Friday 27 May 2016

On and off.

Nine minutes past four in the afternoon and I have Broadband for the first time today.   And it might go off at any time, so here is a short blog.
This was taken out of the car window as we passed the Auction Mart field, where the travellers on the way to the horse fair are  always welcome to stay and rest their horses overnight.  There are several horses in the picture but the grass is quite long - I think there is one visible if you look for it.

Two lots of travellers are travelling in ordinary caravans along with a horsebox with their traditional horses.   But the green top van you see
is travelling being pulled by a horse and with a spare horse alongside.   I know this because we followed the chap for quite a long way before he reached our town.  The horses looked in good condition and as we came home from town this morning they were eating from nose bags, so they must be getting food other than just grass.

The weather here has turned beautifully warm and sunny this afternoon and the farmer and I have been gardening all afternoon.

At this point I lost my connection - it has just come back on at six o'clock, so a quick sign off before I lose it again.   Just one of life's frustrations.


  1. I wonder how many actual, real travellers there are at the Fair, people that spend the whole year on the road.

  2. I would LOVE to go to the FAIR!!!


  3. My friend who came down from England in a wagon had the same type. I believe they are Irish and called an 'Open Lot'. Our friend stayed with us for about a month, then continued down to Provence. He sold the whole lot (horse and wagon) down there.

  4. Nice to spend an afternoon gardening together, when the weather is right. Has your husband truly and fully recovered from his illness a while ago?

  5. I saw hundreds of travellers making their way to Appleby when I was camping near Kirky Stephen some years ago. There was an endless caravanserai parked tidily along the moorland road. Not one tinker with his mobile scrap yard with them. Hopefully it's still like that.

  6. I used to see loads of travelers going to the Horse Fair along the A66 when I did night trunking to Penrith for a changeover with a Scottish driver. It broke my heart to see the horses trundling along on that busy road, well into the night. I remember when one horse drowned in the river, the owner had taken it in to wash it. Tragic. I hope the RSPCA are present to watch over things.

  7. Intermittent connection drives me round the bend! Blogging is very slow for me right now, especially if it involves photos. The worst thing is knowing the cause - is it them or us?!

  8. My internet signal going in and out would drive me crazy.

  9. Thank you so much for the photograph!

    Hoping that steady broadband returns to you soon. I know you use it for much more than these delightful posts that you share with us.


  10. Hmmmmmm. Mixed feelings, to say the least, living where I do.

  11. Do hope your computer woes diminish!
    A warm weekend here.

  12. That's a very interesting photo. I've never seen any such thing around here. If people are going to horse shows, they drive a pick-up truck or SUV and tow a horse trailer behind it. You are one patient woman when it comes to your 'broadband' issues. I would be on the phone with someone every day, trying to get it fixed! -Jenn

  13. Recent broadband problems could have been caused by the gipsies and travellers stealing megabytes for their horses. Apparently they find them very tasty.

  14. Very few 'real' travellers I think, Derek. Most of them treat it as their annual holiday these days.
    Gwil - a few leave a mess and that spoils it for the rest who are very careful and treat the countryside with respect.
    Lovely to be back.

  15. Very much the case Pat, in reality no more "travellers" these days than any other member of the public who takes a couple of weeks holiday in his caravan each year.

  16. By the way, are you back permanently now, has someone in BT found the magic wand that your broadband was looking for.
    Your calming and tranquil views and opinions from the countryside are always appreciated.
