Monday 6 June 2016

A small excitement.

When the farmer went to collect our papers at half past six this morning, guess what was eating on the grass verge by the gate?   A young male deer.

It is ages since we saw one, although we know there is a small herd around.

Later on we went down to our feed merchant and as we drove down the lane a deer crossed the lane in front of us.   It was almost certainly the same one - a young male again.

The weather here is perfect - not too hot but sunny and warm.   The air is full of the sound of bees and the scent of rowan trees and may (hawthorn) blossom - an almondy smell which I love.

The washing is drying on the line.  (I really cannot justify drying it in the drier on a day like today), I have already ironed one lot - and it is time to prepare lunch.  So that is all for now.


  1. Warm, but a lot of cloud coming in off the sea here at the moment, which should hopefully burn off soon.
    Ironing, blimey do people still do that. I more or less stopped ironing ten years ago when I retired and didn't need suit shirts any more.

  2. Forgot to say, how wonderful it is when we get those warm and scented and glad to be alive days - and not only that, you get a deer as well.

  3. Red or roe Weaver? We've had roe and mumtjac in Newark

  4. How wonderful to see that deer Pat. As you know we have plenty every day... the does are still having their fawns and the bucks are showing up their nubby horns a couple inches long... And so begins the lazy days of summer... Had a raccoon visitor last night... he is making himself most unwelcome and we may need to relocate him.. Him climbs the birdfeeder against our best efforts thus far to keep him out and polishes off the birdseed every night... then last night he knocked over my bird bath.....sigh...... i don't mind him around if he would just mind his manners Hugs! deb

  5. Went through your village on the way to Jervaux Abbey today.I cant express how wonderful the Dales looked , the hedgerows full of may blossom and cow parsley and the abbey full of birdsong and wild flowers.

  6. What a nice start of the day, meeting a deer!
    I know what you mean about the wonderful scents this time of year. I wish I could bottle all the scents my Mum and I enjoyed during our walk on Saturday! I have many different kinds of perfume, and some are true works of art, but nothing can beat the real thing.

  7. What a treat to see a deer in the wild. I once saw a red deer from a distance and mistook it for a red setter at first! I have also glimpsed deer in the Forest of Dean a couple of times but never seen one at close quarters. We have had a lovely day too - washing dried and not too hot for a good spell of gardening.

  8. I have a muntjac come into the garden every night although we don't really count muntjac for much around here. I dry my washing outside on the line throughout the year. Ironing is a mystery to me.

  9. Roe Deer are everywhere here at the moment; I think they are celebrating the end of the shooting season. I even saw a female Red Deer recently with a quite grown-up baby; what fabulous creatures they are!

  10. If you're short on deer, Pat, we could export some to you. We have five to ten on our property each afternoon. As for what goes on in the evening, I can only report that deer and healthy vegetable gardens are incompatible.
