wendy Cope, Pam Ayres, Ted Hughes, Edward Thomas - those are just the ones I can remember.

  16. Our mornings start out cold, but by afternoon, it is lovely and warm again. Husband has turned on the furnace which will come on automatically if the temperature drops to a certain point. I've never been one to seek out poetry to read just for enjoyment, but now you are making me think of changing my ways. -Jenn
