Saturday 2 April 2016

Normality will be resumed shortly.

I really feel that things are beginning to get back to normal after a very worrying week.   I feel better after learning of three people who have exhibited the same symptoms this week and have been just as ill as the farmer.  So it really does look as though it has been a bad dose of flu of some kind.

Today, although lacking in any kind of energy, the farmer is up and dressed and keeps doing small jobs around the house - anything to try and keep on the move as he is of course stiff in his joints from lying/sitting so much.   He is also eating small but nutritious meals which is pleasing.

I took Tess for her afternoon walk down the road - possibly the longest walk I have done for a long time - maybe half a mile (and then of course the return journey).  It is a rather dreary wet day but quite warm and I think we both enjoyed it.

So it does look as though normal service will be resumed within a day or two.   Enjoy your week-end.


  1. Yesterday was so dreary it just sucked all the life out of me, it really did. Dozed on the sofa for huge chunks of it, no energy.

  2. Wonderful news that the Farmer is on the mend. Yesterday was very worrying. Sounds like your walk was a good tonic despite the dreary weather. As you say, it is at least a bit warmer.

  3. Its such a worry when your partner who is normally well gets struck down by a virus, I hope he takes it easy during recovery and you too, we dont want you coming down with the same

  4. Phew, that's a relief. I was worried he would end up in Hospital. My OH had the dizzy part and felt sick and even he took to his bed (unheard of). There is obviously something doing the rounds.

    Simon - hope you feel better soon too.

  5. So pleased that he is up and about again, but what a horrible 'flu'. Take care.

  6. Good news is always a pleasure, and in this case, twice as much.

  7. Thanks for updating us with the news of continued recovery. Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

  8. That is such good news Pat. Best wishes to both of you. I am wishing a glorious spring day northward, just like the one we are having today. Perhaps you will get it tomorrow.

  9. I'll take the warm rain over the cold rain. So glad Farmer is on the mend. Lemon juice and more lemon juice and lemon in his tea and toddy. It will help him heal quickly. As I've probably told you a hundred times (but can't remember), Sir Edmund Hillary said lemon juice is how he climbed Everest.

  10. I'm happy to know things will soon be back to normal. Stay well yourself. Those are really odd and frightening symptoms for 'flu!

  11. Thank goodness he is on the mend, might be worth a check up later just in case. Stay well and tell him not to do too much and keep up the fluids

  12. Don't forget I had it in February and had to take two weeks off work, the first time off work in 30 years. My legs wouldn't work and I thought we were going to starve because P didn't know how to shop! There is a nasty flu virus around this year.

  13. Good to hear that the farmer is on the mend. It does sound like a really nasty virus.

  14. Dear Weaver, I am so glad that the Farmer's recovery continues.

    Reading your posts and those of some other bloggers' has made me think that perhaps I was wise to let my doc give me a flu shot last autumn.

    The current flu strain seems very nasty.


  15. So glad to hear that the farmer is recovering. I think this time of year often catches us unawares...we think we are through the winter and then it hits us. Lots of love to you both.

  16. Glad for the update - sorry it is taking so long to get back to normal. I was down for three weeks - so I think he is doing quite well.

  17. That is good news!
    Just make sure now neither of you overdo it.

  18. Good to hear that the farmer is feeling a bit better…take it easy both of you! X

  19. I'm so glad to hear the farmer is better!
    I hadn't checked in for a few days, so I missed the story your frightening experience and the subsequent recovery. I'm so sorry y'all had to go through that. But, so happy for a good outcome.
    I hope that with some rest (and plenty of water) he will be back to normal soon.
    Do take care of yourself!

  20. I'm so glad to learn that the farmer is doing better. Having our men laid up and ill is a very scary thing.

