Sunday 17 January 2016


Today is a thoroughly miserable day.   We have a thin covering of snow and we awoke to thick fog.   The fog has cleared and at present it is not freezing, but the snow is still lying, it is cloudy and it is cold.   A proper January day I would say.

Everything (including humans!) needs to eat more to keep warm on days like this.   Our bird table has been replenished twice and the blackbirds have come in with a vengeance.   The robin guards his mealworms

with his life - until the blackbird appears - and, as usual, the larger the bird the better as far as food is concerned - and the blackbird gave the robin very short shrift and finished the meal worms off in no time at all, just shovelling them down.

Horsey people are on the look out for hay and friends with horses have been round this morning for twenty bales and will be back tomorrow for another twenty.   I took a photograph of them backing the trailer into the hay shed.   No way was I going out in the cold to take a better shot.


  1. You've know it worse, Pat.

    I can remember when they had to fly supplies to places on the moors above Darwen and the snow lay three or four feet deep. Much worse in drifts. I once saw a photo of Darwen when the snow was up to the top of the shop doors in the Circus.

  2. We managed as walk into the town and there were plenty of folk on the moor sledging. Such a raw day it's nice to be home with a cup of tea. Keep cosy.

  3. The snow looks very pretty, but I am very happy to be in a warmer clime. I had my morning wade in the sea with a hat to shade me from the hot sun. It is a little cloudy now, but still nice and warm - probably too hot for most, but just the way I like it! Stay warm and dry and well-fed!

  4. Your weather looks worse than ours!I guess there is no escaping winter after all.
    We are having the first snow of the season and it's just a little dusting. I think I see the sun starting to break through the clouds.
    Stay warm!

  5. Our snow has just about gone but its cold out there

  6. It is too cold to go out, I agree, so I admire a very fat cardinal through the window. He is well fed and under photographed.

  7. No snow here just a grey overcast day, although yesterday was beautiful. I love the snowy picture of your garden. Eating more here too.... :o)

  8. Your wintry garden looks very pretty under it's dusting of snow. Our birds are well fed too - they must feel the shock of the sudden drop in temperature. Feed the wood burner too and keep snug.

  9. We managed a walk on the beach today - was glad to get home. We're in for the night now - gates closed, hens locked up, logs stacked.

  10. Your garden looks very pretty with the snow all over it.
    But it sound so cold.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  11. Keep warm and keep well! It's pretty cold here in ne Ohio and will be much colder tomorrow.....high of 9F, that's-12.77C.....

  12. Nothing like a spot of snow to alert horse-owners to the paucity of hay in the barn . . . Glad you were able to help them out.

    No snow in our neck of the woods, but plenty in Brecon area on Friday. We're back to wetter conditions again tomorrow. No surprise there then! I am hoping it will be warmer/drier in Hampshire, where I will be Monday-Thursday. We'll have to see. Keep warm.

  13. We are heading for being the coldest place in England tomorrow here in Norfolk.

  14. Looks pretty but dreary.
    Stay inside with a good book and plenty to eat!

  15. How I'd like to be able to write a comment like Wilma's, that's what I call a wonderful winter's day.
    Here in North Kent it's just been grey and very cold.

  16. We had about a millimetre last night, accumulating in my bowler hat rim when I went out.

  17. It does look cold and miserable,hope you're staying warm.

  18. I do find the view of your garden beautiful, and your description of the birds' vying for your food donations interesting, but am also glad that you are able to stay indoors where it's warm and have got lots of tasty food available.

    After a few days of warmth, we've now zigzagged back into the deep freeze, and snow flurries appeared this afternoon. I've been making soups and eating many more potatoes than usual this week. Good thing that I can stay away from cakes and other sweets during this cold wave.

    Best wishes. xo

  19. I began putting out grease balls for the birds this weekend. I was amazed how quickly they went; and it's not even that cold.

  20. How nice to stay warm indoors while everything looks so pretty cold outside! Greetings Maria x

  21. The snow has almost gone this morning and it is just grey and cold. Thanks for joining in the conversation - such conversations do help when one is indoors trapped by the cold don't they? Keep warm everyone - except Wilma of course, who probably aims to keep cool.
