Thursday 15 September 2016

Back to Indian Summer.

What a strange week it has been weather-wise.   After the incredible thunderstorms of Tuesday evening yesterday was just thick fog here all day.   Now today it has been another day of glorious Indian Summer - still, sunny and very warm.

But there was no sitting outside in the sun for me because Thursday is my hairdresser day - and today was colour day (you didn't really think my hair was still the colour it appears in the photograph I put on at the week end did you?  At my age you have to do all you can to help nature along if you want to feel positive about life ((well that's my view anyway)).

And straight after that I had to drive the fifteen miles to Crakehall to see my Physiotherapist for my monthly check over.  She manipulates my back (which often gives me problems - 'teacher's back she calls it -) and then works on my arthritic ankle - the one which causes me such immobility at times. 

But driving through the countryside was so pleasurable because everywhere looked to beautiful.   The heavy rain seems to have given a last flush of green to the leaves, so that apart from the Horse Chestnut trees (always the first to turn) everything looked amazingly 'summer-like'.  Quite a lot of the harvested fields had already been ploughed and were being sown with next year's crop.   And here and then 'muck-spreaders' were going full tilt up and down the stubble fields spreading a rich aroma which filtered into the car as I passed.

Now I am home again, the tea pots have been put in the dishwasher, the farmer is watching 'North News' and I am catching up in Blogland.   It is seven o'clock and by half past seven it will be almost dark - my how the nights are drawing in (as my father used to remark every year.)


  1. Dear Weaver!!!
    My husband just returned from the garden. Its 8.30 in the evening and pitchdark. This morning everything was covered by the thickest, whitest mist you have ever seen. I am glad for as long as the light lasts. The horsechestnuts really go first, as do the birch. Our fields as well are swept clean, only corn left and some other late vegetables. I am glad that you can enjoy your ride through the landscape, still more glad that you get the help you need to keep dancing . Physioteraphists are great to have, mine is bullying me but he's right, I must keep working. I hope autumn will come glowing and eventually become colourful and bright so you can breath easily. I bet the dale is lovely to see. Have a nice and peaceful weekend!! Mine is filled with wedding and christenings and sunday mass, all in floading sunshine they say!!

  2. Another sweltering hot and humid day here 26 degrees, no mist, no fog just unbroken sunshine. Tonight or tomorrow (Sat) we have warnings of torrential rain/some flooding and cooler temps., so if correct that will be our near three month heatwave and drought will be finally over. Going to seem strange going out with a coat on again and there being mud on the marsh instead of dust.

  3. Why on earth were reporters from "The Sun" and other Rupert Murdoch lackeys "going full tilt up and down the stubble fields"?

  4. Indian summer, however short, are always welcome, the farmers here are so busy that they work till late in the evening, noticed yesterday that there are even new crops coming up in the fields. Swallows are still here, though the thrushes went weeks ago and the fruit trees are bowed down with heavy crops - a good year with the weather I think.

  5. The nights are drawing in indeed! When I go running with my friend once a week, we meet at 7:30 pm at her house and run from there. By the time I get back at 8:15, I already need to turn the light on in the kitchen when I make myself the customary after-run big bowl of salad.

    As for colouring your hair - it looks very good on you (as it does when done professionally) and suits you well. I always tell my hairdresser I shall stop colouring at 50 (which will be in 2 years) but I am not sure I'll really go through with my plan... :-)

    Your description of the beautiful scenery along your drive made me sigh wistfully!

  6. I realised the other day that we have only about 5 weeks to go before we alter our clocks again. Not sure I look forward to even shorter days, but I must think positively and embrace longer evenings.
    I am lazy about my hair and can't be bothered to have it coloured. I must say yours looks very good and natural. I think I have left it far too late to alter mine now.
    Hope you benefited from your trip to the physio. I have an excellent one.
    The weather has been so changeable lately, throughout the country by the sound of it, but those golden autumn days have been beautiful. I am hoping for some cooler conditions for gardening - there is still so much to do.

  7. With the hottest weather behind us, it's easy to enjoy lovely days like these. But, it doesn't smell like fall, yet.

  8. I love this kind of weather too Tom.

    Thanks for all your comments - It seems none of us is looking forward to winter but this nust happen eveny year and we somehow get through it and come out the other side looking forward to Spring.

    YP - like your witty comment - took me a while to get it!

  9. Same here halfway around the world Pat, though much less rain. I saw a light fog coming off the lake last week.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Our weather comes and goes also - yesterday and two before that we had the brightest blue, clear skies possible - today heavy clouds and now the rain has started - and shall last all weekend. We are getting more days of rain and clouds than days of sunshine now - but it is to be expected - I'm gathering my indoor projects - ready for the weather changes. Enjoy your weekend.
