Monday 11 April 2016


I have said for a few days that I thought a hen pheasant had chosen our walled front garden for her nesting site this year and yesterday, when I went out to prune the roses (very late but the first day that the weather has been warm enough for me to venture out), I saw it.

It is in the same place as last year - in the corner where the porch meets the wall of the house-
and sheltered by self-sown aquelegias. The position faces due South but these aquelegias provide shade for her when she begins to sit.   Yesterday there were eight eggs in the nest and I was quite pleased with the photograph as it has the appearance of being in a much lighter place than it actually is.

Good luck with your new family Mrs. Pheasant.



  1. They had better stay within your garden!

  2. well...a great pic and what excitement again this year...keep us posted with pics Pat!

  3. What a wonderful photograph. Congratulations on a well-spotted find!

  4. Oh that's exciting! Did you see young pheasants in the past? -Jenn

  5. That's brilliant - I do hope they manage to hatch - it's so lovely if you can see the chicks being shepherded away by their mum. x Jo

  6. how wonderful, I do hope they thrive

  7. Good luck to Mrs Pheasant. I hope that no other creatures find that secret place.

  8. Just lovely. Perhaps you will be able to show us the chicks.

  9. Last year Mrs P kept her chicks in the garden for a couple of days and then shepherded them out under the front gate. This year I shall keep my eyes open - although I suspect we may beon holiday when the big day arrives.

  10. I wondered Pat, if she'd keep them cosseted or immediately disappear with them. So many birds have to be ready to go the minute they hatch and I fear that kind has a lower survival rate than the chicks hatched up in the trees. Is the father around to help out?

  11. How lovely that a pheasant has nested again in your garden. I love the sight of a nestful of eggs.

  12. Weaver, I am admiring both your photograph and the construction of that nest. Best wishes to the pheasant family.


  13. Oh how lucky you found them! Great photo Weaver! Hugs! deb

  14. Thanks for this hopeful and lovely token of Spring!

  15. Wonderful news indeed.

    cheers, parsnip

  16. The best news in you aren't going to blast every raptor out of the sky in order to protect them! A great sight, can't think what pheasant youngsters look like.

  17. What a great photo! You did well...8 little eggs! I hope they all hatch!


  18. She must know you're a kind lady and welcome her nest or she wouldn't have come back.

  19. Brilliant. Looking forward to seeing the babies later on.

  20. Were there any chickens last year? Saturday we. Were driving home when we saw quite a lot of pheasants in the fields. They are so beautifully coloured.
    Your photos are excellent!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  21. How very exciting! I hope you get to see (and photograph) the hatchlings.

  22. How wonderful, I wish we had proper wild Pheasants here. Pix of the chicks please (when time comes).

  23. Lovely to have your very own family of wild pheasants living in your garden! I wish them all the best and am looking forward to reports on their progress.

  24. Oh that's wonderful ... hope you may get to photograph the little chicks.

    All the best Jan

  25. Beautiful. Something I will never see in a city. Greetings Maria x

  26. What a wonderful discovery!!! I'd love to see baby pheasants.
