Saturday 12 March 2016


After a very bad night's sleep (I sat by the Aga reading 'Under the Tuscan Sun' by Frances Mayes most of the night) this morning friend W and I went out to lunch.

The bad news is that I forgot my camera, so you will have to rely on my verbal description.   We needed to avoid going into our little market town as there was a big funeral at the church, which meant  that everywhere was crowded.  So we went over our Moor and into Arkengarthdale - in Spring sunshine.  The route is grouse moor
and here and there in the distance they were burning the heather.  I actually saw five grouse, which is quite unusual as they do tend to hide in the heather when there is anybody about.

We went to the CB (short for Charles Bathurst) Inn for lunch and it was delicious.   As I am on a stringent diet to lose some weight for the sake of my bad ankle I have had no potatoes for the last three weeks.   I ignored the rule today and we both had Whitby crab cakes with salad and chips.   It was delicious.

We went and bought a new television this afternoon but we can't get it to work any better than the last one!   My son, who is very technically minded, has just been round and he can't get it to work either and thinks that the trouble might well be with the aerial and the other television might well still work! So at the moment it is stalemate.  

The farmer has been on his walk today in pleasant weather.   There were eighteen people on the walk - seven miles or so - and he came back in time to go and get the television before tea.

It will be quite nice to have an ordinary, quiet day tomorrow after the rush of today - so see you then.


  1. Well that's not good news - about the tellie, not you eating spuds. Let's hope it's quickly resolved.

  2. Hope you get your TV to work without too much hassle.
    Don't chips taste wonderful, especially when you have been dieting for a while?
    I hope you sleep better tonight - sweet dreams.

  3. Hope you sleep better tonight.
    I so enjoyed reading "Under The Tuscan Sun" hope it made your
    time not asleep better.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Not a bad way to spend a sleepless night, but I do hope you get good sleep tonight. Your meal out sounds wonderful.

  5. It must have been the night for poor sleeps, Pat. I tossed and turned all night too, and would have been much better getting up to read than falling intermittently into nasty dreams. Tonight we turn our clocks ahead an hour, and I am of two minds as to whether this is advantageous or not. The thought of losing an hour's sleep and getting up at five instead of six doesn't really please me.....

  6. Sorry to hear you didn't sleep well. I hope it wasn't caused by any specific worry you have at the moment. My Mum has these sometimes, without being able to put a finger on the reason. She calls them her "White Nights".

  7. I had a rotten nights sleep last night so I sympathise. Lunch sounded delicious though.

  8. There seems to be a few bloggers having sleep issues at the moment, crab cakes and chips sound lovely I havent had crab cakes for years :-)

  9. Oh I do love crabcakes! Lucky you! My sleep patterns have been improving lately -- but I have found that the more ordinary the diet, the better I sleep. Good luck sorting your television out -- it sounds like something has changed somewhere. Are you on satellite or terrestrial?

  10. Thanks for the commiserations about lack of sleep. I certainly slept well last night so have made up for it.
