Monday 15 August 2016

All done and dusted.

Well, my cleaner has been this morning and now I can say that our bedroom, which has been redecorated by a professional (and it shows) looks splendid.   All we are waiting for is the curtains to come back from being dry-cleaned.   Actually, I love the room without curtains as we have such a lovely view, but it is no joke trying to undress in the dark!

Somebody asked to see my wall hanging, which is over the bed.  I have gently washed and ironed it - and it was very dusty.  The material is Kaffe Fassett and the design was inspired by beach huts I saw at Southwold in Suffolk.  It has faded slightly (the room faces due South) but in some ways I rather like that.

Three of the photos show the room redecorated but without things on the wall; the other three show the wall hanging and two walls which have some of my nude paintings on.   The Lovers, which hangs over the mantelshelf, is one of my favourites and was painted by my late husband's uncle, Dick Rivron, who lived in Australia for many years.


  1. The Rivron painting has a Duncan Grant look about it. I would happily live with it too.

  2. Wow, that is a great view outside the bedroom window. Personally, I hate curtains and haven't had them for years, my bungalow has all blinds in the windows, the sets of 6in wide ones that hang down as a unit and turn to close or open. I love the nude painting and would love that in my place, but if I'm honest, don't go much on the wall hanging.

  3. I like the colour of the wall paint, and the wall hanging, which I am sure inspired the colour. Very provocative nude paintings in the bedroom ;) but I suppose they might provoke raised eyebrows in the living areas!

  4. I love the colours and clever design of the wall hanging! Not so keen on the nudes, though, to be honest.

  5. Love the colours of the wall hanging - even if they are faded.

  6. Beautiful paintings and I love your wall hanging. It looks perfect against the new colour scheme. The view is beautiful too and I can see why you don't want to obscure it, but curtains will help your room to feel cosier during the cold winter months, and help shade the room during very hot weather.

  7. Your bedroom looks absolutely gorgeous - I love the colours that you've chosen and the view is wonderful. I like both the paintings and the wall hanging and have definitely got a touch of 'bedroom envy'!

  8. What a peaceful room. I love chests, and the little chest in the last picture is sweet.

  9. I do love that salmon color and white woodwork together. I know you must love it. Will you leave the curtains open in the daylight? Very pretty room.

  10. i dont think farmer had much input , not one tractor or even a sheep hanging on the wall , but the view is very fine . . .

  11. Love the color the room, great paintings too.

  12. As you said, great view! But why do you have to undress in the dark? On the photo, I can't see any other houses nearby, so no neighbours should be able to have a look at what's going on in your bedroom even without curtains.
    The decorator has indeed done a very good job!
    "The Lovers" is beautiful. I can understand very well it has such a prominent place in your room.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Stunning - thanks for sharing it with us :)

  15. Beautiful paintings and hanging but it is the view from your window that really catches my eye. Forget the curtains, doesn't look like you have close neighbours!

  16. A fantastic bedroom, Pat! The colors, the textures, the views, the art all come together very beautifully.

  17. What does the farmer make of it all?

  18. Thank You for sharing this with us. The color looks so charming,so cheery nice to see on a dreary rainy winters day. The Bay Window with view... outstanding.
    Of course i had to study the artwork. Your Beach Hut hanging is fabulous. The Nudes are lovely. The whole room looks calm and restful.

    cheers, parsnip

  19. Beautiful room! Love the colors and the wall hanging! It looks like a wonderful, restful retreat!

  20. Love the colour of the walls, so welcoming in cold weather. The wall hanging and paintings add just the right touch.

  21. Good question Rachel!! I think the best answer would be 'no comment' from him, although he has paid the bill for the redecoration and seems to be quite happy with it.

    Thanks everyone for your comments.

  22. I like your windows and view. I hope your curtains can be fully pulled back to allow the view to be seen. Your bedroom is very pretty.

  23. Utterly envious of the color scheme and the view!So very lovely

  24. LOVE IT!!! I really like your windows, the colors, the pictures...heck EVERYTHING!


  25. That's a great room, Weave, and I agree with Cro about the painting. Kaffe Fasset lives here in Bath and is becoming quite famous, if he wasn't already. Mind you, so does Manolo Blahnik.

  26. You have good taste in decor Mrs Weaver but the view from your bedroom window is the best picture of all. Why undress in the dark when you have no curtains? Only badgers and foxes will see you.

  27. Beautiful paintings. What a wonderful view from your window. It would be a joy to wake up to that every morning.

  28. What lovely views - no wonder you don't want to draw the curtains! Glad you're feeling better

  29. Lovely rich colour on the walls. Loving the hanging picture too can see the beach hut influence.

  30. Lovely room,view and that is a fabulous painting, must say my nudes are in the bedroom but not such a fabulous room as yours. Do agree with those who wonder why you would have to undress in the dark when I cant see a near by house.

  31. The general consensus Pat, seems to be, why do you need curtains to prevent people seeing you undress when all there outside is open fields. I can't believe that someone would be sitting across those fields with binoculars hoping to see someone of a certain age undress.

  32. The curtains are very light cream. In Winter it is very cold up here and so they do add the warmth factor. Also, there is a lane between our house and the fields and that lane can be quite busy with traffic at some times of day and night - well busy for a country lane!
    Thanks for the kind comments.

  33. We went to the American Museum in Bath the year before last and they had a Kaffe Fassett exhibition on. I was really taken with his use of colour and design. Surprisingly, Himself seemed quite keen on some of the exhibits. Then a man walked through the exhibition centre and a lot of the ladies there were all of a twitter.

    I mentioned this to Himself and he said, well, that was the man himself. How did he know? 'I was just talking to him outside in the car park, what a canny man'

  34. Love the painting by Dick Rivron.
    Do you have any details about this artist? i.e. birth, death, studies, exhibitions etc.?
