Tuesday 17 May 2016


Oh dear - what a frustrating day.   I only have intermittent Broadband - it pops up now and again and when I have it I try to get my e mails dealt with and read a few blog posts .  Three lines I have written and the blue light has gone and in place I have an orange flashing one.   The engineer from BT promised to come between one and six this afternoon, so I stayed in and waited.   The farmer has spent the afternoon in the front garden doing some weeding (couch grass!) and I spent the afternoon doing this and that - now it is after seven and obviously no-one is coming.  Now BT have promised to get the engineer to ring me in the morning.

To complicate matters our lane is due to have road repairs for the next three days and will be subject to closures now and again.   However, I refuse to get frustrated and am trying to keep calm.

There has been an invasion of aquelegias of many different shapes, sizes and colours in our front garden.   I am a wild garden enthusiast and hate things in straight lines, hence the invasion.  I had also been round last year shaking forgetmenots everywhere to spread their seeds, so they are in flower everywhere too.   But couch grass, well that is another matter but the farmer is very patient.

Shall now try and put this on as I have Broadband.


  1. What a let down BT can be at times, despite all the bullshit in their TV ads.
    Love to see that you are the same kind of gardener as me, no straight lines just masses of colour where stuff chooses to pop up on it's own.

  2. Non-BT customers are lower down the pecking order, bottom of the pack, so you will be above the Talk Talk customers at least.

  3. Louth used to lose one of its major car parks each year for a visiting fun fair. That one was also shut during the day. Not sure whether it still happens as I haven't used that particular car park for a few years. Mablethorpe still seems to have a yearly visit from a circus.
    Visiting fun fairs I usually remembered to visit the candy floss stall last otherwise my hands would stick to everything I touched.

  4. Whoops - another senior moment and put the above on the wrong post.

  5. I'm impressed Weaver, my blood pressure would be sky high coping with the frustration! I love the wild garden look too, and find the sterility of the modern 'cacti in bare pots' style we see on the Home Renovation shows over here unappealing.

    I do hope BT gets their act together soon!

  6. Oh dear I feel your frustration over BT having been through months of waiting and empty promises from BT

  7. Intermittent service all day for me, too. I think I figured it out. We'll see.

  8. Frustrating is right. Nothing more maddening than computer/tech problems. I got a new IPhone and have yet to get it working right.

  9. The last time I had this type of problem, the engineer found a tiny wire that wasn't in place. I've had no troubles since.

  10. Hope you get it sorted soon. Nothing worse than waiting around for someone to arrive to fix things. Couch grass - wicked stuff!

  11. Frustrating indeed, not just that your broadband doesn't work properly, but also waiting around, not daring to move from the house, and then nobody turns up... I hope the BT engineer has a good excuse!!
    Your flowers sound lovely, will you post a picture? Forgetmenots are my favourites!

  12. Best of luck with your Broadband problems - I do hope they are resolved soon.
    I have forget-me-nots all over the garden from just one little clump a neighbour gave me years ago. They are so obliging - flowering in spring until other things get going, then so easy to pull up when they get straggly, and faithfully coming back again each year. I also love aquilegias and would never mind too many of them.
    It's wet here today so no gardening for me, which is probably a good thing as I did so much over the weekend. I shall recharge my batteries for the next onslaught.

  13. Thanks everyone. Have some photos but trying to do the important stuff before I lose the connection again.

  14. Oh dear. Sorry to hear about the broadband troubles and how painful it must have been that the BT engineer did not arrive in the promised time slot. Is couch grass used to stuff sofas?

  15. "Is couch grass used to stuff sofas" goodness gracious that's funny;). I sympathise over the BT people not arriving, we also have intermittent internet service, could it be that we are in the wilds of Yorkshire though?

  16. Anything to do with the computer or printer is so frustrating for me !

    cheers, parsnip and the hamish

  17. Mr cameron has promised us all good coverage in he queens speech! Hey ho

  18. I shouldn't believe anything Cameron says, he normally U-Turns a week later.
