Friday 19 August 2016

Out to lunch.

Things are slowly returning to normal here and I do feel a little better each day.   Today friend W and I went out to lunch.  I took my camera so that I could take photographs to show you, but by the time we reached The Bull in West Tanfield, where we had booked a table, the promised rain had arrived and I was just intent on getting inside quickly.   Sadly I then forgot to take photographs of the meal.

After looking at the menu, we both chose haddock and chips - a wise choice as it was delicious.   We were so full that we decided against a pudding, but after sitting and chatting we thought we might share a pudding.   When it arrived - it was meringue,chantilly cream and summer berries - it was totally enormous.   If we had chosen one each we would have been defeated; as it was we couldn't eat it all.

Finishing off with a coffee each and sitting chatting a while to let it all go down, and then it was home again.   The farmer meanwhile had his lunch at the Auction Mart with a group of farming friends - steak pie, chips and peas followed by lemon meringue pie.   So we both came home full and happy.

Now the farmer is upstairs (and has given me strict instructions to keep out of the way) re-hanging the curtains, which have been dry-cleaned.   They are heavy and it is not a job I like doing so I am happy to keep well away until it is done.   And tonight we shall be able to have the light on in the bedroom at last.

 Good news on the knitting front.   Anyone who read an earlier post when I spoke of sewing my baby jacket together wrongly will be pleased to hear that friend C has offered to try and unpick the seam for me and I am to take it when I see her on Sunday, when seven of us go out for Sunday lunch.   Sunday is actually our twenty third wedding anniversary, but it is also the farmer's walking day and as he enjoys his walks so much we have deferred our anniversary celebration until the following Sunday.


  1. Out to lunch - that is a very nice habit you have on fridays. Sounded good with the haddock. But the most pleasing was your friend that barged in and gave you the help you needed. When you have to let go of something you have managed well before, it hurts quite a bit. So she saved the day, the knitting and your selfesteem. Blessed be your friends, you do seem to have lots of them and that means that you are a good friend yourself. I was wondering about "walkingday". Where does he go?? Is he walking alone or in quiet conversation with the Lord or some other farmers? The older farmers around here do the same, they walk and stop here and there to notice changes and progress I suppose. I like that.

  2. So pleased you are gradually getting stronger and enjoyed your lunch out. Also good news that someone has offered to unpick, and restitch your baby jacket. Hope the farmers day was as pleasant for him as yours was for you. Happy Anniversary to you both for Sunday, in case I can't say so then - my laptop is behaving oddly.

  3. Haddock--double yum. Glad you are feeling better!

  4. So glad things are returning to normal.Nice to have someone to hang the curtains.

  5. Just what I needed today, I wonderful day by both of you filled with good food and friends.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  6. OH! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on Sunday!!!


  7. Glad you are feeling better Pat and even seem to be thriving. I imagine the weather is starting to change there. I've noticed some leaves in the trees starting to turn yellow and it is unseasonably cool for the last two weeks. We'll have to start collecting our books for winter.

  8. I wonder if the little great grandchild will ever hear about all the hassle associated with the knitting project.

  9. Congrats on the anniversary. And it sounds like you guys are eating some excellent desserts. That must be some friend to put that knitting back in order. Does she hire out?

  10. Good to see you out and about again Pat and I envy you the rain. We were promised a good soak here in Kent but all we got was a grey day with bouts of misty dampness that barely wet the grass and now we have another week of very warm and sunny weather forecast.

  11. I hope hanging the heavy curtains went well; thinking of the Farmer's shoulder trouble here.
    Your meals both sound great! I can't eat huge portions either, but I love it when I am being served generously.
    Very glad to know you are feeling better every day.

  12. You ask about the Farmer's walks. There is a group of villagers who get together and walk every other Sunday throughout the Summer months - sometimes six, sometimes up to ten. They each plan a walk and take it at a steady pace as none of them are in their prime. They meet under a tree on the village green at a quarter to eleven, take a picnic lunch and usually walk until around three. Wish I could still do it. But the added bonus is, of course, my lunches with friends.

    Thanks for calling in.

  13. I am glad to hear you are feeling better and can join friends for lunch. I think the tradition of walking is great. We just got back to Ontario from England and one thing I commented on to my husband was how few obese people we saw (at least the part of England in which we were staying) and I wonder if it can be attributed to all the walking? -Jenn

  14. Weaver, reading this post and your mention of the photographs not taken matches what happened to me this morning. I took both umbrella and camera with me on my short walk to the local Post Office. The sun was beginning to come out, so I hoped to take a few neighborhood photographs on my walk home. Alas, part two of the earlier rain arrived suddenly. I took cover in a large home furnishings shop, to while away a few minutes, but did not want to take any photos there.

    The rain really intensified...I felt as if only Rachel could have described this diagonal rain! Then then sun returned, but the rain continued. No photos taken. After another fifteen minutes or so, I just opened up my umbrella and hopped it on home. My shoes will dry out eventually.

    I am so glad that you are getting out and about, and staying away from curtain hanging adventures. Having such a good friend take care of correcting that knitting hiccup is great news, too. wishes for a Happy Anniversary and many more in future. Sunshine all the way. xo
