Friday 5 August 2016

Beginning the return to normal. (whatever that is!)

Well today has been an almost normal day - thanks of course to the wonderful giving spirit of friends.

Yesterday I felt I was not well enough for our Friday jaunt - this morning I gave myself a bit of a talking-to and decided to stop feeling sorry for myself (I have friend G who is so ill with so many things and yet keeps going - puts me to shame).
So the farmer took me down as usual and pulled up close to our cafe.  Afterwards (the farmer went around the market for me with the shopping basket) dear friend W brought me door-to-door.   I insisted that the farmer stay for lunch in the Auction Mart Canteen.   He didn't take a lot of persuading (Home made steak and kidney pie, chips and mushy peas, followed by apple pie and custard) and I felt happy that he had had a good square meal as I really do not feel like eating yet.

After lunch the farmer took me down to the Physio in town and she supplied me with crutches and taught me how to walk with them.   Now I am hoping to go out to lunch on Sunday with the friends group and the farmer will go off walking with his group.   Another step back to normality.

It has actually been a sunny, fairly warm day here and yet hardly any holidaymakers about.   The trouble is that we are quite a long way North and don't get all that much really warm weather.  (just one day would be really welcome).

I shall go and read a few blogs now.  In the meantime - here's wishing all our athletes best wishes for the Olympics (and, frankly, for their health too).


  1. Sometimes if you have been ill you can't imagine you will ever be back to normal again and it is such a lovely feeling when you are and you have to give yourself a little push to go there. It is early days yet though. Keep going. Rachelx

  2. You are going to have to use crutches? I hope it is only temporary. Good to hear your graph is going up now and your spirits are rising too.

  3. So sorry to hear of your illness, sending my love xxx

  4. Another step back to normality, I love that. You are going forward in a good direction.

  5. Weave! Welcome back to Blogsville.

  6. I hope you graduate the crutches soon! Welcome back.

  7. Weaver, again I thank you so much for taking the time to let us know how you are progressing. How grand to hear that you have been out and about. I can just about imagine how it has been for you to be staying at home for so many days.

    I'm sorry to learn you are using crutches, but glad that those sticks will enable your mobility. Does it sound odd for me to say that being ill in summer might not be quite as tough as being ill in icy winter? It's not great being under the weather in any season.

    xo to you and the Farmer.

  8. All of the above Dear Pat, and a big bear hug to go with it.

  9. So glad you're feeling better. Really enjoying your blog.

  10. I'm glad to have another update on how you are doing. I hope the crutches are just a temporary measure. After a while, they are hard to deal with under the arms. You can pad them with a towel wrapped around, or some foam padding taped or tied in place. I think my husband would very much like the farmer's meal that he had! -Jenn

  11. Good to hear that you're back on your feet; even if it is with the aid of crutches. Strength comes back slowly, but your positive attitude will certainly hasten it.

  12. Good to hear that you are out and about again, albeit on crutches ! Hope you can soon dispense with them. X

  13. Hopefully, the crutches are only temporary, but at least they give you back some mobility for now.
    Like you, I feel the sooner I get back into normal routine after an illness, the better I feel.
    I am probably not all that far away from you (currently in Ripon) and we've been having great weather. It's going to be another beautiful day today, sun and blue skies, and we shall soon be on our way to Wensleydale, just waiting for my sister-in-law to arrive.

  14. Lovely to see you back in the blog sphere, those crutches will soon be mastered and then you can throw them away ;) xxx

  15. walking with crutches is a lesson in itself, when I was on them a few years ago I struggled when wanting to carry something so ended up with bag or an apron with big pockets, keep at you will get there.

  16. Glad you didn't miss out on your Friday jaunt. The crutches will help keep the pressure off your ankle and allow you to get about a bit. I hope you still continue to get stronger and that you are having a fine day, as we are here at last. A bit of sunshine helps a lot.
    I always have a fascination for the field and track events at the Olympic Games. Goodness knows why as I am not a sporty person at all, and never have been. Good luck to all our competitors and, as you say, good health too.

  17. Keep on truckin'. You can do it lass.

  18. Great comment from Gwil!!!!

    My thoughts are with you dear as you start moving about again, seeing your friends and visiting your much-loved places away from the farm. I've come to believe there is no 'normal'. Life these days is just too busy and full of unnecessary modern chores that we don't have time to stop and enjoy peace and quiet. . . . . . unless we're 'under the weather' with an illness or such and have to stay at home.

    Just be well soon and take things easy as you slowly regain your movement. Brighter days are definitely ahead and your positive attitude will help.

    Hugs - Mary

  19. Librarian - would love to meet for coffee were it not for the wretched ankle.

    Thanks everyone - your perky comments are helping no end.

  20. Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere!
    So glad to hear you're getting back to "normal"! Although, I'm not so sure I know what it is either.
