Thursday 11 August 2016

Not well.

Not well again - this time, annoyingly it seems I may have a deep vein thrombosis - going for a scan to make sure.


  1. Hope it's all ok x

  2. Drat! Just when you were perking up again. Hope they sort this out quickly.

  3. When are you having a scan?
    It should be as fast as possible pat!
    Make sure you don't wait too long, don't be a " polite patient"

  4. Oh dear, that does not sound good! I hope the scan will be done first thing tomorrow morning. Scary! Wishing you all the best.

  5. My dearest Pat, sorry another health issue on the heels of the last, but am heartened that you are on top of it. Best wishes and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  6. I've had a dvt in my right thigh years ago. Please quickly get a scan and the necessary melds (blood thinners). Please don't wait on this! Thinking of you and I'm hoping you don't actually have a clot. -Jenn

  7. I hope you have good news about this health issue, and get treatment / the scan right away.

  8. Weaver, I am worried to read this brief post and urge you to follow John Gray's comment advice.
    Some other person can take the polite role.

    xo to you and the Farmer.

  9. Don't wait, get it done immediately, it can be life threatening.

  10. What John said. Don't mess around.

  11. I am concerned and my thoughts and prayers are with you Pat. Be a good patient BUT make sure they do everything necessary to ensure you really get well again.
    Like all your friends here, I will be awaiting good news soon.

    Hugs - Mary

  12. Hope all is well and that you get that scan quickly.

  13. That's not good. Also the weekend is around the corner so I truly wish it can get seen to today. All the best.
    Greetings Maria xx

  14. Get that sorted pretty damn quick. Best wishes and positive vibes to you for a speedy recovery coming your way from Suffolk

  15. Do get that scan as quickly as possible, thinking of you and wishing you a fast

  16. Oh Pat - one step forward and two back. Glad you are having the scan and I hope the right treatment will be successful. Thinking of you and many thanks for your lovely comment on my blog.

  17. Thanks everyone for the good wishes - off for a scan shortly.

  18. Sending all best wishes your way.
    Keep us posted.

  19. Do get well soon. Good luck with the scan and hope it is all cleared up quickly!

  20. Best of luck, Weaver. I hope you feel better soon.

  21. Oh my goodness Pat... I hope all turns out well... I've heard you can get that from sitting for long periods? Maybe while you were sick that setttled in? I was once worried i had that on a long cross country trip.....but i didn't......Take care... Hugs! deb

  22. Prayers and figners crossed you are okay!


  23. Take care, Pat - thinking of you and hope you recover quickly from this further annoyance (understatement....)

  24. Following our phone discussion, here's the link

    The Solitary Cyclist

  25. All the best Pat.

    If you need any help you know where I am.

  26. Hoping all is well and the doctors are on to it. Best wishes. Hoping to hear good news soon

  27. Thankfully no evidence of DVT on the scan, which is a relief. So am trying to move around as much as possible on my crutches and get plenty of exercise. Off to the physio on Monday, so that should help. Thanks for your enquiries and good wishes.

  28. What a relief! Thank you so much for leaving this follow up message.
    May this weekend treat you and the Farmer very well. xo

  29. It's a great relief to learn that you do not have a DVT. Would it be easier for you to use a walker (don't know what they are called in the U.K.)? I find crutches so awkward to use. Take care please.

  30. Phew!!!! That's a relief. Hope exercise and physio help and you will soon be 'as right as rain'! I recall my mum using that phrase when I was a child - is it still used in England?

    Warm wishes Pat - may you be 100% better soon.

  31. I'm so glad to read your comment after reading the post. I hope you are soon swinging around your village again!

  32. I'm thinking of you a lot. Get better as fast as you can.

  33. I am happy to hear this. Keep moving to improve but do not overdo. Best wishes.
    Greetings Maria x
