Tuesday 9 August 2016

It is all go here

Bad ankle or no bad ankle - it is all happening.   And strangely enough I am walking far better today than I have walked so far, and also feeling better, so obviously I do need to keep busy.

The decorator rang yesterday to say that he was coming today to redecorate our bedroom, so after our evening meal the farmer took the pictures down and moved anything he could - curtains went to the dry-cleaners.  My weekly Tesco order comes between eight and nine o'clock on Tuesday mornings, the decorator was arriving  at eight-thirty and then the place delivering the straw rang to say that another load of straw was arriving at eight thirty.   More by luck than judgement they all slotted in nicely together and by the time I went out with friend W at nine thirty all was ship shape and the decorator had begun his work.   Now, as I write this, the bedroom already looks incredibly different - no cracks in the plaster, no chips in the rubbed-down paintwork.   Nothing beats the professional at work, whatever the trade.


  1. Lovely to hear that you sound so much better!! You're right about professionals for jobs like decorating -everything is done with so much more speed too.

  2. All is on the Up. That's great news.

  3. Pleased to hear you are feeling better. Are you having a particular colour scheme for your bedroom?

  4. Nothing beats the professional at work - that's if you can get hold of a genuine professional. There are too many cowboys out there - ready to charge a bomb but not necessarily ready to do a good job.

  5. It is lovely to feel better isn't it, just as I said the other day, but nothing beats it. I am pleased for you.

  6. Aaahhh but finding that professional... thats the trick.... they seem to be far and few between these days around here.... So glad you are feeling better... Hugs! deb

  7. Glad your day's events slotted in so well and that your ankle is more comfortable. After years of DIY decorating I now enjoy the luxury of someone else doing it for us, and so much better than we did!

  8. You are going to feel even better once you get into that newly decorated bedroom, a great idea and so good to hear you being so chipper.

  9. Even without the redecorating, it is just so nice to know everything is spic and span. I wonder if it's just women that feel that way or men too.

  10. Nice to read! Enjoy your space for many happy years

  11. So happy to hear you are feeling better.
    Your newly decorated bedroom will help with making you feel better too.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  12. I so agree! I'm so happy you are feeling ever so much better. Having a newly decorated bedroom will just add to the 'good'!


  13. Finding the right professional is such a treat; they go ahead and do the work to a high standard while you go about your day. I am glad you are out and about again.

  14. Weaver, it sounds as if lots of things that could have gone topsy turvy felt a natural pull to fall into place.

    It's grand to read this post and know that you are again out and about, while matters closer to home are also progressing very well.

    Whew! xo

  15. Wonderful news you seem so much better. Keep the hats somewhere else though, The Farmer will miss them.
